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Everything posted by Flowmastered87GL

  1. No big deal that the battery was missing... it would be long toasted by now after 4 years anyway I'd consider getting that gas tank cleaned out, and swap the fuel filters and maybe clean the carb.
  2. 5 speed D/R's are a dime a dozen... I sold the one from my GL for $50 I had been told with my legacy that the input bearing squeaking was not a big deal as long as the tranny had gear oil in it. (hopefully GD confirms that)
  3. I had a noise in my 91 legacy that sounded like George Jetsons car when the car was cold and I was accelerating. Went away when I pushed the clutch. Never fully figured out what it was but I was told it was a bearing on the pilot shaft of the tranny. Not saying yours is this, but its something that has been said to me before.
  4. Not on the EA82.... they said 60K... and mine rarely lasted that long
  5. Agreed X2. The STOCK EA82T is 115HP when its new... thats if you can keep it from blowing a head gasket or timing belt. An EJ22 is 135+ HP without a turbo... will run well over 200K if you just change the oil
  6. #4 came and went like 10 years ago Man I feel old. I need Earl to custom make a sticker to put over my 10+ so that it says 12th.
  7. That reminds me... where is my bribe for this year (I do some of the old school/off road judging, though someone else has a look at what I submit)
  8. Like this?? It was done a rather low tech way of just cutting the shift rod shorter, fitting a leather forester knob (WRX would work too) and a universal shift boot. Use a 12mm 1.25pitch (I think...) tap to rethread the rod. Make it as short as you feel like. I think I took off about 2 inches. It still moves the same # of degrees, but your hand is still moving less distance since its now closer to the pivot point. The knob is shorter than the stock RX knob too...
  9. Being parked on the grass probably a good idea.... plus you can pour whatever leaks out back in the engine the next morning This location DOES have a mudpit available, with grandstands to watch even!
  10. ya 2 years I would not worry about it. 20 years... uhhh not sure at that level though....
  11. Ya I had a great time with you and your bro last year (and Mike and Gemini, etc....) Had to keep the staff low key though....
  12. Camp at the opposite end of the canadian flag and you should be ok I on the other hand.... (look at my title)
  13. I would have changed the oil pump while I was in there for a timing belt in the first place (along with all the front seals and pullies and stuff)
  14. I was thinking you were going to chime in with coming in over Lolo pass. I am seriously considering that way... though then you miss the fun twisties from Camas to Stevenson...
  15. I'm there, time to ask the new job for either Friday off, or a half day. Highway 14 = fun (when driven at legal speeds, no need to do over 55 on it) Maybe I should go over Mt. Hood to get there... nothing like a 100+ mile journey for a place 40 miles away I would try to get us some recycle bins for stuff, but I doubt my company would like us running interstate
  16. one day ... I'll stick to WCSS Camping is half the fun. (WCSS 5 was pretty much a day thing... rather boring)
  17. Good we need more old schoolers there All the Imprezas look the same to me
  18. It really depends on your neighborhood. If you have a neighborhood association, then you probably cannot have a non-running vehicle outside. If you don't, you can probably get away with it as long as moss doesn't start growing on it. But consult your local city ordinances and or HOA's (if you have em) If its going to hail.... maybe find a way to protect that rare brat... plywood over it or something?? just something to protect the body unless its already dented all up.
  19. Loyales have a locking gas door relased from inside... so I doubt its that. I think that the car never has a chance to reach normal operating temperature has a lot to do with your poor mileage. May be other factors, but in the spring try taking it on a short road trip... if you cant get like 25MPG than I bet there are some other factors going on.
  20. Your black coupe is still sexy as hell Loved following it up and back to WCSS... even if it WAS slow on the hills Marshall, it started snowing at 3AM in Forest Grove... so you were like an hour off
  21. Thats because you were out after the sun came up... I was on the road at 4AM working getting my garage truck sideways Then I threw on chains and needed them as TV highway was an icepack up until like 7AM Today I got to see a good 50+ melting snowmen... well snow people... they carrots were not placed properly to make them a snowMAN. Got pretty lucky.... WM was I think the only company in Washington county to not have missed customers.
  22. Rubber strap wrench. Also works well to remove oil filters
  23. With a weber you really should only need 1 pump to get it started and set the choke. My old GL had a stiff tranny when I bought it at 217K or so and the gear oil looked like grey poupon Put in some fresh 80W90 and it cleared up the stiffness. Over time the second gear crunch even went away. I got it up to 321K before I blew its replacement engine and sold off the tranny... who knows where it is now or how many miles it has.
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