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Posts posted by Tsuru

  1. I finally got my hands on (ok it was pretty much placed in my hands, thanks Sucker King!) a genuine Subaru Service Manual for the 1977 Model Year.

    (handy thing)

    I was pretty much just going to swap the motor out on my 77 wagon,  (IF I ever freaking FIND ONE cheap enough I'm poor out here, happy, but poor)


    But with Manual in hand I decided to try and see just what was up with the one I pulled.



    I determined that the camshaft was not turning. But everything else seemed okay with the little EA71,

    then I pulled the trans housing on the back of the engine and found this...






    I figured that the camshaft was seized...But NO! (?!?) it is free to turn and opens and closes the valves.

    looking in through the spark plug holes shows nothing unusual (broken, holed through, etc.)


    So what am I looking at here, weak casting for the gear? Sudden uptake in power surging through the crankshaft leading to over torque, and subsequent failure of the cam gear?

    I mean, what in the heck?

    It was in front of an automatic transmission, and driven by an 80+ year old guy out of the foothills of Victor, Montana...so I ask again, scratching my head...



    there are no marks on either gear to indicate that there was a drag or foreign bits that came between these two.

    as I mentioned, the camshaft turns freely (well, with the drag from operating the valves.)


    so why the failure?


    any Ideas?




  2. Ok, Sorry for the delay,

    I was house sitting way up the bitterroot and wasn't anywhere near to home to get any photos.


    set and stable now and here is what I have.


    Console center


    Door Panel



    Also in a negotiation to purchase a musician friends 1988 Subaru Wagon, (one that RUNS!)

    so at least I can have a wagon on the road (trail) sooner rather than later.




    Thanks Moosens.






  3. On the headliner, I'm thinking.....Mexican blanket colors    :lol:  :P  :drunk:



    How about this...




    Actually, maybe this...




    Or go all Western with...




    On Safari...?




    The possibilities are endless.

    (and unsettling at times)

  4. either or, but get them siped, you will see a vast improvement in wet, slick conditions.

    the last set I had done was $10 a tire, but that was a while ago.

  5. When the Vintage Subarus roamed the planet, the majority of the country adopted the 55 MPH Speed limit was in place across the US (signed into law in 1974).

    Automotive Manufacturers then built, powered, and geared for the new National speed limit. Making engineering changes that brought maximum efficiency at anything below 55 MPH. Bursts of speed were factored in, but sustained and prolonged running at those speeds was not considered.

    Anything over 55 is considered "Overspeed conditions" for any vintage vehicle (such as our little Subaru). American vehicles seem to be able to hold up better, but Foreign imports would be up on the current vehicle requirements and would have built to the legal standards of the day.

    Wear and tear accelerates at our current freeway speeds.

    (75 MPH on the interstates here, with 85 accepted in some of the Southwestern states)

    a 1970s vintage Subaru running an EA71 through an automatic or a fourspeed would be SHRIEKING at those speeds.

    Yes, it could do it...but I doubt it would hold up for any length of time. (and FORGET about your mileage figures being anything other than horrid)


    Now the question,

    Is there a regear kit or an overdrive available?

    Not that pushing an EA71 to power such tall gearing would be any advantage.

    Granted, we run "outdated" vehicles that have been superseded many times over.

    Still, any ideas of anyone has been tinkering in this area?




  6. gotcha...

    Thanks Mon.

    I was going to follow anyway just because I love your level of fabrication. (Just quietly, which isn't a bad idea anyway really)

    Fantastic stuff!


    (note to self; some humor doesn't always translate well in print, must watch myself more closely)


    Please...continue your awesome creation Monstaru!


    why-OH GOD WHY did you have to mention Andouille sausage! that and Boudan! and Conecuh! aauugghhh! (hurtin for it now!)

    actually bought some at a store here, at least it said it was cajun sausage...it weren't.


    Much Respects (from a displaced, and unrepentant Southerner)





    By the way, the building where the first confederate "Stars and Bars" was ever thought of and created (in downtown Mobile, Alabama) is now a bar, and I sat my happy but there and had me a drink (sweet tea cause I don't cotton none to al-key-haul much).

    Funny really seeing as I'm half Japanese. (savor the irony).

  7. How many people stop you and ask "What year is your Mini?"

    to which you just chuckle and dope slap the snot outta them.


    (not that I encourage unnecessary violence)


    Beautiful example of the marque!

    Love how wonderfully simple and clean those little beasties are, almost screams out for fender mirrors though.


    and yes, we've finally got a few nice days, we got pretty well snowed on over the past 30 days.

    Beautiful respite from Winters grip.







    The man has BRAINS!!!



    (wait until I tell my friends down in Alabama!)

    "Hey Bubba!" (actually, Brian, but we'll call him "bubba" for this little foray into literative lunacy)

    "I know this guy what is buldin hemself a right gnarly offroader an guess whut? Hesa goin ta wear a HELMUT for to keep hims BRAINS all up in HES HEAD!"

    "toss me a beer an hold onta this here sparkplugwire wouldjanow? Much obliged there, Now dontcha get all wiggly while I crank this thing for a minute"


    Right wise of you there...

    I wasn't 100% certain before, but you Sir, Have my vote.

    Carry on!

  9. I hope you're not serious.. 1990_Subaru_Justy_AWD_For_Sale_Front_res

    EDIT: Maybe you thought he was talking about the other pic posted, not the one he quoted?


    Ok, What am I missing here...that looks like a Justy to me...if I am in error please (gently) correct me...


    (and at least give me credit for properly identifying the Matracks!)


    and yes, I am fairly new to the board...and as such, still open to learning what may be known to one such as I.


    but the premise of my original statement remains...


    Matracks + Subaru = Wicked Cool!




  10. I had a 356 kit for about a month, traded it for a small collection of things that went "BANG", and an espresso machine...

    (in retrospect that sounds weird...like a recipe for some sort of leading news story)


    Anyway, it was one of the 1980s chopped VW bug pan kits from Fiberfab, I had the VW part ready, but the fit and finish on the kit was HORRENDOUS!

    after a month of looking at the amount of reglassing I would have had to do, (refitting mount brackets, re setting door/hood hinges, 


    I am surely hoping that the newer kits are better laid out and the fit/finish has improved.


    Yes, a tube framed chassis holding the EJ (maybe even make it a real 4x4?) would be nifty.

    Wait, the engine is rearmounted in the kit...but the engine wouldnt stick up as much so one could front mount it there and retain the 4X stuff...but then it wouldn't be a 356 replica...hmmm...


    Im thinking of the super lightweight factor of the glass body, even with the "low" horsepower output of the EJ you could really scoot along.

    wouldn't need 4x4 because it would be your weekend, sunny day play car.

    still, would be neat, lifted, 4X4, Subaru propelled...


    (dang it...now I'm thinking about kitcars again...breath-tim-it-will-pass...just...freaking...breathe...)






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