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Everything posted by naldo

  1. Actually it was not that expensive I bought the car for 1800 the New motor cost me 900 with 45000 miles shipped to my house n the machine shop was 250 bucks so in total the forester comes at 3300 for a 05 forester not bad n the little things like oil n belts it was all done DIY n it was my first ever subaru repair they are not that bad cars to work on
  2. okay so my 05 Forester had a bad SOCH EJ25 motor the engine had leaked water to the piston and my headgasket were blew I bought a JDM DOCH EJ25 that it was suppose to be from 2000 n up didnt quiet figure what year exactly when i got it i try to put the new engine as it came but the wiring harness was different because my engine had a electrical throttle body and the engine that i got was cable those two throttle body are not interchangeable at least where they attach to the manifold So from electrical to cable throttle body the entire wiring harness changes i did manege to put my original SOCH intake manfold on the new DOCH engine with the original wiring harness ,, there were two extra cam sensor that the soch wiring harness doesn't have for the DOCH motor some guys told me i didnt need them so i plug the JDM motor into the car and everything fit in right ,,the only problem that i encounter was that the timing on the cam from the DOCH are different from the SOCH so the engine wont start since the ECU is reading different timing One option that i had was to change the cam from the DOCH engine to my original ones from the SOCH or put my SOCH heads on the DOCH engine I eventually took out the DOCH heads from the new motor and put the SOCH heads from the bad motor which i took to the machine shop to fix and put everything together again and plug in everything The engine started like i champ and is currently running perfect so eventually what i figure out that the DOCH motor wont start on a SOCH car ECU because of the timing on the cam unless you switch the cam to the originals or change the motor from DOCH to SOCH heads You can also change the ECU and cables but it was too expensive for me That is my rundown of what i did on the motor
  3. Hey guys I have been running my forester for about 3 weeks now n I love it this project wouldn't have been possible without you guys I appreciated for the help. hopefully I can post some pic up so you guys can see the car thanks for everything I will keep in touch with any upgrades that I do on it
  4. You gotta be carefully with the change of the head gasket because if they didn't do it right it can cause you a lot I just bought a 05 forester with a bad head gasket and if you don't know about this car it will be hard to determine if the car is any good my best bet find someone that drives one and knows about subaru to check the car out dealers are not always truthfull to what they say now if you where buying it from a subaru dealer than you are good
  5. Thanks I found out that my fuel injectors are sucking in air due to that I change the o rings on them to universal ones I bought the original ones probably will get them today and I found a hose that was leaking air too my rpm are more calm but still they need a little improvement
  6. okay i clean it alittle bit and the EGR valve is working alright again it looks like that my Injector are taking in air because when i spray them with carbulator cleaner and the car started to idle and then it stop I did put some universal O-rings on the injectors because they were leaking fuel i Think i have to buy the original O-rings and see if it stops
  7. hello people, i just put a new motor on my forester 2.5x and when i started the car it starts right up but for some reason my RPM are falling under 1K I think they stay around 500 My engine light is on and its says that i have a bad MAF sensor another problem that i encounter was that my EGR valve is making a Scratching noise I don't why ? Can my MAF sensor and EGR valve be causing my car to have Low RPM keep in mind if i drive the car it drives like a champ but when I am in parking or at a light my RPM will fall under 1K and sometimes it will shut off on me Any ideas??
