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Ultimate Subaru Message Board


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Status Replies posted by GlenSz

  1. Glen, how are ya! Glad to know you are nearby! Also glad to hear your enthusiasm about the car! haha, yeah I'm in the Hoboken area, I'm literally 5 minutes away from the Lincoln Tunnel. If you ever would like an opinion or look at your car, or work done to it, I'd be happy to help out. Been maintaining and fixing these cars car 3 years now and they're a treat to own and work on.

    Also it's great to know there's another 'one of us' so nearby! It's about time! lol all these other guys on the board are all west-coasters. There aren't too many of us over here.

    If you ever would like to reach me you can email me at (no spaces) s per agine13 (at) gmail.com

    1. GlenSz


      hey, tried to send you a mail, never got anything back, not sure i used the right one, if you wanna shoot me one, maybe that could work? i emailed "s per agine13" with no spaces (at) gmail. you can get me at glensz (at) gmail.


      hope to hear from you soon, got a not-so-good diagnostic from my guy in Randolph, going to pick it up tmrw i think, wondering when you might be available this week.


      best, glen

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