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Posts posted by MDW

  1. UPDATE: The adjustment screws on the rear drums will not budge. Doused with a crazy amount of penetrating oil, nothing. I bought new ones, along with new pads and wheel cylinders. It was so cheap on RockAuto, I almost couldn't afford not too. 


    While I was down there I noticed a pretty steady gas leak. Drips about once every 30 seconds, right next to the muffler. I'm sure thats supper safe. 


    I am going to try my hand at doing a quick patch job with some gas tank repair putty, with plans to take it out in the coming months and doing a much better repair job. Anyone have any luck with Gas tank patches? 


    Since I couldn't adjust the brakes, I spent my time lsat night ripping all of the interior out. It looks bare and beautiful. 

  2. Thanks for your response l75eya,


    If I were you and had that little gem in my driveway, I'd be fixing to restore it as close to showroom quality as possible. But! Different strokes for different folks!


    I know this is tempting, given the great shape that's it's in. I don't think I am going to mod it too heavily, just a few bolt on adjustments, small lift (or crazy lift, haven't decided. I still have my Loyale as a grocery getter. This is definitely a fun car to drive as-is.... well after much tuning.



    Regarding the brakes, the later loyales did not have self adjusting rear brakes. If the rear brakes were out of adjustment, no amount of brake bleeding would get rid of the slop in the pedal. Either wait for somebody to chime in here about the rear brakes, or climb underneath and look for an adjustment nut protruding from the drum backing plate.


    Thanks for the advice. I do know where the adjustment nut is located. My loyale has a similar set-up and I have replaced all brake components on that beauty. I bled the Master and all brakes again last night and the car now stops without having to pump the brakes, it doesn't reach the floor; however there is still an incredible amount of travel length. I think adjusting the rear brakes is exactly what it needs!



    Stalling mid turn sounds like a float problem. If the new carburetor he supplied was a Weber carb, I'd definitely be looking to put that on if it's new. The stock Hitachi carb isn't considered to be a very good carburetor and a common upgrade is to install a Weber in it's place. Congrats on the car, definitely a good price. These are appreciating in value every year.


    Unfortunately It is a replacement Hitachi carb, fortunately it was free. I think the stalling on the turn may have been sue to the poor performing engine, but it did stall out three time while turning at slow speed. It wants to stall when idling so I am not sure if the stalling while turning is simply coincidence or direct causation. I may just install the Hitachi, since it was free, and that sounds like fun!


    Last night I put some sea foam in the gas, and will be replacing the fuel filter as soon as I receive it from Rock Auto. I am also going to pick up new spark plugs, because I doubt the previous owner used the right kind, although wiring is all new. I'm hoping this should make it purr like a kitty. 


    I also discovered last night that the previous owner thought you were supposed to run the E-brake like this:







    Therefore I am doubtful that any work to this car was done right, haha. 


    Thanks for the info,


  3. I'm still a little groggy today from an 18 hour commute into the boondocks of Ohio to pick up a gem! I was slacking off at work on friday when I stumbled across a 1986 Brat with only 84,000 miles! I then bribed a friend with $50 to ride with me to pick it up. The guy I bought it from was not a Subaru enthusiast, but he was your typical Subaru owner, aka cool and down to earth. The car was passed between a few different people in the town, sounds like it sat in a few garages. 





    The car is in pretty good shape, but in need of a few basics before she runs like she should. Any links or tips to fixing the issues are always appreciated. 


    What needs to be done?


    • The shifter has about 10" of play, It's the craziest shifter I have ever felt. I read a thread on here where someone called it shifting in oatmeal, which fits so damn well!


    • The car needs an overall tune up. The guy I bought it from did not fully understand what he was doing. The car runs decent, but stales out when cold and is currently idling at about 2,5000 RPM. It will occasionally stall in mid turn if I don't rev the engine. The previous owners solution was a new carburetor, which he handed off to me to install at my leisure; however it's probably a much more simple fix than replacing an entire carburetor. Im going to go a little crazy with a can of carb cleaner and a new fuel filter this evening.


    • There is an incredible amount of air in the brake lines. My guess is that he must have run the master dry while bleeding. I tried replacing all the fluid last night by using this method: 
      an TON of air bubbles came out of the front left, hardly any out of the rest. I bled all brakes, but it did not have the effect I was going for. I only did about 8 peddle strokes for the rear tires (i was running out of brake fluid and couldn't do more). I think I may have to buy a spoob ton of fluid and try to bleed more to get the air out of the system. Right now I have to pump the brakes for pressure. The guy I bought it from gave me a new master cylinder because he thought that was the problem; but i don't think that is the problem at all, feels like air and not a bad master. 


    • Of corse it leaks some fluids, I need to clean the engine compartment to figure out where its all coming from. Looks like a majority of it is coming from the oil pump. Im replacing the oil this evening and will have a closer look. 


    If you have any suggestions for things to look at or inspect or do to a car that was just rescued, please let me know. I want this thing to run like new and run for MANY more miles. 


    What am I going to do with it? 


    I have not made to many plans for the future, I'm just kind of letting it all sink in.


    • First move is to remove the rear seat mounts and install some sort of lock box. I do a lot of campaign and will need the water proof storage. 
    • I would like to get a water proof fabric cover, not the topper, for the back 
    • Would like a Roll bar, Skid Plate, Fog lights 
    • considering how much to lift, would like to go a little crazy with a 6"

    That's all so far. 


