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Posts posted by MDW

  1. ccrinic, 


    Thank you so much for the input. I will keep updating the thread with what I find, at this point I don't really see any damage per-say outside of a bent pushrod and some soot build up. The whole car really needed a good clean up and new carb etc. which I am in the process of adding. It all looks like a vehicle that has been driven a bunch, so no harm no foul there. I will probably just clean it up, check all the parts to see if anything is defective and get it running again. 


    When I talked to James, he did not speak badly about CCR at all and I did not get the impression that anyone blew him off. He was really bummed that the car did not make it back to Michigan, but this is not his first rodeo with old cars. I got the impression that he knew this was a part of the game and it was just unfortunate that the engine took a turn for the worse. He didn't really wan't to bother anyone until he knew exactly what had gone wrong with the engine...because things go wrong with engines, it happens. He probably would have taken you up on the offer, but he just didn't have the time to tear into this engine, which is why I am doing it. 


    At the end of the day, I love this green wagon and am so glad you did not destroy it, or part it out. I will get it fully disassembled and will be posting pictures of each part so we can all have a better idea. It sounds like this engine runs really well, when it runs. Any help I can get diagnosing the issue, will be greatly appreciated. I know I am a new owner now, but if you have parts you can donate to the cause, I will gladly take them to get the car back on the road :)  


    I am planning a trip to CO next summer and would love to check out CCR when I do. It's a great car and I'm certainly not disappointed with anyone about the engine not currently running. It's a bummer that this happened, but like i said, it happens. Maybe if this engine is as fast as you say it is, I will put it in my Brat  :brat:


    Thank again for the info Emily! 

    • Like 2
  2. I don't want to throw them under the bus until I know for sure, but mistakes happen and something just aint right, haha. ea81 are solid engines, this one has gone all sorts of wrong. EIther way, I'm absolutely loving ripping this thing apart. 

    • Like 2
  3. I knew the RPM thing was probably a long shot, I couldn't see you racing through the mountains on a car you have never driven that you need to get to Michigan in. My other thread had a few comments in it overnight, the consensus after looking at cylinders and heads is that the car was burning oil  due to:


    incorrect piston rings  or incorrect size valve (sine the valves in those cylinders are different) or bad head gasket or something else. 


    I will be doing more surgery later to find out more. 

  4. This has had a rebore, new everything. I will be taking the pistons out to inspect rings, maybe they were incorrect causing oil to get sucked up into cylinder? Causing oil to burn?


    I will also remove the valves and inspect these odd ones a little further to rule out further possibilities.


    For oil burning, right now it sounds like my main culprits are:


    Incorrect Valve

    Stuck valve 

    Bad head gasket

    Incorrect rings on pistons


    anything else you can think to check?



  5. I was so happy unbolting all that junk, I threw it in a box marked trash with a big grin on my face. 


    I already mentioned this in my other thread, but I am repeating here for everyones consideration.


    The valves are different valves than all the others in the cylinder that had a bent pushrod. Coincidence...who knows. All the others had the Subaru markings, these are plain, seams like another weak point to me. 


    Check out Rupert (named after the coolest dog in the world) the car this engine is going in and catch up on side chatter. Posting two threads, in hopes that this one will be easy for people to find in google, who may be in same situation in the future. 



    • Like 1
  6. Thanks Tom!


    I am actually running a webber on my Brat, such a good choice! This one, being older had a few more items on it, and with the manifold off I am going a little further with it, like putting the plugs in, and getting rid of as much as possible. I just capped everything off on the brat with tubing, screws and hose clamps (and duct tape on, what i believe is the exauhst return, haven't gotten to throwing quarters in it yet)


    My plan was to get this soob up and running, and pull the engine on the brat over the winter to make it all fresh and clean. 


    I am sure I will still have tons of questions though! 

    • Like 1
  7. Sorry for the multiple threads, hopefully it is more helpful, to someone in the feature. I also noticed that the valves on the piston with the bent rod, were different valves than all the others, they did not have the subie markings on them...

    • Like 1
  8. ya, I hear ya, the engine was re-built 5K miles before he bought it!!?? I think something was wrong. 


    My hypothesis is that the Emissions junk was faulty sending bad exhaust into the engine, causing the bent pushrods.

    • Like 1
  9. Alright, I think I have figured it out. I don't have the block apart yet, have to drive out the piston pins. But a fe things are lining up in my head as to what might have happened:


    1. When pulling engine and things in engine bay, everything is COVERED in black soot. The engine was rebuilt 5K miles ago, I feel like this is a bit much, even though it was driven from CO partway to michigan. 
    2. When taking apart Manifold EGR valve was PACKED with black soot.
    3. The pistons and cylinders have an incredible amount of carbon buildup, but the engine was rebuilt 5K ago.



