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Everything posted by Sweet82

  1. I've never seen a Brat get that sideways in the air before and still land ok! Amazing video!
  2. You can't take all your crap with you in just one trip? Good Luck! Glenn
  3. Not a thread hijack! Bring these things to WCSS9. Now on to business. I made a blimp out of a "hover disk" and one of those "micro sizer" r/c cars. I use weights to keep it neutral and as the helium leaks out, I just remove weights. It will last over a week on a charge of helium.
  4. Here is a link to the pics... http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=15524&cat=500&ppuser=21996
  5. Zap, How does the Black one on the left go. They are $59 at ToysR. My kids have been eyeing them. I told them that my Wild Dagger would run circles around it but cost twice as much. It's suppose to climb 40 degrees. Update, the little ones in the first post are now on final close out for $4.95 I picked up the other freq and spare bodies $1.95 last night. Glenn, Way too much RC Crap.
  6. Buy it, Drive it! Check the oil and fluids before you head out. Give it a complete tuneup when you get time...
  7. Since you already have a Loyale, then changing the body does not make much sence. Start with the Loyale. First thing I'd do is add a mild lift while the motor is out. Since you have a motor. Use that motor. Then I'd remove any rust and undercoat the underside and use bedliner on the interior floor. Then add a nice Camo paint job via spray can. This makes touch up painting much easier. When the motor is in and the body is finished, I'd add slightly larger tires on Pugs. You'd have an inexpensive one of a kind ride any kid would be proud to drive to school!
  8. Does your Kid like off-road? Or are we talking on-road... Just need some background info for the process to begin:confused: I'm thinking a first car as a lifted off-road looking Subie would be the rage!:cool:
  9. So what about a downloadable Calendar? No Shipping/printing/collection issues... The downloader is the one who decides the cost of the Calendar through the printing selection?
  10. The idea is sound but the tranny is not!:-\ Your tranny will demand replacement sooner than you may expect.
  11. My Guess is 3000-9821A-7. When do we know if we won? How many entries are allowed per person?
  12. That's what I'm talking about. Some refer to it as "managing" their sales. If the car was really worth more $ to someone else, then you can't complain? The bottom line is bid what your willing to pay. Don't be pushed into bidding more. However to keep things honest, monitor the seller and see if a similar item does not "re-appear" a week or two later...
  13. There is also a service available to the seller, that will out bid anyone if you don't get the sale price you wanted. You pay a small fee to ebay and re-sell the same item till you get the price you wanted. Kind of unethical but it exists.
  14. Took the SubaruHummer (Summer) out for a romp in the last bit of winter around. I think this may be the last snow Summer sees for a while... The was an old road that had not been conquered ,by a non-tracked vehicle, yet this season. Had an ATV waiting for me to break trail for him:lol: They watched in awe! The starting elevation was around 8000 ft. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=15387&cat=500&ppuser=584 I love this buggy!
  15. I agree, looks way better now. Nice Job! So is it finished?
  16. The plans can be had for around $50 saving you $4,950. It's the fiberglass hood that would cost to get shipped up from down under. That's one of the reasons I chose the "Bandit". I stretched the plans to accomodate 4 seats and called it good. All the Rhino kits use the same basic chassis. The only things that differ are the bodys on top of the chassis. The Bandit, Wombat/Humbug and the rest are all the same on the bottom side, since that's what adapts to the Subaru drivetrain.
  17. Lookin good S'ko, Are you going to paint that Brat or leave it so you don't feel bad when you hurt it? The 5 lug is a nice touch! Why don't you list your other modifications for us? (split shift/Hi Low/4wd) Go S'ko
  18. Sweet82

    Ssr Vs Atv?

    You make it sound like you'll be going over some rough terrain. Does this terrain include steep climbs? Small bolders and short climbs could be dealt with large tires and no gears. Your not going to power up anything steep with a 31" on your Sub! You have functionally taken away your low range with the big tires. You would have 4 hi only. I can only speak from my experience. In my neck of the woods, we have long steep climbs on many trails. Gearing is everything. Many times, clearance can be dealt with if you have good gearing. I put 26X12X12's six ply's on the SubaruHummer. They measure out to a 25.5. This is not a big tire but the gearing is noticibally higher than the 22.5 stock tires. My whole point is, I run out of motor well before I run out of traction. To make a good off-road machine you need to balance the power, gearing, weight and traction. Without major surgury (Divorced transfer case), I'd opt for a more flexable tire choice so you can apply the power you have appropriately. What are others in your area getting away with? Talk with some locals and see what they are getting away with before you make your purchasing decision? Good Luck,
  19. Sometimes they get a bit cranky in their old days. Backing up usually un-binds the tranny enough to allow you to shift out of 4wd with out much effort.
  20. I find it kind of a comforting sound. It lets me know I still have antifreeze. It's a similar concept to seeing new and shiny oil stains under my car.
  21. These were over a half inch thick and I adapted them to 4X140 with a hand drill. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=1386&cat=500&perpage=12&sort=3&ppuser=584 Just measure correctly the first time and keep the holes vertical. Not complicated. Someone had a template you could print off then overlay but I can't find the thread...
  22. They keep your beer cans from falling out and littering the county side:lol:
  23. Your life just changed permanantly and for the better! Congrats!
  24. Toys R Us are blowing those out for $11.95....with the truck bodies. What did you get the Subaru bodies off of?
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