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    google, torque bind issues
  • Biography
    Subaru owner since 1997, owned 5 since then. Own 3 now.
  • Vehicles
    1997 outback 1998 outback 2013 crosstrek xv

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  1. Thanx all for responses. I have checked all fuses and they are good. Cougar, I will try what you suggested tomorrow. Is the "check connector" you mention the same as the 6 pin diagnostic plug? And what voltage am I looking for on pin 17? 12V or a 5V ECM reference signal? And no one mentioned anything about the SRS light being illuminated too, and that neither one tests at the 6 pin diagnostic connector. Are the two lights tied together in any circuit? Might I be looking for a ground problem on both? Thanx for the replies! Regards Steve
  2. I acquired a non running 1997 Outback wagon that I couldn't see going to the local landfill. I diagnosed a few problems, main one being bad fuel pump, and to make a long story short, I have it running, and have made other needed repairs like brakes all around etc. However, the ABS and SRS warning lights are on. I have checked all related fuses, and the weird part is, the 6 pin diagnostic plug is not giving me any codes at all. I have tried grounding pin 1 for SRS with one of the two factory black grounds in the wiring harness, and same with pin 6 for ABS..also tried my own grounds. No flashing on either light for codes, they just stay on steady. I know I have the right back 6 pin connector, I've done it in other Outbacks. What am I missing? Many thanx, great board here! Steve
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