Ok, Subaru people, help me out here!
I just bought a 1994 Impreza 1.8L in great shape for my teenage driver. Just one little problem....
When I test drove it I noticed that a light on the dash blinked "POWER" for a few seconds after ignition, then disappeared. When I asked about it the seller was clueless. The test drive was okay. It's a bit underpowered but it seemed to shift and run fine and it was super clean for a '94. Usually that means someone has taken really good care of it, so we made an offer. A couple hours later we went for a longer drive and noticed sometimes it would shift funny. Like it was downshifting and upshifting under throttle in a random way.
Started looking closely at the owners manual and online. Turns out the "POWER" light blinks sixteen times after ignition when something goes wrong with some part of the transmission system? Found some more info and tried a few things. I pulled the fuse (#14) for ten and put it back in. The light blinked like before. I successfully accomplished the "Subaru secret handshake" voodoo and it gave me code 31- throttle position sensor. I have not disconnected the negative battery cable for a reset.
So I Googled that a bit and I've found it's easy to replace. Like $200 new and $50 from a junkyard. A couple of screws and voila. I just have a couple questions before I do this......
1) If the TPS code is the only code flashing, does that mean the TPS is all that's wrong with it?
2) Should I try the battery cable thing first?
Thank you in advance!!