Hey guys,
I am currently a VW dealer tech near near Raleigh, NC and am looking into opening a DIY garage where anyone could come in and rent a lift and tools to work on their own car. I figure other car nuts like you would be the ideal target customer and I made a short survey to try and gauge interest and get some feedback. Even if you are not from my area it would help me immensely if you would take a minute to answer the survey for me.
1. If there was a place where you could rent a lift and tools in a climate controlled, indoor environment to work on your own vehicle is that something you would do?
Yes No
2. What do you think is a fair hourly rate for something like that? ___________
3. What is highest hourly rate you personally would be willing to pay? ___________
4. Think of the price you said you would be willing to pay. For this price:
A. What are a couple of things you feel “should be” or you would “expect” to be provided? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________
__________________________________________________ _________
B. What are a couple of things that may not be expected but would be “a nice bonus” if they were provided? __________________________________________________ _________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________
5. Would you want the option of renting the help of a mechanic?
Yes No
6. How much extra per hour would you pay for the help of a certified mechanic? __________
7. What times would you be most likely to take advantage of this service? Weekday daytime, weekday evenings, weekend daytime or weekend evenings?