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Everything posted by AKIRA

  1. I have a problem with the engine parts for my brat, they.... don't fit at least some of them don't, I got a dist. cap that won't fit on, and the exhaust gasgets don't fit either. (I got them for an "84 Brat GL non-turbo" see what happened is, back in 1995 a 68,000 mile engine was put in it (I know this from the service records) , but I am not sure from what year, or model of GL. how would I check to see what year of engine it is?
  2. Here is the thread for adaptors http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20343&page=4&pp=10 Subarinos thread (this is the one) http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17327
  3. there have been some threads about this before, try searching in the old gen under engine swaps or something
  4. I have been planning this for a while for my brat, you are gonna adapt a ej22 to a ea82 transmission then jam it into your car. you need: ej22 engine, ecu, wiring harness, fuel pump EA82 transmission mudrats adaptor kit bratsrus tranny kit and much much more! (not sure what though)
  5. there was atf fluid coating the engine bay, I think it dripped, no better yet sprayed out, onto the cat. from where? I'll figure out tomorrow. prob. coming out of the dome thing over the governor
  6. can anyone guess the differences? maybe a hypothesis? tanks tim, but It will take more than a governor gear to fix it, this will be the second auto and third governor. no more. I wrote about the tranny here, I think its a good read, funny too. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24552
  7. Well, two things happened today, I did the carb mod on my brat and the loyale's tranny had its final "problem". I did the carb mod where you use a coat-hanger to make the secondary open at third throttle; I found out that the secondary vacuum actuator wasn't hooked up at all! It was running on the primary-only from before I owned it, the vacuum line to it and about 4 others were plugged by bolts, so I did the mod, and I used a small spring to keep it nice and tight, it works awesome! I can do above 70 on the highway now! And it can actually accelerate too! I'll attach pics later, I used my dads old digi camera, don't know how to pull them off of it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now on a sad note, my loyale went through its last auto tranny. On the way to college in the morning, the transmission governor cored its gear so I had to go 1/2 the way in second. On the way back, I was doing only 50, I started to smell auto tranny smoke, I looked back and a plume of it was coming out the back and it began to fill the interior too, I had only a few miles left, so I rolled down the windows and floored it, racing along at 65 like kamikaze on a dive, leaving a trail of atf fluid behind me. Oh, if only "Flight of the valkiries" was playing on the radio, it would have been perfect. It gave out completely about a half-mile from my off-ramp, rolling to a stop by the side of the road; I called my dad on my cell and had him pick me up. A little later a friend of my paps got it with his tow-truck. It is ripe for a manual conversion now, one day, the "Kamikaze Royale" will fly again. That is the best I have ever written, and it’s true too. -AK. P.S. it went through 2 auto trannys, and 3 governor gears. in the 8 months I have owned it
  8. ok, now I really need to know the answer to this, the govenor gear cored itself and the transmission self-destructed on the highway today.
  9. here are mine, not as impressive as some of the others, but they look nice P.S. you would need a rollbar to mount yours like I did, and a Brat
  10. okay, its 525 for the conversion kit, 100 for the 5spd linkages, what is the average cost for a 5spd d/r and a leg. 2.2L?
  11. cool, I didn't know anydone had done this swap before do I have to change the shift linkages to make it fit in? also remember this an ea81 4speed not an 82 5spd.
  12. If this ej22 swap into my brat happens, I'll have a ea81 4spd d/r laying around, and a loyale (3spd 4wd auto) with a second bad tranny, Hmm..... this would be a modification of opportunity, when I take a 5speed out of a gl for my brat, I'll rip out all the clutch pedal stuff too, for the loyale. so the question is, can a ea81 4spd d/r fit in an auto loyale? what kind of modifications would I have to do? I would get the clutch pedal assembly and the like out of an ea82 for it, but what problems would I run into for the rest? I have read about auto to 5speed conversions being almost bolt-in on the trannys part, what would be changed with the 4speed? thanks
  13. oh I know about the adaptor. I have been thining about this for a long time
  14. I am now seriously considering doing an ej22 engine transplant into my brat, I just need to figure out which leg. engine I should use, are the older ones (90-94) easier to swap in than the ones afterwards? they are different, after around 95 they gradually increased the power. and I want to use a 5speed dual range from a GL, they started making the new gl's in 85, but when did they stop? I just need some years and models when I call the local junkyards. I am thinking: 90-94 legacy-(2.2L engine) 85-? GL 4WD D/R (prob. a wagon) for the tranny
  15. "i dont know about a brat for sure but on a wagon they are right at the bottom of the windsheild- in front of it on the cowling. you can see them with the hood open. you can feel air sucking through them slightly if you have your heat or defrost on high." man, I never thought of that, it was obvious.
  16. where is the vent under the hood? I would like to screen it in on mine as well, I had my brat parked in my basement for a week due to alt. problems, and a mouse made a home in the fan, I had to tear it all apart, I don't want this happening again over the winter.
  17. I got it done a few hours ago. I removed the fan and took it apart and cleaned it, I vaccumed out the heater box and the rest of the ducts, I am just glad I got it cleaned before they started to smell Thanks again -AK
  18. so a mouse made a nest in the fan of my brat, then it died, I need to know how to remove the fan. I removed a bolt under the fan and one above and beneath the black box beside it, but the fan still won't come out, what am I missing?
  19. nice work, have you ever seen my cardomain site with the pics of my Brats restoration? If not the link is in my signature -AK.
  20. I'm in jersey shore (central) pa I love middlesworth chips, especially the barrels of them and there is a stand outside of a local lowes that makes the best cheesesteaks that I have ever tasted. winter sucks though, lots of salt, my brats restoration can attest to that welcome to the keystone state
  21. Does the alternator off of an EA82 fit on a EA81? how deep in the dash is the turn signal flasher module in a loyale?
  22. egg is supposed to work well also, I saw it on Mythbusters
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