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Posts posted by Tsuru

  1. LOL Brian , I just came across some note I had in my drawer with the guy's name and stuff.....I think it was 2009 infact !! .... do as you need to , you know the deal. I'm not going to cry about any of that stuff. Light money spent for a good cause. Maybe the new guy who gets it will buy my a beer someday when I'm out there ....but please PUT THE STUFF TO USE !!! LOL


    Pat - I've taped my fingers (mouth) a lot these past few years. I'm a well founded owner but don't claim to be much of the best at any repairs or diagnostics - but I'll give what info I can. Thanks for the pleasant thoughts. :)  I had them chop the post count to hopefully be an example at the time.


    So , let us know what you do and what the internals look like from this puppy. Take my block from Brian and take care of him for being the good guy to take the stuff in and retain it. You don't have to buy me a beer , but one day you can sell me your ride. LOL Enjoy !!


    Wow! Ok,

    Brian, sent a PM, hopefully we can work something out where we are both happy.

    thanks Moosens! too bad you are way over yonder in...well...yankee territory. (heehee)

    At least you are in the state where good ol Samuel Colt set up shop. and that should count for something.


    (send me an address Moosens and I'll mail you a beer! or Mission Valley wine, or a rootbeer, or a colt .45 (brew, not 1911 A1))





  2. Moosens, 

    I've read over your past and recent postings.

    Sorry to say but the evidence is quite damning...it appears that you are indeed as they claim "the EXPERTS on historic Subaru's!"




    When you are new to something, sometimes it takes a while to figure out what is relevant and what isn't.  On a forum like this, sometimes it takes a while, and a few mistakes, to figure out who is knowledgeable and reliable, and who is not.


    Moosens is one of THE experts on Historic Subarus;  He is certainly the most vocal expert.  Excellent resource for knowledge and sourcing parts.  (He also seems to be a pretty good guy, for an East-Coaster).  I think that his post count must have rolled over or something, as it should be well into 5 digits. 


    As well as the members in Montana, there are quite a few members in the Coeur d'Alene/Spokane area.


    Welcome, and good luck!


    Thank you for the direction.


    Moosens, having seen your handiwork I have to conclude that...

    Your humble posturing is unwarranted,

    If I had helped that many people in one endeavor (Restoring these Classics) they would have to give me a medal or something.


    I noted your mention of this liquid known as Beer?

    Being that I have lived in the South for over 20 years, I am familiar with the item of which you speak.

    It has been the source of many an eventful situation, usually involving something with a motor, and sometimes firearms, often its just fireworks, but something has to blow up or go BOOM before the dawn breaks.The reason I mention this is that Montana has some spectacular beer(s). Not being a drinker myself I have to assume that others know what they are talking about. Provided there are no legal limitation of your importation of this substance, perhaps this might 'grease' the negotiations?


    I'm in process of sending you a PM outlining a possible trade agreement to procure the items you've in storage with Tailgatewagon. 

    I believe that since he is holding the goods in question, that I should offer him something as well for being the "middleman" or perhaps a loftier title would be "Agent" in this situation.

    Unless you would wish to conduct business in this forum, which I am not opposed to as any dealings with me shall be upright and honest ones.


    In short, 



    We are about to pull the old one out, and will crack the case, but I fear the worst for it, being an aluminum case I know that when things get loose inside they tend to wallow out the aluminum.

    at best I can expect that the cam drive gear has let go, otherwise it very likely has cracked the camshaft just at or behind the drive gear. 

    I am afraid that this engine is now only good for parts. 


    This Wagon is in really good shape, the only rust on her is at the bottom of the rear window (rust bubbling beneath the paint) and a few surface spots here and there. interior is unmolested, the body has no holes punched in save for the cowl piece where the previous owner punched a hole through for a cb antenna...its gastly and atrocious and will be remedied forthwith as soon as she is roadworthy.


    I only wish she were a 4x4 but being a front wheel drive will suit my needs just as well. She's a wagon so there is room for the bass and camping gear for the bluegrass festivals and whatnot. light, agile, gas sipping, classic looks, easy to work on, whats not to love about this thing? (oh and its Japanese! My mom loves this thing! (she's Japanese so there is a kinship I think)


    enough of my ramblings,

    Thank you all for your help in the resurrection of this tiny bit of motoring history. it will stable next to my dads 1984 Cadillac Eldorado.




