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Everything posted by starkiller

  1. yeah, a little bit of profit there on the shipping shame too because when i sell stuff on ebay i only charge actual cost for shipping...oh well, he either charges more for the merchandise or the shipping...at least it fit
  2. no mods...can get a pic or two but not till wednesday as my store is having inventory this evening and i wont get home till around 2-3am and then back at 8am ..so tomorrow is out also, but will get some done on wed.
  3. hmm, and those ngk's v-power's are on sale right now for $1.17...
  4. are those legacy seats going into your wagon or what? they arent a bolt in are they? (hope-hope-hope)
  5. well, i took two pics but they are too big to attach to my thread so here is the link to them: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showgallery.php?mcats=all&si=&what=allfields&name=alaningles&when=&whenterm= okey doke everyone...i just installed the maf adpator and air filter on my 89 spi wgn...i did have to get four more nuts as the nuts are welded into the factory airbox but other then that it went pretty smooth..well, other then not seeing the airbox was bolted down in not two but THREE places and tugging and swearing wasnt working here is the link to the exact same product i bought, also comes with the black plastic adaptor for the earlier intakes i would guess: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7948418499&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOAB:US:6 as you see, all for $5 and shipping and you get the filter too...guess i will be returning the adaptor i got at autozone alan
  6. for me its a matter of keeping the rear window pretty clear....when i got another wagon back in the middle 90's w/o one i could immediately tell the difference on how much junk the deflector deflect's
  7. hi all well, got the air deflector from pap in lynnwood but forgot to get a drawing for the installation on my wagon...can someone give me the dimensions and stuff say from the rear window washer nozzle thingie so i can install it?? thanx! alan
  8. blue train...any luck with the grounding?
  9. well they sure arent going after speeders so ya better watch out!
  10. hah! mine does the same thing..pulses in time with the turnsignals and humms all the time...wouldnt be so bad if i had a stereo in there but dont yet you say check the fuel filter?
  11. was wondering how the tacoma pap compared to the ones in lynnwood and everett as far as subies go...and, an address
  12. i can only take the cross bars off as the tracks are pop riveted...
  13. was wondering if the dealers still stock 89' touch up paint or if i will have to scour ebay for it...its paint code i believe is 955..thanx!
  14. subies also, that's why i want one and i guess it should work the same for the loyale series also... is the autozone one plastic or aluminum?
  15. ok, did the search thing and didnt find anything pertaining to what to do about a roof rack rattle...i have tighted up the screws as good as i could and even moved the cross bars to the far rear but the roof still rattles..you can hear that same sound when you bang on the rails towards the front part of the rack..should i move the cross bars to the front then to hold the rails down or is it just a matter of old rivets? alan
  16. yeah, i'm trying to explain to a guy that has a sentra what a maf adaptor is so he can pull it off and sell it to me alan
  17. anyone have a good pic of a maf adaptor? especially the sentra one or the one ya buy at autozone? thanx! alan
  18. thanx for the tip and believe me i use duct tape alot but this is a rectangular piece that fits into a slot that's on top of the air hose...there is no hole but rather a blank area...
  19. yeah, another stupid question from me...anyway, i am missing the rectangular rubber piece thingie on top of the efi hose that says, efi tried to take some off of other subies in the boneyard and all they do is tear or they are missing that piece too...just how do i do it or do i have to take the whole hose from intake to maf? alan
  20. red line shock proof? what weight? and mixed with what?
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