    I think the Emission spoob was never overhauled, or it was faulty sending bad exhaust into the engine clogging everything up with carbon, making the valves stick and eventually bending an aluminum push rod. 





    (spark plug is from different car, just plugging the hole)






    • Like 1
  10. Very nice, I will find those plugs. Did you end up plugging the thermosensor? or is that needed still? I thought that was a part of the Emissions. Although it is measuring temp from coolant, so maybe I am wrong on that assumption. 


    Here is my end of the day on the ea81 


    Drivers side Cylinders 



    Drivers side Head 



    Passenger side Cylinders



    Passenger Side Head



    Everything looks a little dirty, but the valves have not made contact with the cylinders so thats a plus. The engine looks solid to me, is it supposed to be this dirty? my guess on the bent rods must just be RPM related, after grabbing a slide hammer I will be ale to take the rest of the block apart to inspect inside. 

  11. So it's probably not worth it to remove? as in, if it looses it's charge it's going to be expensive for someone to re-charge, and I have to mess with discharging that shot...might as well just use it and be super thankful I have it!

    • Like 2
  12. Have been tearing into random things like some kind of OCD freak, I am in the underwriting process of buying a house and will be moving in about 3 weeks. Kind of hoping to get this bad lad on the road, so I don't have to tow it 40 miles. Can it be done? I hope so. 


    I tore into the Manifold, ripping off the emissions spoob! Have a Weber in the mail, should be to me on wednesday, will have to probably clean up, rejet etc. 


    Where do I find the plugs for the now vacant holes, for the Thermal Vacum Valve II (19), the EGR Pipe (9) and the Thermosensor (6)? 




    Manifold cleaned up, ready for a bath





    I also took a few things out of the engine compartment today, mostly emissions junk and took out the secondary fuel filter, since I will be running a weber, it looks new if anyone needs one, let me know! 





    I am not sold on keeping the AC unit at this time. The temperature is hot enough for AC for maybe 2 weeks a year here, and I have never used it in my life. I just don't care for AC and I know I could sell it to someone who would really like to have it, and have a little more money to put into this project. 


    Can I remove the AC without loosing charge? in one piece? 


    I am a minimalist, less that can go wrong. 




    Heading out to my companies warehouse to work on the engine, I made a new thread for that here:




    Have a great Sunday everyone,


    • Like 1
  13. This is great, I have been just kind of taking the engine apart with the idea, "if I see how it comes apart, I can see how it goes together. This FSM is a gold mine! I now know how to tackle it, and specifications for Torque etc. Going to hack into it more today. I really want to see what the extent of the damage. If it's just replacing a pushrod, I am cool with that, it sounds like the engine has a lot more power than it did stock due to some customization, so I could see how a push rod could bend. 


    I will update with pics as to what I find. 

    • Like 1
  14. Hello Everyone, I just picked up this car with an EA81 with bent pushrods. I have the engine out, on a makeshift bench and ready to fix the issue. This is my first time working on an engine, so I will need your help and guidance. Really looking forward to ripping this thing apart and finally seeing what happens inside this thing. 


    Preliminary questions:


    1. What are some good must-have resource for the job I am undertaking
    2. What special tools will i need
    3. What are big DON'TS while ripping this apart
    4. I am doing this for the first time and really want to understand the inns and outs, language, terms so any resources I should check out, let me know

    The Issue, my current situation, what should I do?


    Picked the engine up, creatively moved it by myself to my new homemade bench



    Here is how she sits now, all the bolts are out, but this flywheel casing will not come off from the engine. I didn't want to force anything, so thought it would be a great time to stop and actually find out what to do next. I was trying to take it apart to get to the Cam to see if there is any damage to the cam. 



    bolts out 



    The push rod that was bent is the 3rd one from the left. So if we count 1, 2, 3, 4 stating with the one furthest to the left. Number 3 is the one that was bent.  (drivers side of engine)




    On this side If we count 1,2,3,4 number 2, was not bent but it was stuck. Number 2 and number 3 are right across from each other, I imagine both are activated by the same cam. (if thats the right way to say that) this is the passenger side of the engine.




    Looking for any tips or advice, thanks a ton!




  15. Hmm, interesting, I don't think the tac was working on this car either, although Mechanical_misfits is a very knowledgable car guy, I can't imagine he would have been revving to high, although if there is no tac and it's a new car, it's completely possible. 


    I'm probably picking up the engine form him this weekend, to tear apart a little more. what else should i check for damage before replacing the bent rod? 


    Thanks for the input.

  16. In that case, it worth to contact the Engine's rebuilders (CCR) and ask them to check it.


    Maybe some part was not installed as it meant to be, or the bolts got overtorqued.




    CCR is in Colorado and I am in Michigan, unfortunately they will not be able to look a the engine. I wonder if they have record of what they used, by the sounds of it the engine has had a lot of custom work done to it, which makes me worried that the custom job is not gelling well with the other components. 

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