Alright, first post. Desperation has set in. 1988 GL Wagon. EA82 with the 1.8L.
Driving along Highway 1 just south of Monterey, CA, pull over for a picture, pull back onto the highway and I'm getting back up to speed, shift into 4th gear and suddenly starts sputtering like I'm out of gas, hear a clunk from below and look back for a single second, and I'm pretty sure I saw a brownish smoke cloud behind me. Pulled over, shut 'er off and did what I could with the tools I had with me.
I thought broken timing belt(s), so I removed the distributor cap, but the rotor still turns. Then I thought it may be an ignition issue, check for spark from the plugs, spark is there. So I figured it was a fuel delivery issue. Checked the fuel pump connector with a volt meter... no reading, so I checked the relay under the dash, jumped the relay, tried to start the car, and nothing. (pretty sure I was using the volt meter correctly).
It's sitting in an O'Reillys parking lot in Carmel and I have to be in Seattle by Sunday night. I start a new job on Monday and as of right now, I have no idea what to try next. Camshaft sensor? Crank sensor? Anyone have any ideas?! Thank you!