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About ennbenn72

  • Birthday 04/18/1995

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  • Location
    Pocatello, Idaho
  • Referral
    search engine: subaru gl forums
  • Biography
    I call my Suby Gloria. She's taken me more places than any truck.
  • Vehicles
    '89 Subaru GL

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  1. I forgot to add that I did have it running once. I haven't tried since. Once it is completely tied up and running, I would recommend a new crankshaft. The typical thing with this generation of ej is that they sheer the keyway for the crank pulley. So a coworker of mine welded it on. Obviously it is not perfectly straight on there, so I would just recommend a new one.
  2. So I have this 89 gl coupe. I have swapped an ej22 and the entire 95 legacy front suspension into it. It needs rear wheel adapters (about 300 each from my local machine shop) the wiring harness needs tied and tucked, the trans bump needs covered, coolant hoses need to be rigged, the two electric fans need to be mounted and wired, fuel pump needs wired through a switch, and I'd recommend an ignition button/ switch. Is anyone willing to take on the challenge? As far as body work and paint, I did it all two year ago. It is Viper Blue and has red mudflaps on it. I dont know how much I would sell it for. I just want to know if anyone would be interested in a new project.
  3. I definitely recommend the ej22 swap! It's not too difficult to do and you get almost doubled the power. Now, as far as obtaining the engine, finding a parts car is the best way to go by far. All the parts you need are right there and if you don't care about the donor (doubtful) you can just break the dash to get to the ECU and wiring harness. The adapter for the Trans is easy to get as stated before and the motor mounts fit right in. The only downside to the Ej swap is sorting through the harness for the wires you need to make it run. If you decide to go that route and need help just pm me and I can help you. Good luck mate!
  4. Once I figure out how to upload pictures on here I'll make a post about all the connectors you'll need haha. It was pretty cut clean simple actually. I didnt cut any wires leading to the ECU, I figure for those it's not worth the risk, but I am going to go through and cut out any connectors im not using and pull their wires from the harness. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do about the speedometer yet. My first guess was take the speed sensor out of the Trans and see if it is run off a spade like some; if it is that'll be easy enough to convert to the old analog style of the Gl. And yes I am able to close the bonnet! My car is sitting at stock ride height for now. Im swapping over Impreza suspension as well. Probably not the easiest way, but if it goes as planned it will be very sturdy and ready for rally! Actually, thinking back. I might just do a whole project post on my car! I don't know though, we'll see. Thanks again guys! --Nathan
  5. It started and ran! Is there anything else as far as moving that needs to be connected? I have an ej 5spd behind it as well and as far as I know all of those connectors are connected. Thanks for all the moral support and help guys! --Nathan
  6. welp. looks like I cant post a picture till i get home. It's a little orange holder thing it looks like it has a diagram of a diode on it. Three wires lead into it: one is red and light blue, one is green and white, and the other is white and red.
  7. Im thinnin out the harness on my Ej swap gl... What is this? Do I need it?
  8. I've also been watching for an '06 to '09 Legacy here in Idaho or closeby. They come and go regularly. It seems like the minute one hits a used car lot, somebody buys it haha. I've had my eye on a couple that are still around though. I'm not sure how far you're willing to go to get one, but I'd say it's worth a decent trip if that's what you have your mind set on.
  9. Okay so I realize I asked this in a different thread but I'm still nervous about snipping wires. I'm converting to ej22 from a 95 legacy (Engine and Trans mounted in car now! Yay!) it is proving to be quite the electrical task though. I am curious about how you Ej vets have been able to power things such as headlights and gauges. There has been no word about keeping the old ecu in the car to run things like that, but also nothing about the new harness swapping in to take over. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks! --Nathan
  10. Great info! The donor car I have is a standard 5spd. I plan on using almost the entire powertrain. Thanks! --Nathan
  11. Just pulled the EJ22 out of a 95 legacy today to drop into my 89 coupe. Do you have any particular advice on the wiring? What colors should I keep from either car? Edit:spelling
  12. I have finally decided to start tear-down and fabrication on my 89 gl coupe suspension. I tracked down parts from a 95 Impreza. I took the whole front and rear suspension setup. (Cradle and all.) I have hit a proverbial brick wall though. We successfully got one of the front lower control arms mounted and the spindle/hub assembly installed, but the CV axle is making me second guess my decision to convert altogether. I was under the impression that I could simply pull the snap ring out of the DOJ side of the axle and it would slip right onto the Impreza's CV. I got that information from right here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/47998-5-lug-conversion-list-plus-tips/ ...and yes, my car is N/A so I'm running the 23 spline setup. I have made it to that point where I'm supposed to be making a "FrankenCV" for it, but the internals are totally different. The GL axle has 32 splines, and the Impreza axle has 22. So quite obviously they don't fit together. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I need a hand! Any suggestions would be great! Thanks, Nathan.
  13. I wasn't aware you could do an obdII setup... Hmmmmmm
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