  3. Apologies for the omissions, and grateful praise for the corrections!

    The distinct trouble with being a novice in any field or endeavor is the subsequent lack of knowledge. I know only that I know not what I know not.


    Having said that I offer information to further my cause...


    1977 Subaru DL Wagon, front wheel drive, Automatic transmission. No A/C, Fed Emissions.

    And it's red..(well faded to orangeish hue)


    Thank you for the correction, and for providing illumination to dispell my ignorance.

    I shall endeavor to post from a more informed position.




    • Like 1
  4. Ok, Received parts yard distributor, (in very serviceable condition by the way) and put it in, spark, ok, fuel, ok, why won't it even try to start?

    Pulled plugs, and did compression check on all cylinders...#3 had 25 psi (yes read that again...twenty-five)

    #s 1-2 & 4 had zero!




    pulled valve covers off to check for the possibility of really poor valve adjustments...


    odd...nothings moving here.


    set the valve covers on the workbench and noticed the oil, how it sparkles all glittery like a bass boat...




    metal particulates all sparkly in the oil, this cannot be a good thing to anyone other than a Liberace fan (for those born after 1985...look it up)


    quick diagnosis, based on my years of technical expertise tells me that this engine ain't gonna run like this.


    looking closer I cannot see anything because my x-ray glasses really don't work as advertised. (ripped of yet again)


    Surmising, however, still functions so I am led to surmise that the camshaft has broken. I do not know exactly to what extent the internal damage may be, but we are (my father and I) pulling the engine with the idea of cracking the case to see just how boogered up this thing really is.


    Bottom line of this is I need a vehicle as my ranger blew a head gasket. and since I am already ankles deep in this thing I may as well just finish it out.


    SO, does anyone know were I may source an inexpensive EA71?

    I found a posting from another of the members here and have indicated an interest, but it is in Colorado, and I am on the western edge of Montana. Funding is limited for this endeavor, so I really have to watch the budget on this.


    There was also a craigslist ad from Eastern Idaho 


    But if I read it correctly, its a gamble whether it is seized or not.

    it's in my price range, but I placed two calls to the number and he hung up on me as soon as he picked up.

    (why? I can only guess that my Florida area code telephone number scared him for some reason).


    so I am appealing to the members here for leads on a good usable engine.

    (or a good usable parts vehicle, that will be good too)

    I don't have gobs of free cash available PM me if you've any ideas.

    Because frankly, 

    I'm running out of any of my own...




  5. funny thing happened today, the person I got the car from actually called me and said they had the front seats if I wanted them...so there is a drivers seat in it now...just waiting for them to find the passenger seat. then I'll have a full set of (uncomfortable) subaru seats! (I like things in sets...like...um...EGGS!)


    I think I may need something else for the car...but in reality I cannot come to any conclusion as to what that might be at this juncture.


    Here is an odd query...is it possible, or desirable to take the two wheel vehicle I now possess and convert it into a four wheel drive? or is that a pointless endeavor?

    I ask out of curiosity alone.




  6. Dump the D20 and find a 1980 IH Scout II and pull the Dana 300, its all gears (no chains) and tough enough to run whatever you bolt on to it.

    I know where a complete (but very tired) 1980 SII Diesel is in Mobile, Alabama. you could probably get the entire thing for a couple of hundred.


    Good luck on the build up!




  7. if there is a neutral safety located either in-trans, or at-the shifter, then it is doable, but as I remember, it was some time before cruise control was installed on manual transmission vehicles because of the engine over-run situation when stomping on the clutch without tapping the brake or hitting the 'disengage' switch first.


    then some smart fellow discovered the "safety start interlock" thingus and just used that.


    ahh technology...




  8. GOT ONE!

    Well, Got one inbound...all the way from Lewiston Idaho. having it shipped in.

    Found at parts yard there, From Central Grade.

    Total around $50 shipped!


