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Everything posted by NoahDL88

  1. As an Ex-mechanic, and currently an airbag engineer I can assure you that bumpy roads will not set off the air bag, and if you are off roading you are not going fast enough to set them off. you need to be going about 25 or more mph to set them off and hit the offending object at no more than 15 degrees of centerline of the car. I say leave them on, but thats just my .02
  2. get hydraulic lifter heads with their associated cam and lifters, better power, have Delta take a look at the cam as well.
  3. I was thinking about the same thing with a justy or XT, i'm gonna see what matthew lesko can do about getting me a government grant
  4. My saturday is still open, at the very least i'll stop by Zap and say hi. Call my cell, i don't think i have your number and i don't think i'll have teh internet the rest of today or tomorrow.
  5. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24980 Nuff said
  6. I'm thinking tenitively for wednesday night at red robin or somthing, i don't really need to many parts from out here, but the few that i listed, so a junk yard run isn't all that important, unless others want to go, i wouldn't turn you down. I flew in, so no subaru for me, but i might be able to borrow John's loyale. And a saturday mud romp sounds good to me, if we have enough people.
  7. I'll be in Seattle until saturday night, so if we want to get together and do somthing, red robin, junkyard run, offroad on saturday i'm in. John, "rolloverbratboy" will be in country until wednesday, so if you guys want to see him before he goes back to the sandbox give me a call 231 58o 6249 Tex, i need your parts Northwet, i believe there is a Maf of yours that wants to be mine Austin i may need your parts hookup Sketch internet for the next few days, so give me a call
  8. It might be easier if we knew what italian satin olive was, just a thought, my .02
  9. just my .02 but try getting a bigger single alt. much easier Qman should be able to tell you where he got his high amp one, if you need more power then that, then you are doing somthing wrong.
  10. Umm, i believe its an early camry, 91-92ish, and if it was a subie, you would only need to dig out enough to get to the door.
  11. you want to swap from the early points to the newer ignition? i know its doable, though have no idea how to do it myself
  12. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=semitrucksandwich.wmv Not a pic, but a video, go subaru, save a life
  13. This thread is worthless without pics jk, if its as cool as you say, i definately want some pics.
  14. don't know if its been asked, but is yours an auto or a stick?
  15. It is without a doubt the evap canister for the evaporative emissions system, it holds fuel vapors until you are running at a pre determined rpm and load, and then it injects them into the engine and burns them. The airbag sensor is behind the bumper, it will be much smaller about the size of a clementine orange, all it is, is a gold plated steel ball held by a magnet off of two exposed terminals, when you experience an accident the G force of the ball is greater then the magnetic force, so it hits the two terminals, and your life is saved.
  16. Modification Action Deadline For the Operation and Running of our Subarus So i figure everyone else with an addiction has a support group, why not us. The premise is that we all have these great mods that have been in our sig since we joined, and only a few of us have accually followed through. so i'm proposing that we put our ideas out for the public to see with a reasonable deadline. that way you all can bug me in june after i said i'd get my 88 running again. Here is my list.... Body/electrical Right blinker electrical issue needs fixed, wiper not returning to home, replace blower motor resistor, dome light-make work, install GL rear cargo light, rewire reverse lights, repair rear defogger Engine R/R timing belts, intall, put some miles on the car, hook up GL gauges, convert to MS+S, replace leaking valve cover seals Drivetrain Bleed brakes, replace pads and rotors, new custom exhaust from head to tailpipe, convert rear springs to accord, paint wheels matte black Accessories Rewire lights and fan so that it dosn't look like a bees nest. other car, 1980 Stop coolant leak, get tach working, fix oil leaks, install RX tranny with 1.59 low range. I'd like this all done by June 1st, so that i can enter the local car show, woodward dream cruise, perhaps you've heard of it, with two running off road subarus, streched goal is August 15, so that its done before my friends birth day, which is the only day i let anyone else drive my subaru. Now the only way this will work is if everyone else mentions what there doing, if you got secrets, keep them secret, this is for general stuff or anything you don't mind sharing. knowing that you all know my plans will help motivate me to get-R-done.
  17. Get a lift tires and wheels, won't go faster, but be a whole heck of a lot cooler www.ozified.com for the lift Peugeot wheels are the only ones that fit, go with the 14's as for tires, go with the SSR's the seem to be the most popular. could be all done for about 1100, which leaves just enough for the webber.
  18. I told my new boss in november that i needed an undetermined friday off in the summer for a subaru show, he just laughed, and i said that if i can't get it then i quit. luckily we came to an agreement.
  19. with the engine cold, start the car and take off the rad cap immediately, then add water/coolant until it will take no more, should take less then 10-15 minutes, fill the over flow to the max fill line and it should be good, unless you have a leak or a HG issue.
  20. RainbowRoo, I don't know exactly how to say this without sounding corny, but i've met Jarod, but have not met you, and if Jarod is any reflection of you, you must be a terrific person, and I'd like to say how proud we all are of his service in Iraq.
  21. NoahDL88

    EA82 lift kit???

    I was gonna critique that comment, but i didn't have the guts, but now that you mention it, Q? how is it more versitile then the PK lift thats in over 500 subaru's? Highest? its the exact same size as the PK lift, and Mudrat has gone so high you need oxygen.
  22. Which is B3tt4r Not so and been done. High power comes from flow, increasing the flow in the exhaust will add horse power, many have done it and stand by the results. as far as the 2.2, Mudrat79 makes an excellent conversion kit already, there is also an abundance of writeups already in the subaru retrofit forum, check it out.
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