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    Kansas City
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    1980 Subaru Brat GL

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  1. Oh, I understand what you were trying to get me to check with the vacuum gauge. Ill check all of that this evening and report back.
  2. I had taken it into a shop to try to get assistance with the backfiring issue because despite my best efforts I couldnt' get it to stop. They were not old school subaru folks, but they do restore MG's, Midgets, and Triumphs that commonly use the Weber we upgrade to. They rebuilt the entire carb and it ran better, but they were not able to eliminate the backfiring. Over the weekend, I decided to try again and fix the issue. Turns out they had super advanced the timing and it was set well into the negative degrees, so much so that with a timing light, you couldn't see TDC. I adjusted it back to approximately 8* which made a major difference in how smooth the engine would run at idol. I thought this might fix the issue, but once the engine was good and hot and got switched off.. BAM!!!!!! louder then ever. This is why I dont believe its the timing, although I havent tried setting the timing even further retarded past 8*. Excessively large jets and a build up of unburnt fuel is where I was leaning. I am unfamiliar with the vacuum gauge test you are describing. Could you elaborate a bit more, or give me a link to do some reading.
  3. I get it, 4 sentences are hard to read. Did you miss that part where the timing is dialed in, checked and rechecked? Its ok if you did buckaroo, what else do you think it could be?
  4. Hey y’all. I have a Weber in my Brat and despite best efforts to tune the carb and set the timing, I always get a cannon blast out of the exhaust when I shut off the car. The timing is currently set at exactly 8* and the carb feels well dialed in when driving under all conditions. However, when the engine is warm and you shut it off.....BAM! Always a single gunshot that terrifies anyone in ear shot. So, any ideas of things to check / change / tweet. Do Weber’s have an anti back fire valve?
  5. About a year ago, my 79 Gen1 Brat got t-boned in a hit and run, and I have slowly been doing the body work to get it back on the road. The drivers door is destroyed, so I have to find a replacement. A DL popped up locally and I was thinking about getting it to use for parts for my BRAT, but wasn't sure if the front doors from a DL are the same as the BRAT anyone know? Here are pictures of the DL and my BRAT
  6. I just got back from vacation to find that some one had t-boned the BRAT I have been restoring for 3 years. I need a new drivers side door and front drivers fender. Are these still available?
  7. Get the DGEV with the adaptor plate. Primary Idol 60 secondary Idol 55 140 - 140 mains / air bleed timing 8-10 degrees http://www.ebay.com/itm/Subaru-1976-1989-1600-1800-OHV-EA71-81-Weber-Carb-Kit-32-36-DGEV-electric-choke-/271313887887?fits=Model%3ABrat&hash=item3f2b91628f&vxp=mtr
  8. Ill buy the drivers side one.... walked out to my car last night and someone had hit mine... broke the lense
  9. I probably have the widest and largest tires possible sitting underneath my gen 1. However, I did a 6 lug conversion with a ton of research to get a 15" rim with the correct back spacing to make everything clear and not rub. Here is a helpful diagram of what the sock wheels are vs. what I ended up doing.
  10. I had WRX seats in my Gen1 brat for a hot sec. Thought it would be cool, but they sit a bit higher, and at 6' 1" I no longer fit in side the car.
  11. Napa only had the oil plug in their lexicon of parts. However after spending to much and some trial and error I was able to find the right size. It is a 26mm by 1.5 pitch plug. They are not very common, but they were common in older Mercedes. The one I used was a 85 380SL Fits snug, and isn't leaking. Here is a link for years and models http://www.partsgeek.com/ss/?make=Mercedes&ssq=W0133-1640723&brand=Febi
  12. Well, no replies. Here is what I have done so far. I got underneath with pair of calipers to measure the hole. Looks like its 24mm. If its a common thread pitch, then it might be a 24 by 1.5mm plug. I looked up what other more modern cars have that type of plug and had to special order one from Napa. Ill get it tonight and see if its fits then report back with the results.
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