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Sapper 157

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Everything posted by Sapper 157

  1. When I replaced my tranny fluid I used the trick I told you about (lifting up the funnel a little to release the vacuum effect on the oil) and it worked fine for me, no spilled oil. the trick is lifting it up just a LITTLE. just enough to make a gap between the side of the funnel and the side of the dipstick hole. sometimes this requires to people, one to pour the liquid and one to hold the funnel.
  2. Ok so I cant find anything in my two soobie owners manuals about it so I thought I would ask the awesome soobie geeks on the fourms about it. My question is, do the older gen subarus have a breather tube or a vent for the transmission? or is the dipstick hole the vent? And if they do have a vent where is it?
  3. That is a VERY good question. Id like to know the same about my wagon. I think ill create a new thread and see what everyone else says about it. (Love this site!)
  4. It helps if you lift up the funnel just a little. this releases the pressure that is making it difficult for the fluid to enter the tranny. Same thing happens with a gas can. on most cans they have a little plug at the back and if you undo that plug the gas flows much faster...the same is true with tranny fluid Just a little tid bt for the future
  5. Ro I could try that. Honestly I'm not concerned about it as long as it is not a needed component
  6. Replace Fuel filter. Take a look at your battery see if it might need to be replaced. Seat covers would always be a good cosmetic investment as they can improve the life of the seat by years, Just make sure they are water and mildew resistant. If your car doesn't already have them, grab some really nice floor mats. Also I would suggest running a can of seafoam through it. Seafoam will clean your injectors and just generally help your engine out, And improve mileage. Congrats on buying a great car! As long as you Take care of it, it will take care of you!
  7. Since the car came under my ownership in April the following are the things I have improved/replaced/upgraded on my 84 GL wagon standard tranny.... New LED flood lights producing 2,300 extra lumens in addition to my dims. New belt Drained old coolant and replaced with fresh stuff. Fixed my hazard lights New windshield wipers New speakers New spark plugs New fuel filter Repaired overhead light Sprayed the interior with armorall New seat covers New clutch cable New starter New oil pan gasket Upgraded 10 bladed electric fan replacing the old 4 bladed one Replaced tranny fluid Added survival kit and tool kit to the back. Added extra carpet to the back Replaced air filter Filled chips in windshield Sprayed corrosion stopper on battery terminals Drained oil and replaced with full synthetic 10w-30 oil and slapped on an ultra premium filter I've also been running Seafoam through it.
  8. Ok so my 1984 Wagon standard tranny is leaking a fair amount, (about two to three tablespoons every 24hrs i would guess) all the fluid is collecting around/on the drain plug and then it drips onto the exhaust pipe below. I have been regualry checking the dipstick and it is still saying its full, (I just redid the fluid) so thats a good thing. So far I have added STOPLEAK to combat the leaking but just in case that doesnt clear it up in the next few days does anyone else have any experience with these trannys and what to do when they leak?
  9. Wow thanks. You answers my question before I even posted it. Creepy. And yes your right my gl is carburated
  10. So it sounds like the ecs isn't a necessary component? Because I've never had it come on which makes me think it doesn't work.and my engine has run great without it (once again, assuming the ECS doesn't work) so maybe I'll be ok with just leaving it alone? Or is it something I need to have checked out?
  11. I know this is off the original topic but figured I would just ask it here instead of creating another thread. Okay so my question is, what is everyones opinion on using full synthetic oil instead of conventional (specifically in older motors)? I have heard great things about Synthetic and was wondering what yall's opinion on the matter was. What I have heard is that it makes your engine last much longer and it is just overall better than conventional. Thoughts?
  12. Oh ok thanks! So is the ECS is just monitoring how much exhaust is coming out and whether or not it is harmful? Or does it do something else as well?
  13. (It's really hard to see but if you inflate the picture to full-size and then zoom in you should be able to see very faint lettering that says ECS.)
  14. Hey guys I just noticed this lettering at the bottom of my tachometer A few days ago. It looks like it's supposed to light up. Anybody have any idea what ECS stands for or what it does?
  15. So is this a common issue in all subies or just in the older gen ones?
  16. Thanks for responding crazyeights, but why should I get a factory thermostat when I could pick up one at my local auto parts store for a lot less? Do the factory ones last longer?
  17. Ok so I have a 84 GL Wagon, standard tranny. I have read to use a 180 degree thermostat but wanted a second opinion. Also, the sensor that controls the electric fan -commonly called the thermo switch or fan switch- may need to be replaced and i was wondering if i could get a lower temp switch so the fan would turn on before the engine gets super hot. This way it can start cooling down before its so hot that it will take forever to cool. Opinions? thoughts?
  18. I would try to find a nice 80s GL Wagon. Reliable and can get you out of a jam thanks to 4wd and an almost completely steel covered undercarriage. Plus mileage is good and upwards of 26mpg. More if you drive it right.
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