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Everything posted by NoahDL88

  1. if you are using an OBDII engine and harness, as the 2001 is, you will need a VSS or the vehicle will not run correctly, i'm not 100% sure but its either in the transmission that the engine came with, or its on the axle tied into the ABS. without the VSS the computer will go into limp home mode, and after about 10 miles you will have about half the horsepower.
  2. The difference is clearly your exhaust, thats the only non-common element between the two.
  3. I was under the impression that the SOHC's fit, no matter the size, well, except the 3.3
  4. Dang that was last weekend wasn't it. Pics look good, wish i would have remembered to go
  5. Huzzah for bringing back the dead post. Flow, is that for the EA-82 or the EA-81? Cause now i need the specs for the EA-81
  6. from them, it shouldn't be more than 75, you could always swap the rear cover with a standard 3.9 ratio, although that could be stealing
  7. Mine is in the mail, i worry that in his rush to mail it out quality may be down, but that isn't a real big concern of mine.
  8. the cable clutch should be easier, and just as effective the exhaust should fit if you remove some of the heat shields as far as the enigne swap, you've got enough posts to know that there are at least 10 other threads about this, do a search
  9. Good answer there are 4 options, listed in order of their usefulness and acuracy 1, Factory service manual 2, how to keep your subaru alive 2 way tie for 4th, Chiltons or Haynes
  10. yeah, now we just need to get your bumpers shipped and things will be moving in a better direction
  11. It will be here on thursday or friday, so the car should be running by friday night or saturday night
  12. Austin dosn't like to turn heads, he likes to snap necks, The yellow wagon is still turning heads like its going out of style.
  13. I could swear i have lumbar on my 96 imp... I'll have to check. Look real nice though
  14. YOU'LL HAVE TO RE-WELD THE FRAME RAILS but other than that, not really that hard.
  15. I worry about the trip, every other trip i've made ive broken a timing belt, granted that was with an EA-82. but the good news about that is, it wouldn't happen until the trip back, and i'd be in montana
  16. My suggestion would be twofold, 1, don't cross post, if you post the same question in more than one forum, one will get deleted. 2, Someone put a 2.8 "iron duke" V-6 into an old school subie, but i don't know what tranny he used, I'd reccomend a 2.2 or 2.5 subie motor, any more torque then that and you are really gonna want an aftermarket rear axle, cause the stock axles arn't gonna cut it anymore.
  17. theres the obvious, raise or lower the head rest to make it fit the head better, i dunno if you have them on the passenger side, but the lumbar can make a big difference. might angle the seat back more, or less. Maybe add a pillow, one of those small travel ones, and move it till she feels more comfortable.
  18. I don't think it would work, or we'd use it in the EJ swaps
  19. Ditto, ditto, the BFH is the best tool to gain clearance.
  20. I am sending all my good luck subie vibes in your direction.
  21. Which guy would this be? Tex, you think your RX would make it back to Michigan? I know a Subie service writer here that wants an RX
  22. Hmm, it'll be 550 for gas... 6 days travel for 2-3 days visit... If Austin comes with, and i get the job, i'm so in.
  23. Hey I resemble that. It boils down to this, i should hear about a job offer on monday, and if they are ok with me taking 2 weeks to get settled, hmm, i might be able to make it. then the question becomes, which car? the 1980 or the 1996? one is clearly better off road, and one is theoretically more "road worthy" based only on age. ahhh, this better promote me to "CIC of the Road trips" I'll see if I can bring Austin out too.
  24. well, once i get a job, i'll have to get a set. where did you trim, in the front of the rear wells? Looks great.
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