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Everything posted by starkiller

  1. mcbrat does and i am going to be ordering some soon, well, as soon as i can figure out the current problems that is
  2. what about the hose being off the vacuum advance? and if worse comes to worse, disty applications...??
  3. well, fiinally got it fixed..turn out to be a loose vacuum hose..it was on just enough so it looked like it was ok, had the gray plastic on the end and it looked like it was in the other side but, it wasnt...so, after installing new wires/rotor/cap/pap coil...all is well thanx everyone for the ideas/tips and suggestions!! See my post on page 2... well, went and highpressure washed the 86 carbed wgn's engine...started right up then died, started it back up and idled it at around 3k for about 10 min...let foot off gas, died...wouldnt start...took disty cap off, water in the top, cleaned out, started, made it up with the occasional stumble, backfire etc...went out next day, engaged choke, started right up, kicked it down to idle after about 5 minutes, died...what's the deal? keep on cleaning out the disty cap? check and or replace wires? replace disty and if so what years will work? i do know i knocked off the hose to the vacuum advance and the port was open for at least some of if not all the time i was spraying water in there... ideas? tips? suggestions? thanx!
  4. hmm, any 85 and up dl/gl/loyale with beige fenders??
  5. miles did that but still wont come off... also, how about those bulbs? are they the same on both sets of lights?
  6. ok then, no problem in removing the cluster on the left side of the dash but the ones on the right i cant figure out...screw at top screw at bottom but it still doesnt budge...did i miss something? along with that, does anyone know if the bulbs in the left hand cluster(cruise/rear defroster etc..) are the same as the ones for the heat/vent etc..??
  7. turbone would prefer one i know is ok, unlike a pap one...however..beggars cant be choosers... calebz warrantee? bill you betcha!
  8. well, decided to cruise down to olympia after work this morning and check out the pap and noticed the temp gauge was much higher then it usually is...and on the way home it was worse, almost getting to the red zone...seems like its showing the classic plugged radiator syndrome with gauge going up as i go up hills and going down as i go down hills...of course i have only really driven it to work and back which is at night time... so, anyone have an ea82 radiator in great shape, aftermarket or otherwise?? seattle area or anywhere from bellingham to olympia... thanx! alan
  9. boy, here i got all excited cause there was and ebay auction for 4 of these things, wrote the guy who then wrote back saying there had been an "error", that that had been discontinued years ago and they were going to cancel the auction....how do you make an error like that??? dang, there goes those ideas....
  10. fang what would you sell the old one to me for...with the adaptor of course
  11. on i-5 here in seattle this afternoon saw a gl touring wagon with turbo....i'm sure its not that rare but had never seen one before
  12. did ya happen to notice the COFFEE STAND going in?? the apocalypse is upon us i swear...
  13. kinda off topic but i retrofitted some shocks to a cherokee and it sure made a difference, however, i used one on each side and while it made it easy to open it was a little tougher to close
  14. also, please reply to my email at koshism@gmail.com as my computer at home is refusing me access to the usmb and its costing me a fortune to rent computer time at coffee shops and i dont always have the time at work to use it... thanx
  15. as i had posted in the wanted section for all folks in the portland area...beige front and left fenders for ea82 wgn...
  16. just got a bunch of honda ones from the pap....
  17. will try out the exhaust idea when i've got the $...hopefully soon
  18. have an 86 carbed wgn and the air intake goes from the snorkel and then down and aims at the passenger side of the engine block and stops....no curving back towards the front of the car to gather some oncoming air...as anyone run a hose from the end of the snorkel to just in back of the headlight? or any other ideas??
  19. oooh, let me know what you do and how you do it when your done
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