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brus brother

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Everything posted by brus brother

  1. Had a similar experience. USMB taught me about starters getting stuck. Until I got around to replacing mine, I drove around with a 3' length of 2x3 so as to reach down to persuade it. I'm sure I was a sight getting out of my car wielding a big stick...
  2. Latest MY changeover was 2020. Notable that SOA provided extended CVT warranties on up to and including the 2017s up to 8 yrs. 100K miles. The original drive train is 5 yrs. 60K. The 3 year 36 bumper to bumper would likely be gone by summer for the 2017s unless it was a later year purchase. Always a crap shoot but a trusted tech suggested that if considering an extended warranty that it MUST include the electronics i.e. infotainment panel. That or bank the $ and take a chance. It sounds like you're treating your current ride right so... keep on truckin'
  3. 86 y/o MIL...that ain't nothin' ;-) My mom is 102! From the discussions here, looks like USMB is graying group! OK back to the discussion before I forget what I was talking about and start repeating myself... OK back to the discussion before I forget what I was talking about and start repeating myself... In regards to later years, I just spoke to a reliable source. Experience tells that even the latest MYs are showing software (at least) issues with the infotainment consoles. Issues started with the Harman Kardon introductions, 2018+. The CVTs got extended warranties from SOA to 8 years/100K miles up to 2017. So if you consider the Lucky Texan's recommendation of 2016+ combined with my research, staying within and not beyond 2017 you end up with a narrow range, manufacture dates of September to early November and only Blu(?) colored cars heh heh. Good luck Nipper. See you at the used car lots. Now, in the spirit of our aging community, get off my lawn.
  4. Hey Nipper. Been looking around myself. Retiring same age 05 OB and mileage 201K, doors nearly off. Just stumbled onto a clean 18 Premium but then read that there are a number of issues with this MY. The new "infotainment" devices can be buggy and are costly to replace. I always suffer from buyer's remorse, so of course any negative statements will immediately lead me to conclude that should I buy this car, it will spontaneously combust with the first turn of the key off the lot. Wear a mask. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay away from me. Regards, Your namesake in my avatar
  5. generally you can use large stainless hose clamps to tighten the heat shields. bang around and see where the shield has come loose and add a clamp.
  6. Well, you already had the HGs done on their dime and if there is no leak, I don't think you can fault them (for now at least, time will tell). As GD suggested, it is a prickly little job that should include having the heads resurfaced and a multi layered HG. Not a big deal for an experienced Subaru mechanic. The problem with issues like this is suddenly your ears are already perked up and forecasting disaster. If you didn't hear the sound before, I would certainly raise the issue with the dealer. Let the car sit in his lot and then start it cold to reproduce the sound. Pitch a bitch if you have to since so far all you would lose is the price of the water pump and timing belt if you can get out. It is an 11 year old car so you can't expect "like new" condition. Was there any warranty on the sale?
  7. Right you are Moose. All of the old timers are fading into the sunset, both from parts and sales. Many of the geezers in sales have done the Covid shuffle and split. The bait and switch, essentially jacking the price 10% from the (non-written) quote made me want to go home and brush my teeth. I may actually contact Dan himself and report on my experience. I have always rated them well, going so far as writing to SOA (that letter is framed and hanging on the wall in the showroom).
  8. Looks like a toxic waste dump under the engine. Leaking HGs, yup. Driver VC gasket not just weeping, it's sobbing! Makes a mess but as I travel I now notice how many other cars leave their mark. I may try another salesperson at the dealership.
  9. Drove a Crosstreck today. Too small and light afoot. Forrester is too high and squat. As in the Three Bears, the Outback seemed just right. I must say after a few laps around the block, it is pretty elegant. HOWEVER, the same sales rep that hooked us on Sunday suddenly upped his price quote on a loaner car as well as reducing the trade from $2K to $500. I'd rather drive it into the ground. I felt like I was watching the car sales scene from Fargo.
  10. I forgot to mention the damned mode selector switch which has or I should say had a metallic disc interface that long ago wore out along with the actuator motor clicks on and on and on... Dr. Kevorkian made sense under such circumstances ;-)
  11. Well is this a fine howdoyado! Just when I was leaning towards the nifty 2020, dread has now settled over me! Knowing how 'puters quickly become obsolete if they haven't yet bricked... My 05 is completely rust free. No body damage. 201K miles. However it needs: TB/HG (probably pull, resurface and seal) Shock top mounts, spongy shocks P0420 (permanent dash light show) for the past 100K. Already changed both AF sensors and front O2 sensors and aftermarket passenger side cat. CV joints a clackin' I'm getting too old for more than oil/trans fluid changes. Dealer offers trade ranged between $1500-2000 which seems fair. Didn't even test drive (Covid)
  12. So my 05 Outback with 200+K is nearing retirement. (not a bad thing since I retried last year myself and highly recommend it) Roaming around the Subaru lot I came across a 2018 with 25K miles so then commenced the salesman's dance: "well if you like the 2018 you'll be impressed with the 2020 MY for just a few thou more, you get the 3/36 warranty and a complimentary smile with purchase..." CVT is now unavoidable and the 2020s introduced the automatic stop/start function which needs to be manually disabled at each restart. The darn OBs keep getting bigger and bigger, while my aging eyesight might lead me to bumping into things more and more, and the "Infotainment" display grew along with the MYs. That fingerprint magnet has grown to the size of a small computer monitor and unless the car is parked, the controls are no longer touchy, feely as on my 05 and 08 and could prove a distraction while in motion (see aging eyes above). Since I intend on driving it till the wheels fall off, the electronic doo-dads feel like they are a long term weak link in the machine. Subscription services for features like wifi, forever tied to ATT, and other recurring software upgrading costs make these cars seem like a Microsoft deal where you are buying the hardware but lease the software to keep it running. I personally prefer open source Linux over MS or Apple for that very reason and rightfully fear that hacking into that baby to install Linux might brick the car completely. I guess this rant might be better placed in the "discussions" area than here in the "fixit" section so mods please move it if I am out of place. Any input or caveats appreciated. In the meantime, as an old foggie, let me just say... "Get off my lawn!"
  13. You might consider paying a little extra to have the timing belt replaced while they are doing the work. They will be removing and reinstalling your current belt so no issue other than the cost of the belt. Not sure if the belt is compromised by the antifreeze solution?
  14. Thanks Paul. I'm going the quick and easy stuff them into the 05 and use the 08 for the balance.
  15. Just remembered that on my 00 Legacy there was a TSB regarding clunking. BUT my clunking was from day 1 so likely not your issue, Apparently they installed a damper in the PS lines that addressed the issue.
  16. You are correct, it is the lift gate of the wagon. I knew "trunk" wasn't the correct term but had a senior moment and couldn't recall the "lift gate" term. Doing the move Saturday. so the plan is to take both the 05 and the 08 and put the bikes inside the 05 and Beverly Hillbilly down the road.
  17. Hadn't even considered that aspect. As soon as I placed the clip on the spoiler, it popped the retaining grommet out of the body of the door. it is possible that the direction of the force exerted as I was installing the clip led to the dislodging of the spoiler but I still lack confidence in the arrangement. I would hate for the rig to let go as I motor on down the road, dragging the bikes and spoiler behind me... Confidence lacking competence can be disappointing. "Hold my beer. Watch this..."
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