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  • Location
    Oak Grove, Kentucky
  • Vehicles
    2000 Subaru Outback

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. Wow.... haha! So much that I don't even understand. I'll try to answer questions. It has 230,000+ miles, and I've had it since 2006, never changed the timing belt. Last year in July it was in the shop because it was running really badly, accelerating slow, dying when I turned corners, missing on acceleration. They replaced spark plugs, ignition wire set, PCV valve (don't know what that one is), fuel filter, air filter, 3 fuel injectors, knock sensor and the ac condenser fan. When all that was done it was running great. Better than it ever has; smooth, very quiet. There were no symptoms before it just wouldn't start. Picked it up in August, had no problems until December. We pulled the starter to see if that was the problem, had it tested at Autozone, they said it was fine. Thats when we started trying other little things. Alternator, battery, cables, fuel pump. We replaced the starter because a brother had had his tested three times and told it was fine, but it ended up being the problem so we thot maybe it was our problem too. The battery we bought last year at autozone, decided to try that, they said it was bad and replaced it for us. But again, before it wouldn't start, there were no problems at all. We have considered taking it to the shop again, really wanted to try all the things we could do ourselves first tho. Yes, its a manual. I'll find out about the belt and pulleys when I figure out what and where they are.
  2. I don't know how to describe this.... It makes a turning sound, but its a smooth soft wheels spinning sound instead of the healthy chug sound of an engine turning over.
  3. I'm sorry... its the starter that turns over, but it never engages the engine. Its like a whirring sound instead of a... well the engine turning over. It has fuel, I don't know how to check spark, but I can ask my husband if he tried that. Cap o-ring in the gas tank?
  4. I have a 2000 Subaru outback. Had a lot of work done on it last year because it was running badly. Ran great until the day we went to the mall in December and it wouldn't start. Hasn't started since. My husband pulled the starter, alternator, battery. Alternator was deemed good at Autozone. So was starter but we replaced that anyway. Battery was also replaced. We can hear the fuel pump turn on, so it seems to be working. Three of the fuel injectors were replaced last year as well as the sparkplugs. When we turn the key you can hear it turn over, but it does not engage the engine. Any one have any ideas as to what might be wrong???
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