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Posts posted by ramdrive

  1. The shoulder belt actuators on my 91 Loyale 4wd wagon have a mind of their own !! Sometimes they operate normally... sometimes both sides fail to operate,....sometimes one side works normally and one side fails to operate. Motors are good , wiring looks ok, no visible broken or chaffed wires. Possibly an intermittent switch contact somewhere ?

    Anyone who has experienced this problem or is familiar with this circuit , please share your knowledge and experience with me. Thanks for your time.


    Jim Leonard

  2. I have a 91 Loyale 4wd 4 dr wagon.. I drive it to the Veterans hospital in Salt Lake just about every week. A 360 mile round trip. I have limited mobility and was recently given a "scooter" by the VA. It is similar to those you see in grocery stores and Wal-Marts . It weighs just under 200 pounds. I an trying to mount a rack on the rear of the wagon to haul the scooter with me. I have the rack mounting pretty well figured out. But with 200 pounds mounted off the rear of the vehicle, there will be a substantial load increase on the rear suspension. I'm not well schooled on the type of rear axle and suspension used on my Loyale. I cant see any logical place to install air bags,  I cant see a way to add extra springs ... The only thing I have thought of that might work is to replace the rear shocks with air shocks.. Any  ideas you may have to resolve this issue are more than welcome. 

    I would think that some of the methodology used to lift the body , as some of you have done to make your Subaru's more off roadable , might be used here. At least in principle. I really need to decide what to do and get it done. Thanks in advance for your much needed help and advive.


    Jim Leonard

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