My previously extremely reliable 1995 Subaru Legacy is stuck at my workplace because I cannot get it to start. Mechanics all away for xmas holidays and I desperately would like my car back.
Just like a standard day got in it after work, turned the ignition and shockingly the engine would not start. No prior mishaps to suggest there was anything wrong with it. All fluid levels are normal. Engine was running normal that morning. Its not a battery issue (battery less than 12 mnths old - all the normal things work in the car - eg, radio, lights, windows, etc.). Terminals are all clean and connected fine. We even attempted to jumpstart it but to no avail.
When the key is turned to start there is nothing but a slight clicking noise that can be heard. However when you hear this from under the bonnet it sounds as though it is closer to the ABS system (on the left fore corner) then the starter motor (back right of middle).
Left it overnight with hopes that miraculously it may start the next day, but no avail.
I am clever with my hands but I have no real mechanical skills (and I don't have access to a code reader - not that I would know how to use one anyway). Appears to me though that it may be an electrical issue? A faulty sensor or fuse? I will stop by my car again tomorrow and have a look at the fuse box, although I wouldn't really know what I would be searching for.
Mechanics away on holidays for another week so have sought advice from the web. Read a lot of different starting issue threads, but haven't found any similar to this yet - Closest was a thread on this site "1996 Subaru legacy outback not starting" but didn't appear to have a solution. Has anyone experienced a similar problem that may have some advice?
Any ideas would be helpful.