Hey all,
I'm getting ready to trade in my current car (2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee) for a new car. I have narrowed it down to Subaru's, not that I don't like my Jeep (I do) but I just got a new job and am traveling about 95 miles a day. That's a lot of gas money!!! However, in less than a year I will be transferring to the headquarters and will then be driving significantly less. Down to only about 25 miles a day. Hence the trade in to a car with better gas mileage, and technically and upgrade too!!
I like the available 4-wheel, ground clearance and extra space of my jeep but I really don't need that much room on a regular basis. I am a recent college grad, single with no kids to cart around but I do have a boxer that I do take to the vet or bike trail on occasion. I'm very active; I like to ski, mountain bike, road bike, rock climb, soccer, golf and run. So I cart my toys around to where ever I need to go. I have a roof rack for my keep and am planning on putting it on whatever I get.
So... My real concerns are the amount of unused space in the Outback's. I really don't need that much space all the time, I have never packed my Jeep full in the 6 years I have owned it. I feel like its a waste of space when I don't use it. Should I even be worried about the excess space if the gas mileage between the Outback and Legacy is as close as it is?
And...In the Legacy's the ground clearance. I have and my family has always had SUV's or Trucks so we really haven't had to worry about snow or parking "off-road" at HS football games, soccer tournaments or bike races. Parking usually is on gravel or dirt roads so I'm not tremendously worried about that however, I live in Ohio where we get about 25-35 inches a snow a year. How much snow can a Legacy take?
So.... My question is; I have narrowed it down to the Outback or the Legacy. I like both. I have driven both and like them equally, for different purposes. HELP!!!
Ideas? Opinions? Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.