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    morro bay, ca
  • Referral
    search key words alternator 91 subaru
  • Biography
    I purchased my Subaru brand new in 91 and would not trade it for the world.
  • Vehicles
    1991 Subaru Loyale

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  1. Needing a working wiper motor for my 91Loyale, preferably in the Northern Colorado area. Appreciate any help.
  2. I have a 91 Loyale whose check engine light has been on and off for years, it has been on pretty much constant for the last 6 months and I need to smog it. My mechanic can find nothing wrong. Any suggestions or advice.
  3. You just brought a tear to my eye, and hit the nail on the head. There is in emotional bond with my car for more than one reason. I have read and appreciate all the technical information, but I have a feeling I am just going to drive on with her for a while yet.
  4. Wow, you people rule.....but I have to admit I don't even know what some of this means :huh: i sure do appreciate all the input though, hope it keeps coming as I ask my mechanic a little more detail as to exactly what engine he just put in my subi.
  5. Thanks for your input, and that is the problem, I do not work on it and everything has to be done by a paid mechanic and it is getting very expensive. I have a good guy but unfortunately he is retiring due to severe health problems.
  6. I would love to keep it but it's a matter of space, only have parking for 1 vehicle.
  7. So I am looking for opinions from fellow subi owners. A 1991 Loyale wagon owns me and has since I drove it off the lot in 1991. In those 26 years I have put 2 engines, due to no fault of hers. The overall condition of the car is excellent with almost no rust issues or interior damage, she looks pretty bad paint wise but I am fixing that soon, and has never been in an accident. So to make a long story short, I am thinking of moving on but I can't get past the feeling I am making a big mistake and should just keep her til she or I, dies. Any thoughts???? Thanks (PS I can't keep her if I get another car)
  8. Thank you, I am guessing the bulb in not burned out as it lights, I did take the bulbs out and looked at them - the filiments looked fine nothing indicated they were burned out.
  9. I have a 91 Loyale Wagon. One day my turn signal light came on but would not flash. Sounded simple, what I could find on the internet was it needed a new flasher switch thingy. So far I have removed pretty much all the dash covers, steering covers and cannot find this little plug in part. I have owned this car since I drove it off the showroom floor, just spent a boat load of money on the suspension, brakes etc and cannot afford to have more work done on it. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Uh Oh, you guys are getting me worried, especially jono - sounds like this could get very expensive. I do appreciate the input and possibilities, haven't had a chance to check anything out further, will do so this weekend.
  11. I have a 91 Loyale that I drove off the showroom floor 23 years ago. Last week my voltage meter dipped for a short time and since then it has been spiking way up, then normal, then way up. Is my alternator going out or could it be something else?
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