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angerthis last won the day on October 23 2015

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About angerthis

  • Birthday 09/20/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bellinghame WA
  • Interests
    working on car's & truck's & off roading
  • Occupation
    Entry level Subaru Mechanic
  • Referral
    By Scott SJR lift and you tube
  • Biography
    I'm a Chevy guy by heart,
    Datsun for brains
    Subaru in my vains
    I'm an off-road enthusiast That is why I own a Subaru
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  1. I know this is a super old thread hopefully some of you guys are still on there but I am trying to cross reference this transmission number TZ1ATZAEAA-WX. I have no idea what year it was out of I do know it's a phase 2 with screw-on filter the wiring plug is the same as my car manly what is the final gear ratio I need it to match this transmission gear ratio which I believe is 444 and the number is TZ1A2ZJEBA-WZ that is what is in my car now and it's a 99 SUS Phase 2 transmission with screw-on filter. So if it is a different gear ratio i just need to know so I can swap a differential in it I'm sure I have one I don't want to play guessing what gear ratio it is when it comes time to swapping out Transmissions thanks guys
  2. who's all going to West Coast Subaru show I'm leaving from Bellingham Friday morning if anybody wants to Convoy down let me know
  3. Thank you that's what I needed. I did Swap the rear diff today it fixed one problem but now I have ran into this problem the transmission won't shift down it stays in hi gear and I know the transmission is good as I bought the car for parts and drove it and it shifted good any suggestions?
  4. Ya I am thinking your right as I jacked up one side got both tires off the ground and used chalk to mark the tire put the car in "N" and spun the one tire by hand it came close but there was a slite difference so did I do that right?
  5. I just replace the transmission in a 91 Legacy automatic from a 93 Legacy feels like the gear ratio might be different are they different for that year model?
  6. Your answer is kind of contradicted itself you say out but that wouldn't be facing the block so does point out with the letter b towards the radiator
  7. Okay I know this question that's probably came up a thousand times but I am brain farting I can't remember when installing the oil pump the bigger Gear with the letter B on it dose it go in or out facing the engine
  8. Yes just clear coat it that brat is bad to the bone I like it
  9. Cool thanks and u know I just sent my grandma a text and asked her what the vin was and I said it was 04 because I looked at the door vin and did not look at the month so ya it's an 05 but all the parts store's are the same as 04&05. The car has that notorious Subaru torque bind issue that's why I'm trying to solve it with the filter as the one that's in it was pretty bad looking so I will just get that one off of eBay so thanks
  10. I'll get the Vin soon and ya I think the trans mite be going the screen was quite dirty but it still shifts fine
  11. I just wanted to say I thought the same thing about reusing a head gasket but u can I did it as long as the engine has not ran I just over torqued it a little just to be shere
  12. As bout closing the bonnet u mean hood right lol as I am redneck all the way from the US and if I am right yes on stock height u can close the bonnet aka the hood lolIV EJed my 86 RX with no lift no problim
  13. okay my grandma purchased a 04 Forester she paid way too much for the car as it's been totaled before. it is the 2.5 liter non turbo automatic anyway the problem is I attempted to service her transmission but when I went to purchase the filter kit and we're talking the internal filter not the spin on the parts stores all come up with the wrong filter can anyone identify this filter it is the one that I pulled out of her transmission Maybe engine transmission has been swapped I'm not sure what's going on
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