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Everything posted by soobscript

  1. My 88 RX never needs clutch, but makes starts a little easier in intense cold. However, it always needs throttle in cold. Coolant is full of engine oil and I'm getting a code 21 - coolant temp sensor.
  2. http://neptune.spacebears.com/cars/stories/oil-life.html Everyone click it, I got the link from another of my car sites. It is an ongoing study of synthetic oil complete with oil analyses (sp? that doesn't look like the plural of analysis ) Great info. I haven't checked it in about 7 months, glad to see it's still going. It was one of the things that convinced me to go pure synthetic.
  3. Changing filter..... As I have never tried this without changing oil as well, how does it work? Doesn't oil drain out? Do you just have to be quick putting the new one on? Back on topic. Mobil 1 is good synthetic. Wal-Mart is probably the cheapest place to get it. AMSOIL is better IMO, but costs more. Then climbing up the dollar tree you have RedLine and Royal Purple. Mobil 1 and AMSOIL filters are great. Much better than cheap-o ones. Does anyone know of an "oversized" Mobil 1 filter for EA82?
  4. Just finished getting lights for mine, but I was avoiding round. Options Auto Salon - the best prices anywhere http://www.optauto.com/index.htm?deptid=11950&parentid=6 Truck Customizers - good selection http://www.truckcustomizers.com/category/-HM-CM
  5. 88 RX - EA82T When started, rpms jump to 2000-2200 rpm. They then drop down to ab out 1500 after a few minutes. A few minutes later they are "normal." Will not kick down with throttle push (my dad's 91 Loyale will kick down). I have not had the car long enough to know if this happens in warm weather also. I always let it warm up for about 10 mins before driving. I'm irritated by the long warm-up, but I'm most worried about the high initial rpms/lack of oil to top end causing excessive wear. I have about 5K miles on it. Oil change to Mobil 1 + filter after I got it. Added a bottle of Restore. Going to switch to a syn blend (Max-Life prolly) at next change because of extreme consumption until I can rebuild to fix (hopefully it's just a head gasket). What can I do to lower the idle? What weight should I use for winter temps? I have 5W-30 in it now going by Haynes temp. graphic, but the Chilton I got says to use heavier for high speed. I drive mostly highway. (Haynes may not have been for turbos?)
  6. Got my rotors from NAPA. Still need to check if they fit... Will the EBC pads for Legacy work front and rear? What year should I specify when ordering? Can anyone recommend a place to get my rotors cadmium plated (or what does it cost)?
  7. So an 87 XT (not XT-6) will work for pads and rotors, front and rear? I live pretty close to the NAPA warehouse in Ohio, they have everything... But the last time I was there the guy that helped me was a bigger idiot than anyone I've had at Advance or AutoZone (except for the 15-year-old trainee). oh yeah.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  8. I have a 1988 RX that needs new brakes. EA82T, Full-time AWD, four-wheel discs. I am trying to get pads and rotors for front and rear. Dealer is very expensive. Most parts stores do not list RX in their applications. The ones that do have no parts available. I have looked through 10 pages of search results with no luck. I have the 1970-1988 Chilton's guide and the Haynes 1600 & 1800 1980-1994 guide. Both have been useless to me so far. Where can I find specs? What is interchangeable with my RX? (DL, GL, XT, Honda?) Anyone have tried-and-true part numbers? Thanks. --Ed
  9. Where so you find these pens? Or special epoxy described by Haynes manual? I have tried the local parts stores, wal-mart, etc. Nobody has them and most think I'm crazy. The manager at AutoZone said they stopped carrying them over a year ago. I'll try the NAPA warehouse/distribution center, hopefully they have something.
  10. My EA82T leaks and burns oil. I gave it an oil change with Mobil 1 the firest week I got it. It has been leaking a few drops, but burns about 1 qt. every 1000 miles. When I open the fill cap, steam of some sort comes out when engine is warm. This steam makes a yellowy-white gunk on the cap that smells like exhaust gas. I haven't seen coolant on dipstick or during the oil change. I haven't checked coolant level at all, but temps are fine. I can't see my exhaust when driving, but it is leaving black on my bumper. What's wrong? Rings? Head gasket? PS - Why exactly does the Brake Fluid light come on?
  11. I submitted a parts request to boxer4racing and was told that they only have Brembo front rotors and Akebono front pads. I think I may get cheapies for now so I can put fancy stuff on a future XT suspension swap. Where can I find these $20 rotors? And I have another question... when I turn the car off, there is a gurgling/moaning sound coming from somewhere in front of dash. Part of the sound is distinctly from the fuel filter area. This is accompanied by a bubbly sound from the rear buy the gas tank fill tube. Is this normal?
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. Where? What about rotors? Who? What size pipe? Muffler recommendations? Where? Thanks! Sorry bout the questions - I'm a Sube newb. 88 RX parts aren't quite as prolific as new WRX ones.... RX simply isn't listed in many references. Brakeworld.com returns an error when picking 80's listings.
  13. First post. YAY ME! Anyway.... I am the new owner of a 1988 RX. 186,000 yesterday. 1.8L Turbo (EA82T). Full-time AWD. Dual Range. Limited Slip. But you guys probably knew that stuff. I need brakes. Pads and rotors. Front and rear. Auto-zone wants $30 for some craptacular special order pads. Local dealer wants 200 for pads and 300 for rotors. Very hard to find anything for this rare car. I want the best setup I can get without spending my life savings. Is there a good source online? Are there any big brake upgrade kits available? Pipes rear of muffler are rusted away, exhaust melting bumper because it doesn't make it back far enough. Rest of the piping seems ok. Should I just get a new muffler at a local shop? Or are there gains to be made from upgrading everything? I also need (well, reallly really really want) some strut tower braces - front and rear. My windshield is cracked and I like to corner hard. Where can I get em? Or does someone have specs to get them made? Engine ticks some. Burns oil. Leaks oil. But that can wait. For now this is my winter car (snow tires even) til I get my other ride fixed from some collision damage. Then I can get into major work on my RX. Thanks!
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