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sub1980s last won the day on April 27 2017

sub1980s had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Auckland NZ
  • Referral
    subaru ,seach engine
  • Biography
    like subarus
  • Vehicles
    leone impreza legacy

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  1. thanks for looking, look into USMB and other projects now again.
  2. still have these rims,put aside.
  3. Found these in pick a part rusty. tyres taken off and dumped. had some lacquer paint off white lying around.added a little of yellow to it.dabbed a bit of paint on the rim where the tyre hides the paint , the colour close to old colour,as didn't want to paint them pure white. The wheels rims will get road grime, brake dust over in time.
  4. Graphics on,pick up some brat/brumby rims paint them off white.
  5. Need a steering rack, and fan shroud, thanks for looking.
  6. Do I put 4WD and touring wagon stripes on,will get price for it.
  7. licensing ,rego on hold black plates all good. Engine does not idle good, took it to someone to test,air leak somewhere. 3000rpm air leak disappears,spindle on carb possible?, running lean a little, they adjusted it,drive it good to go,might have take back for further look at it.
  8. Thanks for that, on the road again.
  9. Freshed up engine in car.radiator sent away to be checked ,pressured checked.
  10. Check distributor timing,valve clearances.
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