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Everything posted by sjschlag

  1. From what I've seen, swapping in an EJ series engine into a DL or GL is possible, but it takes a lot of time and patience. The most difficult part seems to be the wiring, and since you have a complete Impreza that conveniently has title issues, that problem is almost solved. You will need to notch out the front frame rails as the EJs are a little wider than the EAs Personally, I would drop the EJ18 in there and call it good. It makes 115 horses stock which is almost double what an EA series engine makes. It has fuel injection which means better fuel economy and better cold weather performance. As far as the suspension components, I would leave those as stock as possible (maybe get some stiffer springs). You'll likely have a hard time swapping the struts, control arms, etc. over to the GL wagon... I myself am on the hunt for an Impreza with some title problems...the little EA71 in my wagon just isn't cutting it!
  2. Post more pics as soon as you get them! I've been thinking about doing an EJ or EA81 swap in my 79 wagon. I'm thinking it'll be my next summer project. The EA71 just doesn't have any power whatsoever....
  3. Hi All! Do they sell an electronic distributor upgrade kit for the EA71 engine? I've been trying to adjust my ignition system on my 79' wagon and it's a real PITA getting the timing to stay right. My motorcycles have electronic ignition, and it's great not having to ever mess with that! I've heard about people using the distributor out of an EA81 motor. What years should I look for on ebay? Do I need the coil pack from the donor car as well? Thanks!
  4. Is there any drop in replacement for the rotors and drums on my '79 gl that has a more common bolt pattern? I've heard about drilling them out, but that seems like more work and a bit more risky than just getting a set off of a different vehicle. I'd like to get new wheels and tires for my ride...
  5. I bet the sending unit that came out of your tank is as messed up as mine hahaha. I've been squirting WD-40 on it and wiping off the layers of rust. Maybe it will work...
  6. Got my wheel cylinders today. Should I replace the. Rear brake lines while I'm at it? Are these a custom made-to-order type of deal or are there places you can buy them? I haven't really had a chance to check them out seeing as how I just moved and still haven't put my shop in order...
  7. Looks great! I can't wait until mine looks that good!
  8. I'll try sealing the line tomorrow until the wheel cylinders come in. Is there any difference between left and right?
  9. I just blew a rear wheel cylinder, and noticed that the front reservoir is still full. Are the master cyls. on these cars split front to rear or is there a proportioning valve? I don't want to drive it of the front and rear are tied together but if they aren't I really need it to get around! The soonest I can get a wheel cylinder is next Wednesday... Thanks, -Sam
  10. Got my new oil pump today. Threw it on the wagon and put some fresh 10w 40 in there. Fired the car up, and still had a constant oil light! I hooked up my oil pressure gauge, and it showed I was getting a constant 60 psi! So we know we have enough oil pressure. Could it just be a bad oil pressure sensor?
  11. Good deal! I went ahead and ordered a new oil pump. Should be here in a few days...
  12. Did you get an oil pump rebuild kit? I'm considering taking mine off tonight and having a look in there...
  13. I'd check the clearance around the vanes with a feeler gauge. And maybe replace the springs in the check valves. check out this thread: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/136455-1979-brat-4x4/ If that doesn't work you can always get one of these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1972-1987-Subaru-1-6L-DL-GL-Brat-Engine-Oil-Pump-IN-STOCK-/290884640657?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1979%7CModel%3AGL%7CMake%3ASubaru&hash=item43ba135f91&vxp=mtr I'm tempted to plunk down for one of those and call it good. $75 for a new oil pump is pretty good, esp. since the ones at o'reilly's and auto zone are going for $120 a piece! At least you know it isn't your mains causing the problem!
  14. I am having similar issues with my oil pump. Did you re-use your old one or get a new one?
  15. How much for a set of the rims? I'm looking to refinish a set because the ones on my '79 wagon are turning into pure rust.
  16. chuck that horrible automatic ASAP! also, if the carb is jacked, go ahead and do the smart thing and get a Weber! It's on my short list of things I'm going to do to my wagon!
  17. I'd replace the in line fuel filters. If you have one between your tank and your fuel pump it could be clogged up and cause a loss of pressure.
  18. Took it to my mechanic to get the gas tank sealed. Told him to look at the oil pump while the tank is being worked on. Should know on Monday what's going on.
  19. I picked up my gauge today from the store. That guide you posted is amazing! let's hope it's just a bad pump or bad relief valves...
  20. That's an amazingly clean car! I can't believe how pristine it looks inside and out! what a good find!
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