    That was just hours before I discovered that there is a place in Missoula who can rebuild them...(not sure of price yet).


    Auto Electric Co. (406) 728-9153 

    2602 W Broadway St, Missoula, Mt 59802

    Hours:  Wednesday 8:am 5:pm


    I'll run what comes to me, and have the other rebuilt so I'll have a spare Dis-tri-butor on hand!


    Then all I need are seats...

    Oh well, First Things First...


    Thanks for the input and suggestions.




    • Like 1
  9. anything for a 77/78? I need interior bits like-oh-for-example front seats...

    Kinda difficult to manage driving from such an aftward position.


    distantly (from the steering wheel)



    Oh, by-the-by...would it be prudent to even consider bringing a front wheel drive Subaru to an off road vehicle park?

    Because I can vividly envision a "Hey Tangos* stuck...Again...somebody go winch him out...again...goodness how imprudent of him to even consider bringing a front wheel drive to an off road  vehicle park...he's definately NOT invited to the wine tasting after...what an onager!"


    *Tango, my other nickname, usually for those who cannot pronounce Tsuru, or forget that there are some who call me...Tim...

    • Like 1
  10. +1 on the anti-Bosch Platinums.

    I had  three fail in less than a month after installation on a 1991 Ranger V6, that's a 50% failure rate!

    Immediately yanked them out and never used Bosch Plats on anything ever again.


    For Japanese vehicles I use NGK,

    For the Scout its AC/Delco

    Ranger gets Autolite


    Has anyone here have any experience with Pulstar Pulse Plugs?




  11. the #1 most common key for campers, toppers, RVs, trailers, toolboxes, etc is a CH751.

    with this key over 90% of the campers, toppers, RVs...etc...etc can be opened.


    There was a time when the industry got rather lazy and this was the only keylock option made.

    They've since smartened up a bit.

    But you stand a pretty good chance of getting that key from any RV dealer/supplier.

    and yes, you can recore the handles with a new key if you wish. often times its just easier to get a fresh new handle with the new lock installed.


    Hope this is helpful in some small way.

    (by the way I used to tick off my buddies out camping by opening all their storage hatches and trailer/camper doors with one key...MY key)




  12. Thanks for the Napa Link! 

    That's pricey too but not as expensive.


    I will continue to research my options.

    Tried one in Missoula...nogo, there is talk of a yard in Arlee. Hopefully he'll have what I need for not too much.

    looks like Napa has the best price, but have to order it in. second option is Cardone, but that is two weeks minimum down time...

    its already been nigh upon two weeks.


    Egads Man how is it that I am left to suffer upon this earth without well, nay, forsooth shall I speak it plainly here as a forthright man, humbly chastised for his lack of parts for yon Subaru, yea even now she languishes for but a simple part, that which beneath the hood doth spin and in its spinning round, as unto a top, doth impart that very spark, yea even that spark which giveth life unto yon slumbering beastie.

    I seek even unto the ends of the internets yet find only scattered and few of these magical devices, and those which I find are wanted for them a penny pretty.

    OH the woes of Subaruship, yet soft, what is it that mine mind doth reveal, Oh the joys of imaginings! for in mine own mind, behind the lids of mine very eyes, though closed do I see, yet without seeing, i know not how, yet do I know the very joys of grasping upon the wheel and traversing upon the very road of mine own mind, smoothly and with much exhaust, with horn shalt I tootle in a most friendly way to those poor subaruless pheasants, nay, not pheasants, mayhaps only peasants rather, lumbering with ox and cart or perhaps with beetle round-over and tin-canny. yes, I shalt tootle them all and most vigorously for I am in pilotage of a Subaru! *HONKHONK* Get the f@C% OUT THA WAY!!!




    • Like 1
  13. i have a brand new old stock one for sale if you want it???

    Price? Location?




    I would jump on the new on above.  But,  I live in a pretty industrial area and the NAPA warehouse ships my "SPECIAL" distributors to a company in California.  I have had NAPA rebuild some strange distributor really reasonable.



