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Everything posted by goldtoof

  1. I had a plug crack its halfway down the left side of the radiator if facing the car. Its about 4 inches above the drain plug. Its not attached to anything us only a plug. It came out super easy and before I just threw a bolt in it I figured I'd ask if it has a name. The only thing I've figured is that it plugs what would cool the transmission in an automatic and mine is a manual so no need. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pga077qew0sby8z/2015-01-19%2016.10.24.jpg?dl=0
  2. I know this is why it's over heating because I can see the steam coming out.
  3. There was nothing attached to the plug? I would assume if it told a fan to go on it would be wired? Both fans work it looks almost like I have an automatics radiator and someone just plugged it?
  4. Its been a wild ride trying to figure this car out but I love it. I appreciate the info...no one has been sure so I am happy to know I need a new one and I want to find a used one clean it pull it apart and then know how.
  5. Its been a wild ride trying to figure this car out but I love it. I appreciate the info...no one has been sure so I am happy to know I need a new one and I want to find a used one clean it pull it apart and then know how.
  6. Mine is 4x4 manual 87 it has the oval air filter non turbo but according to the auto part place the Vin comes up with fuel injected but it looks carbed to me
  7. Mine is 4x4 manual 87 it has the oval air filter non turbo but according to the auto part place the Vin comes up with fuel injected but it looks carbed to me
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lz26i56g0f0tzke/2014-08-15%2016.01.58.jpg?dl=0
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h3jnid9fvzm9ijk/2014-07-16%2020.10.56.jpg?dl=0
  10. This whole car feels Frankenstein... While I like that aspect, I'm learning a lot about cars through this. No one can tell if its carbureted or a fuel injected throttle body. The stovepipe I ordered won't fit the car has 2 timing belts...I just really hope the 4x4 was used very little. I love a manual with 4 high and low that is this small.
  11. Yea both fans are fine. Its just this stupid plastic plug piece. It has no wires its not attached to anything, and serves no purpose I can see except plugging a hole.
  12. Also most of this car is not new...except for what I've replaced. This was a new problem if that helps.
  13. I have two fans because of ac. I just have read that once I get the remainder of this plug out, I can use a metal bolt. I don't want to search all over for that plug piece.
  14. I have two fans because of ac. I just have read that once I get the remainder of this plug out, I can use a metal bolt. I don't want to search all over for that plug piece.
  15. I don't even see a fan control switch listed in the diagram. I've read a few threads that sound familiar but they all just replaced it with a metal bolt
  16. I think I found it in the manual but it says AT only I'd assume that was automatic and mine is manual but that is the exact place. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4yzmzy8ej84n0y/2015-01-06%2015.05.38.jpg?dl=0
  17. Hello all, I have an 87 Subaru wagon gl non turbo. It started overheating and steaming and I found what looks like a drain plug mid way up the radiator. It clearly was the issue but when I tried to remove it the top just fell off. It clearly was sheared somehow or just broke. I can't find what the part name is. It doesn't make sense to be the drain for the radiator because its half way up on the left hand side, if facing the car. I've attached two pics of where it was and the severed top. Any help would be awesome on how to get the remaining piece out and what replacement I'll need. I have a Chilton and Haines and couldn't find it so far. The piece https://www.dropbox.....28.56.jpg?dl=0 The spot it goes..if you zoom in you can see the white where it attached. https://www.dropbox.....19.01.jpg?dl=0
  18. Hello all, I have an 87 Subaru wagon gl non turbo. It started overheating and steaming and I found what looks like a drain plug mid way up the radiator. It clearly was the issue but when I tried to remove it the top just fell off. It clearly was sheared somehow or just broke. I can't find what the part name is. It doesn't make sense to be the drain for the radiator because its half way up on the left hand side, if facing the car. I've attached two pics of where it was and the severed top. Any help would be awesome on how to get the remaining piece out and what replacement I'll need. I have a Chilton and Haines and couldn't find it so far. The piece https://www.dropbox.com/s/53qcvkwmjwuu6hi/2015-01-06%2014.28.56.jpg?dl=0 The spot it goes..if you zoom in you can see the white where it attached. https://www.dropbox.com/s/w0uv5lwrkezvu5h/2015-01-06%2014.19.01.jpg?dl=0
  19. Still trying to figure out how to post pics instead of links in a thread. Engine is first but my 87 is Suparu clean inside...stickers buttons...even the business card of the salesman who sold it.
  20. I know its gutless... But god damn what's a 4x4 good for if I can't get it into the pass? I want a goer and a doer...with 80s style bells and whistles. Plus an inflatable mattress fits in the back..tent and transfer haha.
  21. Just did a full tune up need the gasket seals replaced but compression is good. Cleaned the carb it idles amazingly smooth once warm. I can smell exhaust inside when driving. Never loses idle...just limps uphill. I had an old el Camino for a minute and the manifold..folded on it making it drag. I didn't know how much it would cost to remove the converter?
  22. I literally have two manuals I've been pouring over to learn. I know ....again some of these questions are super noob.
  23. I need to have my valve cover gaskets replaced. Someone says its got "side covers" one left one right. How much does this cost normally? Still also losing power uphill. I'm gonna throw a scope on it this weekend but anything else I should check. Cleaned the carb. Tune up and belts. Still no power up hill even at 35 in 3rd
  24. Just cleaning the carb made a huge difference. Now the exhaust and then seals and I'm all set for a while.
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