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Everything posted by milktoast
I didn't change the center ring and so I accepted where it was... then I lined up the cams... I thought the center was lined up because the line on the center crank sprocket was pointing to the tabs behind it... I was not aware that they were at the same point because they are on the crank at the same point and rotate together.. I put the line on the crank sprocket (and the line it was pointing to) at the top so they are both at 12 o'clock... then put the cams to where they should point essentially at noon like the crank. I then put it back together and it Started right up. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP ON THIS ISSUE THAT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!*******!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again!!!!
Thanks.. On the crank, I lined it up with the thin line... I thought that was where it was supposed to go... not the sticking out parts at 11, 12 , 1. I'll set it to 12. As far at the passenger side. I thought it was set in the correct position... I'll adjust it at the same time as the crank adjustment. Thanks
I took off all the covers and the water and alt belts... here are the pics of what is there and how they line up. I took the fans out and the time belt cover and other parts to get to the area and rotated the time belt so it lines up where I set it up the first time. I cleaned the battery parts. Am I missing something?
I've tried to answer each topic "Time to check basics, do you have fuel injection and spark? Do you have a compression tester?" --- I have a compressor tester and I'll use it tonight and test the pressure --- The injectors are working. I put on two new ones a few months ago and was planing the other two after this project. "Triple check your timing belt timing. Its not uncommon to get it wrong." ----Yesterday, I took off the water pump belt and alternator belt and then made sure that the camshaft sprockets were in the correct position. I lined up the camshaft marks and the crankshaft with where they should be and they were all in the correct position. Then took off the tension adjuster and the timer belt.. AI made sure that all the camshafts stayed where they needed to be and re-installed the timer belt. The right side camshaft sprocket was about one notch off so I moved it to line up like the other one and the crankshaft. ----Then I put the timing belt back on and all the other covers and parts and other belts and returned it to where it was before I started and where it was designed to be. ----I tried to start it and it never did. I turned over and lightly fired like it was trying to start. ----The battery is and was working, I charged it and used the charger's "start" process. Again, it charged all night and this morning the engine still turned and slightly sounded like it could start. It never turned over like it was "starting" but it had light sounds like it was lightly firing... but never started. "Triple check your timing belt timing. Its not uncommon to get it wrong." ---I took the belt off and made sure the lines in the camshaft sprockets were pointing at the alignment marks... I was not looking at the "piston position marks" "did you have the battery disconnected? sometimes a security system can lock you out - try locking/unlocking a coupla times with the remote" --- Yes, I disconnected it and then I cleand the connectors... I'll do it again today "Did you check for spark?" --- No, I think I'll pull out a sparkplug, clean it and hold it in a position where I can watch it spark during a "Start" to see if it sparks. "Did you use a new timing belt? If not did the timing belt still have the white marks or did you count the teeth?" ---I used the same timing belt. There was nothing wrong with it, no cracks or tares or missing parts of it. It was working before this water pump gasket replacement process. --- I used the same timing belt... nothing wrong with it. --- no white marks on it --- Didn't count the teeth... there were no wearout marks on it. --- I don't think I unpluged the position sensor... I'd like to see a picture of it so I know what it looks like without having to taking covers and things off again. "Did you unplug the crankshaft position senor possible? (double check and make sure nothing there came lose)" "maybe unplug it and clean it and plug it back in... then test the starting." ---I don't think I unplugged it, but I'm not sure. I'll have to find out what that part is and looks like, find it and check it out,.... --- Replacing the water pump gasket was the only reason I took off all of the front covers and belts ...to get the pump off, cleaned and re-installed with a new gasket.... there were on other engine issues at that time. I'm missing something... and I can't find out what it is so I can adjust it. --- I must be missing something or using the wrong marks. ----- I'll print out a more clear picture of the front end and go through it again ... or you could find something that I'm missing or doing wrong.
I took off all the covers and belts and belts tighteners to look at and set the timing... I also watched a video of a guy showing the process and how to do it.. I did it and it is still in the same issue.. it will not start. It turns over but will not start. I checked the gas tube after the filter and gas is there and it flows out when the key it turned on and the tube is being held by hand away from the filter.. I can also here the pump turn on when the key is turned on... still not starting. Right now, I've got a battery charger on the battery so I can insure that the battery has enough power... I think it does because the starter turns over. Any other ideas? Thanks
It is a 2000 "Forester S" automatic with 270K miles. I replace the gasket on the water pump yesterday. After that, I put all the parts that needed to be removed back together to get the engine like it was before this project. At that point the engine would not start. The engine will turn over, so the battery is working. I pulled off the fuel hose off the injection tube and turn the key to the start position... At that point, fuel was pushed out, so it seems that the fuel pump is working and the engine is getting fuel. I checked all the fuses and none of them are broken and all work. I also charged the battery to insure it was working... it was working and I tried to start it by jumping the battery during the starting try... the engine turned over like normal but it still didn't start. Am I missing something? What could I try to solve the issue? Thanks
I'm looking at buying a 1998 legacy that won't start. So, I'd like to know if there are any "known" issues that I could start with to get it running. The PO said they owned it for about a year and it stopped running on Dec 24 2013 and they don't have the money to figure out why. The engine will turn over but it won't fire. The car is $500 and I figured that if I could get it running for one or two hundred it would be a decent ride. I have only owned one subaru (1998 outback impreza) so I am not familiar with all of the "known issue" and any advice would be great. Thoughts? Thanks