    Back where I used to work I had access to a first class machine shop (and first class machinists to run it!) so all I would have had to do was show them the dysfunctional component and over lunch they could just magically make one appear! guess I was spoiled back then because now I hold the very worn bushings in my hand and think "Somewhere...out there...there's a small box with these wrapped in brown paper on a dusty shelf and no one knows about them..."

    Oh well...

    I was given the number for Cardone and told that they could, if so inclined, rebuild that one for me (for about $85 and shipping), I was hoping for a more immediate solution. but I will consider all options before committing.


    Thanks Guys!




    • Like 1
  14. I hope this doesn't show my ignorance, but I have tried to search out the information in the threads and have come up short.

    What engines (engine range) had the same distributor as the EA71 1600cc as found in the 1977 DL front wheel drive wagon?


    I tried to source one through both O'Rileys and Autozone, they BOTH said they were not available.


    Is there a reputable re-builder for these? (is there one local to Missoula Montana?)

    Used to be back in the days of dwell tachs' and timing lights there would be some crusty old guy in a musty backyard garden shed who rebuilt starters, generators/alternators, and distributors. guess he folded up when people stopped really working on their own vehicles.


    We pulled mine out and found the bushings worn to the point where the dist wouldn't even open the points.

    I think it is the only thing keeping it from running as there is fuel delivery to the cylinders, battery is good, coil is good, but no spark due to flaky dist.


    I pulled a part # off of a bushing, but none of the auto parts places could even call it up. I never had such a lack of parts support on any vehicle I have had before, save for my 1980 IH Scout II Diesel, they HATED to see me walk in through the door when I needed something for that monster.


    I could fix the silly thing if I had the right bushings, that and fresh points and down the road I'd go...(maybe).


    any ideas would be helpful, heck even off the cuff comments might be helpful.







  15. How about a Distributor for a 77 DL Front Wheel Drive Automatic Wagon? (If I may ask) or perhaps seats (front, black, pleatherish vinyl).

    roof rack .50 cal?

    Twin .20s for the fenders?

    I'm just checkin' the options on my car and I can see that I don't have these... :P




    Scratch that...A distributor was sourced, the seats were found,

    And armaments will not be discussed further...




  16. The best way I've found to ship odd/heavy/weird things is to take it to a moving company who does freight forwarding, Such as United Van Lines or Mayflower or one of that crowd. they can handle it. Sorry but I have no idea what they would charge, but it shouldn't be much. One of the ways it may be cheaper is that they usually won't do a "to your door" delivery, but rather just bring it to their transfer station/warehouse, and one may then pick it up there. I had a small collection of instruments and sound gear shipped out that way, I felt very uneasy letting them go out (secured and sealed in a crate with transfer tags and all kinds of paperwork) but they got to their destination safe and sound. get the insurance, its not expensive.

    • Like 1
  17. I'll try to keep this brief as I am surmising that you all have better things to do than to read my prattling on about how great I think you all are for pooling your resources and knowledge to keep these interesting cars on the road.

    But I must prattle...

    I have been lurking for about a week, since I obtained a 1977 DL Wagon which was slated for the junkyard.

    I had been seeking out actual knowledgeable and forthright folk who have had actual hands on experience and not just obtained their blue or grey WRXs as high school graduation presents.

    I like what I have seen and am glad to have discovered you here.


    So please accept this posting as means of introducing myself.

    I have lived in the Bitterroot valley for almost three years and loving every minute of it.

    I found this Subaru in front of a shop near Missoula, Montana and the owner said they wanted it gone, I asked how much and ended up with about $175 in it.

    it does not run...yet.

    I found a distributor problem, and will be needing one of those, and some enterprising sot horked the front seats, so Ill be needing both of those.

    the radio and dash are unmolested. (it is replete with all the AM goodness that she came with from the factory)

    It is an automatic and front wheel drive, so I expect no surprises there. all fluids look good.

    There isn't any real rust to deal with, its is straight, never been wrecked,

    Basically it just needs a decent cleanup, some simple mechanical things, and a couple buckets of TLC (I am looking for a 55 gallon drum of it so I can use it on a couple of other projects I have going on)


    I've kept you all long enough,

    I'll have plenty of questions as time progresses I am certain.


    Until then I fall silent.






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