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    fargo nd
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    Not a Mr know it all here for information.
  • Vehicles
    2008 subaru legacy

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  1. Yup they will. S.O.A did step up the the plate without further action and the car is currently back at my local dealer and they're replacing the catalytic converter and SOA is covering all repair cost. Someone was asking for the code that the computer came up with and it is (P0420).
  2. Thank you.Yes my dealer is claiming the warranty was 8 years 80,000 miles and obviously we are now over that. Who did you have to get after to get the warranty extended and covered was it Subaru of America or your local dealer?
  3. Thank you. Yes the car runs and drives fine. Nothing has changed except the lights are on now.
  4. The biggest problem I am having is I gave them a perfectly good runing and driving car and now I got back a car with a christmas tree dash. By what I'm understanding from the dealer the update was a must and they are not responsible for what hapends to the car from the update. So if the car needs sensors or whatever now I don't think that should be on me because it worked fine before the update. Granted anyone could prob replace a lot of stuff on a car with 110k from showing wear. Thank you for all the input!
  5. Its a 2008 legacy 2.5l. Yes I plan on getting a 2ed option if they say I need to fix something elce. Does anybody know why or what the update is for and why they would not tell us or ask us?
  6. Thank you.I did notice I left out I did bring the car back they did clear the code and they said it may have been a fluke. At that time they told us that the cold has something to do with the catalytic converter. At that time they told us keep on driving like normal nothing is wrong with it it was probably a fluke and it will not happen again if it does happen again contact them and they're going to try to figure it out it did happen again and now this is where I'm at.
  7. hi I am new to this site and I have not seen a post similar to mind so that's why I'm posting. I have recently went into my local Subaru dealer for the 105 K mile maintenance. They replaced my timing belt, serpentine belt and alternator belt. I also had an oil change and all four brake pads replaced.During this time they do their courtesy multi-point inspection. They also did a courtesy computer update. Which we did not ask for or give permission to do. Anyways after receiving the car back my wife went out of town for work not 10 miles out of town the check engine light turned on and the cruise control light started flashing. As soon as this happened the cruise control no longer worked. We called our local Subaru dealer and told them what happened they said bring the car back and take a look at it. Mind you this car has a 110k on it we have never once had an issue with it ever. Now after I drop 1200 Into it for scheduled maintenance does Subaru dealer says now we possibly need a new catalytic converter and they said the computer update they cannot warranty if something went wrong with that it's kind of on us. I'm not a Mr know it all but the little bit I do know about cars is catalytic converters just don't all of a sudden turn off or go out they show symptoms and slowly go bad from my understanding. Granted this just happened a few days ago and they are still trying to figure out what exactly is going on but I am extremely frustrated and I'm wondering if anybody else has had this problem. If so what was the answer or the solution. Thank you for reading and thank you for any and all input!
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