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brus brother

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Everything posted by brus brother

  1. I-95? and how fast were you backing up when you struck her vehicle? ;-) glad you passed the crash test.
  2. FIXED I have been using Autozone Gold Lifetime brake pads and recently noticed that they were slapping more paint on the pad's metal backing than usual. When I tried to remove the pads, they were REAL tight in the metal guide plates. This probably distorted the metal enough for it to just touch the rotor. I don't recall them being that tight when I first installed them but who knows... Old Timers Disease setting in! Anyway, scraped some rust out of the area where the plates sit and then filed down the tabs on the pads themselves so they fit passively within the guides. No more noise gremlins.
  3. FIXED see below post #6 2008 Outback AT. Sounds like the brake wear indicator but pads are newish and plenty of meat left. Sound is not continuous when occurring but cyclical with the rotation of the wheels. Happens when car has been driven and warmed up. If I depress the brake pedal while driving, it disappears. If I lift the emergency brake lever up slightly while driving, it disappears. Sometimes it starts after I've gone around a turn (as if something is tilting into contact??) Sound seems to come from the left rear wheel. When I pulled the wheel last time, I noticed a intermittent pattern of rust spots on the outward side of the rotor. Rotors are original and have never been resurfaced (86k miles) I plan on removing the wheel and pads tomorrow and cursing at it for starters. Any other suggestions?
  4. At this point, don't tell your sister she got ripped off... only makes her feel bad. Take charge and follow Rooster2's suggestion that you handle car repairs in the future. Probably a little late to dispute charges... Is this Norwalk CT?
  5. I had the Goodyear triple tread on my 05 outback and after a short honeymoon, they were by far the noisiest tire I've ever driven. I now use the Kumho Ecsta bought locally matching the prices of Tire Rack.
  6. Is the check engine light on? Is the cruise control light blinking? If so this is a CEL (check engine light) indicator of some fault. This automatically disconnects the Cruise Control function. See if there are any codes or codes pending.
  7. "At one point, his passenger side turn signal lights came on and stayed on (solid, not flashing). They are on even when you take the keys out of the car." Any chance this involves the toggle switch on top of the steering column?? Switch half way on/off?
  8. Turn the ignition key to on but DO NOT start the car. Now buckle and unbuckle the drivers seatbelt about ten or fifteen times QUICKLY and then turn the ignition key to off. Now turn the key on and start the car as normal. If you were successful as I was on my 05 OB, the chime will chime 5 times when you first turn the key to on and then stop. It will also disable the seatbelt warning for the passenger seat.
  9. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/147526-subaru-recalls-660000-vehicles-for-brake-line-corrosion-again/ From the reponses to the above linked post, the brake line corrosion thing is not just with Subarus, so you can not rest easy even after the recall work is done, since considering GM's refusal to take responsibility cited in a NY Times article, while you may be able to stop, some other GM or other make car may come slamming into you! This is an industry wide problem that Subaru is at least taking the initiative in addressing. Hope you get the wheel bearing issue resolved.
  10. Coat terminal with dielectric grease after cleaning and perhaps a sacrificial penny (or two if you are feeling flush) resting on top of the battery?
  11. Yes, computer needs to relearn. Drive as you would normally use the car and eventually it will have enough cycles to relearn the ways of your Subaru.
  12. Is it REALLY noisy yet? If not, just clean it, pack it with grease, reboot and drive on.
  13. GM refuses recall. Subaru cited as doing the right thing! http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/08/automobiles/gm-resists-recalling-trucks-over-brake-line-problem.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=HpSumSmallMedia&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
  14. Subaru Recall NY Times article link Probably just being overly cautious but please don't tailgate too close to me just in case. My 05 and 08 were part of the earlier recall but apparently the powers that be deemed even that to be ineffective. Just for the northern states with salty roads.
  15. Sorry, nothing to add but in another recent post a link describes the steps for dash removal/access heater core process that bemoans that Subaru starts with the heater core and then builds the entire car around it.
  16. As far as the heat shield rattles, many have had success with using large hose clamps to add rigidity. Really low tech but non invasive. I once complained when I brought my car in for service and they fixed it by screwing a stainless screw through the heat shield into the exhaust. I found that a bit aggressive and destructive... but it did work. On an old 1991 Loyale,, an indie ripped the heat shields off and told me not to drive over high grass. Is it something about Subies or do all cars with heat shields fail at the same rate?
  17. I have an 05 OB and thought that I too was experiencing the Ghostwalking mentioned here. New tires and realignment (which was way off) and the four corners of the car stopped fighting with each other for control. Problem solved.
  18. The best comment in the above link is that Subaru starts with the heater core and then builds an entire car around it!
  19. http://www.ebay.com/itm/111390323552?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2648 They just keep on going and going and going... Mods: Probably not posted in correct forum but Is there an Older than Old Gen forum?
  20. Coincidentally, Cougar posted on the following link a youtube video on how to access/remove/replace/modify the hvac/radio combo. Adding the aux would still be another task in the world of soldering to the board but if you opt to replace the head unit, here's how. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/147297-radio-volume-going-crazy/?do=findComment&comment=1237126
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