  8. okay so everything good the only problem is that my RPM are low they are around 500 not even at a 1000 when the car starts it will start right up but then the RPm fall very low Other problem was that my EGR valve sound like something is scratching inside my Engine light was on and it said that the MAP sensor was bad Any ideas why my RPM are so low and it does it when i am in parking on or a stop in a light sometimes it will shut off on me because of the low RPM but when its running it does not shut off at all it drives fine
  9. okay so finally figure out why it was leaking the head cover were loose now its running fine i think i got a bad spark plug cable because when i start the car it will shut off right after
  10. i have no problem with the piston it is just like i said the oil or oil with water coming out of the head covers when started
  11. it only starts to leak when i start the car and to me it looked like oil coming out from the head cover but the mechanic that help me was saying that the head cover where leaking oil and water i dont know i am going to tighten everything together and see if it stops leaking and check those plugs that you told
  12. okay so i got a big problem the motor is in and everything in working order it started and everything it has the SOCH heads on the block for some reason the head on the passenger side is leaking out water Any guesses keep in mind I torqued the bolts is it possible that the bolts a not torque correctly and leaking water because the head on the driver side is not leaking water at all it is the passenger side only . My spark plugs are clean and not soaked OR Can it be that the block seal is damage and leaking water when is been compress ?? any Guesses
  13. i did swap the sensors but still nothing Are you sure about swapping the cams that it will work because i dont want to do that then if it dosent work i still will have to swap heads Now i am just trying to find a place that will sell me the trubo head gasket i found some on ebay but i cannot differentiate from a trubo one to regular one Any suggestions
  14. okay thanks but i am just gonna swap the heads i found a cheap place to fix the other ones i am just swap them By chance do you know the torque that the bolts have from the head to the block ?
  15. okay its there any instruction around on how to switch this two cam sprocket how will i set them equal to the same timing on them do they use the same line for time or it has to be set up with different timing ?
  16. okay so put in a new ignition coil and still no spark everything is connected right and in working order but for some reason i am not getting electricity to my spark plugs does any body know if the cam sprocket for a 2006 DOCH ej25 are different from a 2005 SOCH ej25 if not i am just going to put my soch heads on my doch engine and stop messing with it because i don't got that much money to spend around to figure this out Like i said its is not getting electricity to my spark plugs i dont have those fancy computers to plug in into the dash and it doesn't turn on so i cannot take it to autozone to chechk the engine light any opinion on this ????
  17. okay so i get my part tomorrow lets see if it starts if not i will let you guys know as soon as possible,,, as the trigger marks in the sprocket i am still searching a picture to compare the two and see
  18. All the cam and crank sensor are connected at least the two that are in front of the motor. igniter plugged is in and working but for some reason my ignition coil is not firing . I bought a new ignition coil just in case that one was bad . i do have the cam and crank sensor from the other motor do i switch them or not? . I don't think it will make a difference because my plugs fitted right in the other ones
  19. so i have a problem my spark plugs are not getting fire i check the able that goes to the ignition coil N is getting electricity but from the coil out is not firing what you guys think might be i already bought a ignition coil just in case it bad if thats not the problem what you guys think it might be
  20. i think i am going to get a magnecors wires because i try to relocate the wires already and didn't work and it just one spark plug wire that is falling short to the distributer i am going to call them to see if they can make me the same ones that i have but longer I let you know what happens XD
  21. And they make the ones that I need correct I will check that out you said Magnecor right okay because I was planing to buy a universal ones but they don't come with the same cap for the cover of the DOCH motor
  22. OK so i manage to plug everything the only problem that i encounter was that my spark plug wire are too short one of the wire doesn't reach the coil distributor . do you guys know if they sell longer cables for that type of covers. If you can see on the picture that i posted the spark plugs top are different they are not round so i need to find those same one but longer. Does anybody know if they sell them longer ?
  23. ooh okay i will try that this weekend thanks alot i will keep you guys updated with the info of what happend thanks
  24. the only problem is that my computer and cables that come out to the car to the motor bay are for a SOCH engine so my intake has the wiring harness from a SOCH The ones that came with the motor have different wiring harness because it doesn't contain the plugs for the electrical throttle body The are 2 cam sensors and another two on the heads of the DOCH that the wiring harness for my SOCH don't have the Subaru is selling me the wiring harness for the DOCH with electric throttle body which is the one that i need for $260 bucks if I were to putting right in without changing my heads and it plugs in into the original cables that come out of the SOCH computer but Would the SOCH computer run my DOCH if the wirring harness are change to the one that i need?
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