Original owner to this Subaru. Will note two fuel filters replaced by Subaru. The first one completed 19-April-2008 at 61,281 miles driven. Second replacement was a recall for fuel pump (under warranty) the 14-Nov-2009 at 87,642 miles driven. Since those two dates, I followed up with 30K mile service; Invoice shows Inspect fuel system, connections and hoses. I notes this action noted in invoices to the year 2013.
Currently, at 292,089 miles driven, I had a non-Subaru auto mechanic service the Baja November 2021. The mechanic "performed a Fuel Injection system service, test drove vehicle, injection system operating normally, no concerns at this time."
The idle issue is intermittent. No indication as to when it may happen. Confirming no Engine light on. The battery is new. I've learned to use neutral, and rev the engine, acceleration, just under 2k RPMs. The idle corrects its self and I move on. I normally keep the tank 1/2 full; regular gas.
Any feedback would be appreciated,
Sean L Douglas