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Everything posted by NoahDL88

  1. Others here? or others on the news? http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44248&highlight=stock http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44603&highlight=selling
  2. Because 140 horse power and MPFI is better than 72 horsepower and carburetion.
  3. I'd be tenative for an adapter plate, havn't gotten a responce from John in over 2 weeks. So, If you plan on makeing one soon, i'd be interested depending on if i get ahold of the man in Eugene
  4. I don't need mine, its on the engine, but the engine is on the floor. its for an EA-81. I also have the weber that sits on top. PM me if you have any questions.
  5. "Fair and balanced" About as fair as a meter maid, and as balanced as Charles Manson. If you spend more time trying to convince people you are fair and balanced then you do on the news, maybe its time to re-evaluate your priorities. BTW, this is the 5th "the SVX in the police chase is on ebay" thread
  6. Which also brings up, you should never wheel alone.
  7. Good to see you're still around Subie Gal. You still need some sponsor help with that Hans device? Maybe we could get the USMB to sponsor some other part or something? Shady, if you need a guinea pig, i got a 96 OBS
  8. I like everything but the snorkle, and its not that i dislike the snorkle, but if you live in the rain belt, (anywhere but SoCal) that thing is gonna suck in rain like you wouldn't belive, i had the exact same problem myself. could get my car through 3 feet of water easy, but one big rainstorm and the engine wouldn't idle right. awesome looking rig though, and as Eye_Why said, mud for teh win!!
  9. If you don't do your own CV's then i would bring it in, if it were me and i lived in sunny CA, i'd just flush it good with plane water, block it off once its empty, and then run a hose bypass. won't have defrost, but how often do you need it?
  10. Update I've called him every night for the last 2 weeks, I've sent emails and pm's and...... If there is anyone on the board that holds influence on John, I implore you please help, I want my baby running.
  11. Update I've called him every night for the last 2 weeks, I've sent emails and pm's and...... If there is anyone on the board that holds influence on John, I implore you please help, I want my baby running.
  12. wadeing through all your petty bickering has grown tiresome so i did not read it all. Cliffs notes, There are 2 diffrent kinds of filters, there is the internal pan filter and the external "oil" filter. either way, after 50-75k miles i'd replace either one that you have. The tranny's that "don't" have a filter have the internal filter behind the pan.
  13. Are those wheels yellow too?? you're crazy
  14. Looks good austin, but even with that angle i'd worry about picking up water in the rain.
  15. sorry, the whole no start lead me to that conclusion. if its backfireing it could be your ignition timing
  16. Look for the water pump that is aplicable to the engine, 2.2 or 2.5 then you should have no problems, and once you have the belts off its also a good time to reseal the oil pump, and replace the front main and cam seals, along with the water pump as you have planned.
  17. you may have popped your timing belt, just my .02
  18. 2nd vote for CCR, they are the best. probably easier than a tear down, and not much more expensive.
  19. they will certainly help with the drag coefficient, maybe pick up a mph or two at top speed.
  20. Of course, your numbers do not take into account "per capita" what city has the most per person? bozeman mt may not have many for sale, but for the 35k population, i'm sure the ratio is higher than even seattle.
  21. could be your disty if the timing jumps around. I'd also go with the 1.39 NGK cheapie spark plugs, work better then the high priced ones.
  22. well, the simple math is no boot + sitting in standing water x 5 = teh big problems
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