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    1998 Legacy Limited 2.2

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Member (2/11)



  1. I'm clueless when it comes to car repair as I've asked a few times if there were any members here locally near me
  2. Well my knock sensor made the check engine light go off then a few days later it seemed to come back on and it doesn't have as much power as it did but more than it did when I replaced it.
  3. Once in a while my speedometer won't work for a minute when I start to drive from start up. Well when its not working it won't shift and if I start to get going and then it kicks on the car will rev way up. Anyone else ever had this issue? 98 Subaru Legacy Limited
  4. Replaced the part yesterday and it runs like it should. Still looking for someone to possibly help out with my other code that I'm getting in my area or a great referral
  5. Just looking for someone that could possibly be a help on a few things. LMK if you do, help would be appreciated!!! Alex
  6. I believe the car has the 2.2 in it, although I can't tell from the marks and distinctions people told me to look for. The metal plate with the VIN and Engine type said some letters then 22 and continued with letters so thats where I'm getting its a 2.2 from. The check engine light was on and I posted the codes in my previous thread I had made.
  7. Just bought a 98 Legacy last month and decided to join here to learn more about the cars. Anyone know of any members in the GR area or Western MI?
  8. Why waste money putting a expensive exhaust on this car? Won't add much noticeable power and will sound like a suped up weed whacker
  9. I just ordered it off eBay for $8 dlvd. What is the difference between this new part and the new one for $83 at auto zone? Also should this help solve some of the issue where the car should perform like usual instead of hesistation feeling? Any Subaru guys from the Grand Rapids, MI area on here at all?
  10. Yeah they looked it up and was 82.99 for a knock sensor. Even at that my dad works at Advance Auto Parts and gets a nice discount but if its that much cheaper. Referring to the evap you mean obviously the funnel or tube gas goes down into the tank?
  11. Had some time today and went to Autozone. p0440 EVAP and p0325 Knock Sensor. Was told to check possible causes before starting to buy things that might not need be replaced
  12. Still couldn't see either of the codes you labeled above so I just added a picture of the engine if you can tell a difference
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