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Everything posted by NoahDL88

  1. As far as the leak, if its not leaving a puddle, i'd just monitor the oil level, and make sure its in the ok range. as far as a lack of high end power, be sure to check your fuel filter, cheap insurance, and when clogged could certainly cause issues at high RPM high load times. also, if your air filter is clogged that would cause issues too. don't waste the money on a K&N though, they actually let more junk into your motor, and don't improve power any more than a sugar pill.
  2. If you provide the parts, we could probably do the job at the WCSS8 (provided the powers that be don't mind wrenching at the fair grounds) in a couple of hours, and i'd do it for some beer, if we do it "right" and have to open the brake lines, it'll take a bit longer, and it'll have to be good beer, but certainly do-able. Dibs on the old front shocks/struts, i need some to finish the 5 lug swap, and blown out shocks aren't a concern for me.
  3. I was just putting that out there, you guys know i'm the safety/seatbelt airbag nazi. Didn't want some noob getting the wrong idea that it would make it better by increasing the master cylinder diameter. Carry on.
  4. It occurs to me to urge caution, as a larger cylinder will move more fluid, but with less pressure, pascal's law is a hard and fast rule: pressure is = to Force/Area, if the force remains constant, at say 150 pounds, and you increase the area from 2 to 3, your pressure went from 75 down to 50. Laymans terms, you won't stop sooner, you'll stop later. The only reason you'd want to go with a Legacy master cylinder, is if you went with the 5 lug swap and had legacy/XT-6/Impreza front calipers.
  5. I'll be there, the 88 seems to be holding its oil, and not ticking, and she doesn't over heat, if i remember to turn the fan on.
  6. Must be good to be 17 and know everything. If it makes its way out to WA, i'll let you know. Good luck, i hope you get her back in one piece.
  7. Actually, thats exactly what there designed to do. A 2 liter bag popping out from the front seat can raise a side crash rating from a 2 star to a 5 star, you'd be surprised what a little air and fabric can do to protect you in an accident.
  8. As an ex-seatbelt/airbag engineer with a patent to my name, i can say without hesitation, that in this day and age, you'd be an idiot if you didn't wear a seatbelt, sticking it to the man won't matter when you're dead. Airbags, to answer your question can't be retrofitted to older chassis, they are designed to protect you without airbags, and although not as safe as a car with them, they are designed to protect you without, so don't worry too much, the most important piece of safety equipment is between the seat and the wheel. As far as all these fears of airbags, they are mostly unfounded, people hear from a friend of a friend of a friend who had the slight inconvinence of getting a rug burn on their face when the airbag went off, which is much nicer than having all the bones shatter in your face when you bounce it off the steering wheel, or worse put it through the windshield. I'll admit it, i'm the safety nazi, i'll yell at parents with their kids unbuckled, and yell at adults who are not strapped in, i've seen first hand what even slow speed accidents can do to a vehicle, and everytime i get in a car, no matter where i sit, i buckle up. do i wish death on people who don't buckle up? no, but i do wish that they get the life support unplugged as quick as possible so that my tax money doesn't go to their medical bills. absolutely. but Noah, i had a friend that survived a crash because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Well good for him, he's a 1 in a million long shot, but for the other 999,999 times that seatbelt would have saved him. and in that last instance, he probably would have walked away with less injurys. Seatbelts and airbags, cause a rugburn on your face is better than a windshield around your neck.
  9. Thats exactly what i did, and the total cfm difference was 2, sorry to but the intake manifold has about a 1 inch diameter, so no matter how big you get your intake before the carb/TB, you just aren't gonna over come the restriction that is inherent in the intake manifold and heads.
  10. Call hodges subaru, ask for ben, and he'll point you in the right direction 1-248-547-8800. Ben should be able to help, if he can't, he'll give you directions to the tuesday night meet and greet in Novi, and they'll be able to get you where you want to go.
  11. Yeah, a certain someone didn't put the cam pullys on the right side when he rebuild the motor (not Tex, or me) and now we have the cam pully thats supposed to cycle the sensor on the correct side. the harness thats in the car still seems to be having problems, but the new harness got spark, but we took it out before we could get it started, hopeing to get it started with the one thats already in the car. Fingers crossed, she'll be running by weeks end.
  12. K&N will get you no power increase, i've flowed them too, doesn't even change the CFM, the intake manifold is so restrictive on its own, a different filter won't make a difference. The manifold and nesessary bits with a valve lift of .45, which is more than stock lift, will not flow much more than 200 CFM, making your car louder and mashing the accelerator more will not add power to these cars, regardless of where you are in the RPM range. It seems to me a lot of the power increases that people feel are "hindsight power" they don't want to be the only one that didn't get gobs of power off of a simple tweak, so they perpetuate the myth of free power so they don't look like the idiot. BTW, we replace about 5 turbos a week, and you guessed it, they all run K&N's, they don't filter for crap and blow out turbos.
  13. About 3 years ago in school i had the EA-81 intake on a flow bench, found that the difference between full stock, and no filter, or bottom of the housing, the difference in flow at max lift was somewhere around 2-3 CFM. Will you get more sound, sure, will you get more power, thats a negatory ghost rider.
  14. be careful when you unplug the connections underneath the seat, those seats will have pyrotechnic retractors, and side air bags, so be sure to disconnect the battery first and wait a half an hour.
  15. You dig up a year old thread to critisize a man's project, that doesn't seem right.
  16. i'll be pulling my bad motor on sunday, so i should have a new one by tuesday, which i can put in then, so fingers crossed, i'll be ready by friday, so i can at least take it around the block before i bring it down.
  17. I'm assuming that when you put on the slotted rotors you also changed pads, and maybe bled your brakes? doing just those two things will make a big difference.
  18. cross drilled rotors are going to be much more prone to cracking, and neither the slotted or the drilled rotors can be machined iirc. The reason that cross drilled and slotted rotors were used in the past was because the brake pads created gases that had to be removed or the brakes would become ineffective, todays pads are virtually gas free, and there is no reason to use either style unless you are going for looks.
  19. Its based on engine designation, anything that is EA series is old school, and everything that is EJ series is new school, although you do bring up a valid point, and maybe we could have a "middle school" for the first and second gen legacys and the first gen imprezas. Lumping the pre 2k with the old school would make for strange bed fellows, the old school primarily go for offroading, while the new school croud wants to go faster. I concider my 96 new school as there isn't much change between the 96 and the 06 that is so remarcable as to make it a solidly different car, except for the much nicer interiors now being offered.
  20. along with gasoline and diesel engines, or have you not noticed the price of gas? the industry knows there only a stopgap measure, because stupid american's won't drive smaller vehicles so they have to make the huge tanks we drive more fuel efficient. eventually when gas hits 6 bucks a gallon, maybe we'll start buying smaller cars instead of complaining about the huge SUVs that we, as a country still seem to buy at record levels there working on it, there smaller than toyota so they have less money to invest on new projects like hybrids, but rest assured, they'll be here soon enough.
  21. my parents both thought that my Subaru obsession was a little bit weird, but sure enough, 3 years later, my dad got a brand new Forester, and he's been loving it ever since. The only reason my mom didn't was because she wanted a hybrid, so hopefully she'll be in the subaru fold within a few years. Hear that subaru, you lost a sale cause you don't have hybrids
  22. the engine i put in the car has a wicked rod knock, so i'm gonna clean the oil pickkup screen, on the urging of the guys i bought it from, and if that dosn't fix it, i'll be getting a new one. hopefully i'll have her ready, but no promises.
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