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Stevo F

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Everything posted by Stevo F

  1. We did the timing belt. tensioner. idler pulleys/ water pump at 129K when we bought it. I believe he resealed the oil pump too (retorqued oil pump bolts). I wasn't sure if this motor has hydraulic or mecnanical lifters, so if they are mechanical, what is the mileage when they should be adjusted?
  2. I've decided to daily our 2005 Impreza Outback sport on my 80 mile round trip commute. I really enjoy the car, so I'm letting my wife drive our newer Impreza sedan that has been my daily commuter. The car seems solid running at 150K miles (we've had it since 129K miles). I know the EJ253 version of the EJ25 engine series is more known for oil leakage from the headgaskets than anitfreeze leakage. There is a slight amount of oil seepage on our car, but nothing amounting to to an oil drip, so I think there is time before headgasket replacement. I'm wondering how many miles have people gotten out the EJ253 (2003- 2007 vintage Subaru's) as compared to the older engines. I know EJ22's are good for 300- 400K miles, and even some EJ25D's that didn't succumb to overheating are going over 300K miles. If I wanted to drive this car for another 5 years, could I expect to get 300K? (assuming I continue 3,000 mile oil changes and continue to drive like a grandma)
  3. Saw this L.L. Bean advertised: http://winchester.craigslist.org/cto/5535252484.html Sounds in good shape except the owner says ABS light comes on and off intermittently (not sure what that might involve.
  4. Actually when I bought the car at 129K miles it appeared the timing belt had never been done, som I was able to bargain on the price, but then had a mechanic do it right after we bought the car. Hopefully it will be many more miles before it gets to be a bad enough drip. My thought is if the clutch needs to be rdone at some point, I might as well have the head gaskets done if the pull the engine (like you, not going to try to do timing belt/ headgaskets or clutch by myself.
  5. My car currently has 149K miles. We bought it at 129K miles two years ago, and I ha noticed a smaller amount of seepage, mainly on th driver's side when I was under there replacing the front subframe (the fierst one was rotted through thanks to the Pennsylvania road salt from where it came from). I'm wondering how long it might be before it starts leaking a lot of oil, or might it et bad enough to start mixing oil and antifreeze. I think the pics are viewable because of my Google settings so i hadded them to a shared album at the link below: https://goo.gl/photos/HJhH1yQTWv7Y2anQA
  6. Never have done a swap but what from what I've heard the '99 2.2 is a phase 2 engine which should be similar to the 1999- 2002 Forester 2.5. I don't believe a '98 or earlier 2.2 is as easy of a swap, but I'll let someone with experience confirm that.
  7. I was checking the bottom of the EJ253 engine in our 2005 Impreza Outback Sport and noticed some black oily residue on the bottom of the heads. I know this model is engine more likely have an external oil leak form the gaskets than internal/ external antifreeze leaks. It's not bad enough to be dripping any oil, but some residue on the bottom of each head and some residue on the center of the crossmember that goes under the rear of the oil pan (I'm thinking that's travelling down to the center of the crossmember from somewhere else. It's been a great car for the 20K miles we've had it, just wondering if this small amount of residue is the beginning of a bigger leak. I might think of getting something else (with an automatic) and let this one go if the headgaskets will need to be done in the near future. It doesn't appear to be coming from the valve cover gaskets. Below I've tried to put links to some pics I tried to get while I was under there (the darker areas are the oily residue): https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPOBm89UtwyoDWHDfeFJsboWKDnqoDkEZh1QgHQ https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNjJ_oJ6K0CQCBhsiLDVuuY71KganhG1fMFytaV https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNjJ_oJ6K0CQCBhsiLDVuuY71KganhG1fMFytaV https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNjJ_oJ6K0CQCBhsiLDVuuY71KganhG1fMFytaV https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNjJ_oJ6K0CQCBhsiLDVuuY71KganhG1fMFytaV
  8. If it is in fact an EJ253 (I would verify this with the seller) then it was most likely to have an external oil leak from the headgaskets, which you could live with for a while and plan on whne to repair it. If it's the original EJ25D engine, the headgaskets fail between the combustion chamber and the water jackets resulting in overheating and possible additional engine damage (these have a more sudden/ catastrphic failure than the later EJ251/ EJ253 engines). As for chcking for the overheating issue, check for bubbles and./ or oily deposits in the coolant overflow tank.
  9. Car looks to be in decent shape. '96 Outbacks were known for headgasket issues. If the owner is correct that the engine is an EJ253, then it must have been swapped from a 2004 or so vintage Subaru, and would be less likely to have headgasket problems, but still might. In comparison, the engine on your '97 Impreza is an EJ22, which is on of the best Subaru engines ever built. If you are looking for a 90's vintage Subaru, I'l look at an Impreza, or Legacy L as these have the EJ22 engine which should go 300K+ if maintained.
  10. I have a 2014 Impreza Premium. It's a great car (so far) after 27K miles. I have the CVT which gives me about 33 MPG in mostly highway driving. Time will tell how well the FB20/ FB25 engines last, but hopefully better than the EJ25's. It's true that many 2012 and some 2013 were known for high oil consumption issues, but mine hasn't burned a drop of oil yet. Our other two Subarus are a 1998 Legacy wagon (bought used, driven by my son-, will likely last forever), and a 2005 Impreza which is running well after 149K miles (not bad headgaskets- yet). I think nothing will beat the EJ22 engine that you had in your previous Subarus.
