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    Looking for an early 4wd
  • Vehicles
    1976 4wd wagon

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  1. Front passenger side and both rears. No driver. Good shape no holes not much wear some cracking when closely inspected. These are black. 75 bucks plus shipping. Matt in Reno
  2. Placed an ad today, got a reply, now as is gone. 1979 brush guard $400 plus shipping. No dents pm Me your number for pics
  3. Painted white. No dents. Still on my 1979 wagon. All mounting bolts come with it. Will ship, probably greyhound, but that's on your dime. Pm me a phone number for pics. First one to say I"I will take it" in this thread gets it. Matt in Reno
  4. I looking for black seats with plaid inserts and driver fender. Both bumpers. Would consider buying whole stash depending on location
  5. I might be interested in Reno. My body's shot and engine needs resell but would buy whole if body straight and interior good. Matt
  6. I think I wanted to buy this a few years back. Green? Rusty rockers and damage to the tailgate and rear corner? Might be interested still or off base if different car. Matt in Reno
  7. Here's a link to my ad. Feel free to put pics in thread as I cannot https://reno.craigslist.org/pts/5158112466.html Matt
  8. Google Yakima gold rush rack for pics. These were yakimas first crossbars from 78-79. Work and look great on wagons without factory rack. They are anodized aluminum bars gold in color. Great shape although a cap is missing and rubber feet are hard. 175 plus shipping. Very rare
  9. No pics as they have disappeared off my iPhone. The only thing going for it is lack of rust and decal package. I would roll with it as is and try to remake decals for a better example. Matt
  10. I have an opportunity to buy a 77 wagon with the ski team decals. It is non running but complete. Partly disassembled well really disassembled fenders hood door removed. I love it but its 2000 miles away. Whats a fair offer? Not a rust bucket but definite project at this point. Matt
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