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    I searched subaru forum in google.
  • Biography
    I live in Sweden and driving with my subaru legacy and my Ford mutt :)
  • Vehicles
    subaru legacy 3.0 aut 2007

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Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/11)



  1. Hi where can I find this bushings to ny loyale 89 ?
  2. Best and easiest option is to install a hose heater. But why a battery heater? I have never heard of that before.
  3. So i have change passenger front axle and got a vibration when in Drive or Reverse. Google it and found out it is a known problem with aftermarket shafts. But If i only change the outer joint Will i still get a vibration?
  4. No this will be the second time at the same shop. But do you think the specs looks okay on the second picture? Have start to see sign of tirewear on the outside of the right wheel. One guy told me there should be more minus on the right camber than the left. Now it says -0°33 on Left camber And -0°14 on right camber. Should be -0°14 on left and -0°33 on right.? And what makes right sai (kpi) go high?
  5. Hello i have a Legacy 3.0 2007 saloon wich pulling to right. Before the first wheel alinment the steeringwheel was as it should be but when i let it go the steeringwheel pointed about 5° to the right and the car goes at the same direction. Had a wheel alignment but there was not much to do because the rear link adjuster was rusted. Well i changed it with new bushings and bolts and new strutst and shocks back. At the front i replaced all the bushings at the transverse link, new front stabilizer and new bushing stabilizer. Had a new wheel alignment but still no good. Now the steeringwheel points 5° to the left when i drive straigh. And if i centerd the steeringwheeel the car goes to right. this is the wheel alignment specs in Swedish. Vanster=Left Hoger=Right
  6. Hello i found a green and white connectors in my My07 legacy 3.0 under my steeringwheel. Is the green connector supposed to be connected or not? The green os connected and the white is not.
  7. I might having the same problem. When turning the engine on it rotate about 8-10 times before start and sometimes only 2. But i also having this misfire sometimes only in the starting procedure. Runs great when driving with no misfires and no lack of power. Where do i find the check valve on my 2007 3.0?
  8. Now im getting tierd. Second time headgasket failure. Next time i will change engine to another one from my spair part car .....with headgasket failure.
  9. Today when driving i hear this woshing running water sound from the heater core. Open the hood and noticed the coolant level on the expansion was about 1-2 cm higher than usual. Open up the radiatorcap and expected an explotion of coolant but nothing.
  10. Two times i have changed the headgaskets and i see this again. There was nothing in the begining but now its increasing and i have to ad about 1dl cooland once a week. Its just the same as the last time i changed headgaskets.
  11. Update. Well i found out the problem. As in swdeden we say Handhavandefel (mishandling or personal screw up.) The setting on the light gun was not set correctly. Now it runs and timing is right. But now having this hard starting problem. At the morning when going to job it crank onte time and start. One hour later when start it crank crank crank crank crank and then start but runs bad for two seconds. Like poor fuel delivery. Cts sensor is new. Maf sensor is changed from a donor car. What is the most common problem?
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