Thanks for the good write up tweety. I was curious what a stock Subaru was turning at highway speed's. The VW engine Redlined around 5,000 and at 3,000 RPM it was around 60 MPH, and the Subaru redline around 6,500 and I am turning 3,000 at 60. DaveT stated his was turning around 4,000 at 65. Mine at 4,000 would be 80. I would like to go with smaller tires to get my RPM up to 4,000 at 65, would have more power all way round, but I also like the 3,000 at cruse. Would be curious to know the difference in gas mileage and engine longevity. Maybee when It cools down around here, I will stick on a set of smaller tires and test for myself. I am now running 205/70R15's.
I put a push button on my handlebars for the electric shiftdown, so I can hit it to pass or hold it in when going thru the gears for a higher shiftpoint, which is still 5,000 RPM, I don't think I want to change the governor weight's to get it up to around 6,500. sound's like it is really screaming at 5,000, but I'm used to VW's.