  11. When we bought our 2005 Impreza with 129K miles I could tell from the untouched timing cover bolts that it still had the original timing belt. I told this to the salesman and got a lower price on the car.
  12. I remember reading about a guy who did this on the 2nd generation Legacy forum a while back. I recall he said it performed well until something else failed on the engine. http://legacygt.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/second-generation-legacy-1994-1998-95.html?s=342d2aef37be4c004ef3e837beba015a&
  13. I would put a '96- '98 EJ22 from an Impreza or Legacy in it. Slightly less power, but fewer headgasket issues and 300K + mile capability. Those years engine should be plug n play into your Outback. If I felt I was up to pulling an engine I would be doing this myself with a 1st gen Outback.
  14. Thank you for your input. I saw an ad for a nearby 2001 L.L. Bean edition. I may go see it this afternoon: http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/cto/5498590751.html Asked owner for some more pics. Seems like a good price if the car is pretty solid. Is there anything else I should be looking for on this particular model?
  15. Will be looking for another used Subaru at some point (maybe an older Outback) with an automatic so everyone can drive it. Looking for something that shouldn't need major repairs (assuming it was properly maintained). I know the early to mid- 2000's EJ251/ EJ253 engines had few head gasket failures than the previous EJ25D, but they still occur with some regularity. Throwing around the idea that maybe the H6 would make a more reliable engine. Not in need of the extra power, but like the idea of a timing chain and reportedly fewer headgasket problems. My question is are there still a greater likelihood that headgaskets may go and how long should the timing chain, guides, etc... last? Also I know the H6 likes premium, but at 50 cents more a gallon than regular, I would likely want to run regular. Wondering how badly gas mileage would suffer if that were the case.
  16. I've read where the coolant conditioner was recommended for early 2000's EJ251 engines. Your 2005 should be an EJ253, which I believe are more known for external oil leaks. Maybe wouldn't hurt to use it however. I also have a 2005 (Impreza Outback Sport) and I did notice a small amount of oil residue on the bottom service of the driver's side head, but not drips, after 129K miles when we bought it. It now has 148K and I still start checking it at each oil change also.
  17. I've heard it's close to 100% failure of the EJ25D engine in '96- '99 Outbacks, usually give or take at around 150K miles. The coolnat conditioner was actually deisgnated for the 2000+ EJ251 engines in oreder to dslow down the development of external coolant leaks.
  18. It would be a great candidate for a EJ22 swap as the body is rust free and clean. Problem for me is physically doing that large of a job (I'm pretty much a tune-up and brakes guy), finding a good running EJ22, and the seller is firm on the $1,500 price (although if a mechanic agrees on failed headgaskets that price could come down).
  19. Actually I looked at the tank and saw no bubbles, then saw the overflow line was cut off. If it were hooked up, then the coolant would have been overflowing out of it.
  20. Followup- I decided to look at this car again. The owner did remove the FWD fuse and there is no torque bind that I could feel. I took it for a much longer drive this time including higher speed roads and noticed the following: A slight pulsating in the steering wheel on acceleration (like torque alternating between wheels or something, mainly under harder acceleration A sound like water sloshing around coming from the heater core area (heat and A/C both worked fine) transmission seemed a little late shifting into 4th (this is a 4EAT) on occasion- at one point I questioned whether it went into 4th at all, but another higher speed drive did get it shifting into 4th several times The car seemed sloid and drove fairly well for a $1,500 car athis point and my wife and I agreed to make the purchase... however... When we pulled up in fron of the seller's house I decided to listen to the engine tap again and immediately noticed coolant gushing out from under the radiator cap. The seller had pointed out the cap (a generic unlabeled aftermarket cap) fit somewhat loosely and needed to be replaced with the proper Subaru cap. He said since he was having issues with it that he plugged the coolant overflow line. At this point I'm wondering if it was just the cap or was the recent headgasket job failing (you could physically see the edge of newish gaskets when looking at the engine). He said he had replaced an earlier non- original cap, then refilled and burped the system and it hadn't been overheating lately. Whatever it is, it seemed like the longer higher speed drive we took helped with the overheating. In any case he felt bad about it and will try to get a new Subaru cap ASAP. So does it sound like a failed recent headgasket job or just a bad cap?
  21. I was tempted to check it out as I could have gotten rid of my Impreza at the same time, but my car being 7 years newer and half the miles was worth at least $1,500 more. The Outback's owner didn't have that kind of cash, or anything else I needed, so I passed on the deal.
  22. What shape is your timing belt in? Not a similar car, but I once had an Nissan Pulsar that ran the way you describe when I bought it. We had a new timing belt put on (the old one was 14 years old!) and it ran great, so I figured the old belt might have jumped a cog or two on the sprocket.
  23. I told the guy I was passing on it and he said another guy who has the same year Outback (making the same noise) said it was valve train noise. I figure I might take it if he ecame way down on the price but that would be all.
  24. Mostly FB 20/ 25 engines for 2012 and some 2013's, but I know someone who had that issue on a 2014 Outback. My 2014 Impreza hasn't burned a drop in 25K miles so far.
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