    What would you do, if you were me, and had this beauty sitting in your driveway? 

    • Like 1
  4. Im still a little groggy today from an 18 hour commute into the boondocks of Ohio to pick up a gem! I was slacking off at work on friday when I stumbled across a 1986 Brat with only 84,000 miles! I then bribed a friend with $50 to ride with me to pick it up. The guy I bought it from was not a Subaru enthusiast, but he was your typical Subaru owner, aka cool and down to earth. The car was passed between a few different people in the town, sounds like it sat in a few garages. I was able to purchase the car for $2500. 





    The car is in pretty good shape, but in need of a few basics before she runs like she should. Any links or tips to fixing the issues are always appreciated. 


    What needs to be done:


    • The shifter has about 10" of play, It's the craziest shifter I have ever felt. I read a thread on here were someone called it shifting in oatmeal, which fits so damn well!


    • The car needs an overall tune up. The guy I bought it from did not fully understand what he was doing. The car runs decent, but stales out when cold and is currently idling at about 2,5000 RPM. It will occasionally stall in mid turn if I don't rev the engine. The previous owners solution was a new carburetor, which he handed off to me to install at my leisure; however it's probably a much more simple fix than replacing an entire carburetor. Im going to go a little crazy with a can of carb cleaner and a new fuel filter this evening.


    • There is an incredible amount of air in the lines. My guess is that he must have run the master dry while bleeding. I tried replacing all the fluid last night by using this method: 
      an TON of air bubbles came out of the front left, hardly any out of the rest. I bled all brakes, but it did not have the effect I was going for. I only did about 8 peddle strokes for the rear tires (i was running out of brake fluid and couldn't do more. I think I may have to buy a spoob ton of fluid and try to bleed more to get the air out of the system. Right now I have to pump the brakes for pressure. The guy I bought it from gave me a new master cylinder because he thought that was hte problem; but i don't think that is the problem at all, feels like air and not a bad master. 


    • Of corse it leaks some fluids, I need to clean the engine compartment to figure out where its all coming from. Looks like a majority of it is coming from the oil pump. Im replacing the oil this evening and will have a closer look. 


    If you have any suggestions for things to look at or inspect or do to a car that was just rescued, please let me know. I want this thing to run like new and run for MANY more miles. 


    What am I going to do with it? 


    I have not made to many plans for the future, I'm just kind of letting it all sink in.


    • First move is to remove the rear seat mounts and install some sort of lock box. I do a lot of campaign and will need the water proof storage. 
    • I would like to get a water proof fabric cover, not the topper, for the back 
    • Would like a Roll bar, Skid Plate, Fog lights 
    • considering how much to lift, would like to go a little crazy with a 6"

    That's all so far. 


    What would you do, if you were me, and had this beauty sitting in your driveway? 

  5. Thanks John! 


    It was really dark when we filled it. When I went out this Morning I looked at the dipstick and sure enough, it says "dif oil" on it. I have not spent much time working on cars. Im sure this is not the last silly mistake I will make. Just happy It did not cause any harm! 


    A good reminder to be more carful. Have the repair manual on order, will be studying a bit more before the next repair. 


    Drained the "Dif Oil" (plug was on driver side) re-filled


    Topped off Trans Fluid


    Runs like a dream and no more Tick of Death! 



  6. Thank you, My car is a few years older 91 and not 90... but It does say and loyale. So thanks for the confirm.


    I just figured out what happened. I was doing everything myself, double checking everything.


    Then my neighbor came over to help. I wasn't sure where the trans fluid dipstick was (have not had the car for long) he spotted it and said here it is. 


    so i filled it


    It was the gear box. Now i need to drain it and find a place with Fluid for my gear box. Might be a tomorrow morning before work venture. 


    Thanks for the reply!



  7. I resealed my oil pump today in my 91 Loyale EA82 Engine. Ran it for a few seconds while radiator wasn't hooked up to make sure timing was on. Spilled trans fluid everywhere OOPS! Refilled trans fluid. Transmission wont engage until RPM are high. was able to drive it around the block, but not well. Engine runs fine.


    Any thoughts?


    Thanks everyone!



  8. I recently picked up a 91 Loyale. It is absolutely amazing. 


    Shout out to Mechanical_Misfit for all the work he put into it before handing over the keys. I created a new thread, as not to hijack his. 


    Major adventures on the horizon. 


    Upgrades will be done. 


    Always up for suggestions. 


    See what has been done to the car before I picked it her up here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/141137-91-loyale-wagon/


    Went camping this weekend, here she is on her first journey with me:



    To see more photos of the trip visit: http://michaeldwillis.tumblr.com

  9. I am absolutely in love with this car! I ran so many errands today and took the long way to ever destination.


    Last night when I took it home, I cleaned every square inch of the inside and installed the new rear hatch lift support; Bought several new tools and already planning a few repairs. I have always worked on my car's, but mostly simple things; replacing hoses or changing oil. I plan on doing everything on this. 


    Before any repairs, I will be taking it up-north camping next weekend. Our camp spot is down a 2-track and I'm excited to do some light off road! 


    Future repairs I'm planning on:


    Replace wheel bearings

    Install Winterforce tires

    Do something to the front brakes (mechanical_misfit you will have to remind me of what needs to be done) 


    All in all this car will teach me a lot. Any links to things I should read are greatly appreciated! 


    Let the adventure begin! 



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