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  • Location
    Hernando, FL
  • Referral
    brat parts
  • Biography
    Just got this brat, originally from ME no AC, been in FL since 93, Former body shop mechanic (50 years ago) Got this BRAT for a project. Has 100737 miles and previous owner worked only on mechanics, Runs and drives good.
  • Vehicles
    1985 Subaru BRAT

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  1. BRAT 85 1.8 engine. After retrieving from three months storage the oil pressure cage stays at zero. Prior to storage it would go up to 30 when cold and drop to 15 when warm.. with the sender disconnected gauge reads 0 lead shorted to ground gauge goes to max. Ohm meter on sending unit shows infinite with engine off. Engine on ohms stays at infinite. With engine on I would expect some resistance to be indicated, I think. Do I have bad sending unit.Taking to shop to have mechanical check of pressure at new pump.
  2. EA81 engine in 85 BRAT. Compressor in on driver side by alternator.
  3. Two electrical connectors on my factory air conditioning drier. What is their function ?
  4. A cap with window that open. Cab rear windows open so dog can stick head into cob for company. .
  5. Put in "new" Chinese axles. price too good to be true, Left lasted 75 miles and broke in two. In my 85 Brat.
  6. 1. Don't know the pitch, does take 17mm wrench to remove' 2.There is a bracket attached to bumper with a stud and nut (8mm). Should be 2 holes in fender to attach.
  7. Well I tried the tapping and bolting the shift collar. Easing the tap about half way through the tap broke. Now have half of collar being held by the broken tap. Any suggestions? I was thinking of drilling another hole and tapping it.
  8. How does the rubber piece at bottom of shifter come out? I have new nylon piece to put in.
  9. Thanks, a little more searching and I found the answer of taping and putting a 3/8 threaded bolt in it. Great forum for newer user.
  10. Trying to tighten up my shifter on four speed 85 BRAT. Wear seems to be shifter attaches to rod connected to transmission. I see a roll pin connecting to the rod. number 15 in image has the connection. Any suggestions for tightening this connection?
  11. 85 was last year for jump seats. Was nuts in roof and brackets in the bed.
  12. AutofarmUSA.com was wrong on reply Has several older Subys
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