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Everything posted by xdeadeye1

  1. Since youre on the topic. My ABS light is on constantly . 96 legacy wagon 2.2, automatic. Any suggestions? I replaced all the brake pads this last summer.
  2. MY QUESTION IS,, mine is already rusty.. should I be washing it ? or is the damage done?
  3. . "Some massive air bubbles came out too. I also pulled top hose for radiator side and dumped about a quart of coolant in that way. Finally after turning it on and off and burping it it finally seems to be normal. The gage stays where it used to (slightly below half) and am finally getting hot air thru the vents. It's not overhearing anymore and seems normal. I didn't even have to replace the thermostat and honestly I'm not going to until it goes bad. I don't wanna do that again lol. It seems that the incline and pulling the top hose did the trick. Who knew how big of a pain in the rump roast a subaru cooling system could be!" I knew!!! lol glad it all worked out for ya.
  4. following along... I hope I never have to deal with this stuff.. I don't understand electrical.
  5. In my opinion,, air bubble in cooling system,, that whole burping business is goofy. But its real. There are others here who are more mechanics than I am.. But same thing happened to me in the past, and it was due to air bubble . Keep filling it,, run it,, turn it off let it sit,, turn it on ,, fill it don't let it bubble over, shut it off,, let it sit a minute,, repeat. On the top passenger side of your radiator is a plastic plug screw. this is to help with letting air out and getting coolant into trhe block thru the top hose. Be patient.. it will work out eventually
  6. I have a set of Yakima cross bars I would let go cheap if I could get them off the car.. I don't have the key.
  7. My woodruff key sheared also when my crank bolt worked loose. Below is the thread where I posted about it. page 1 shows the key way and how it looked.. Page 2 shows how I had to pull the crank pulley off , my crank was rusted . Lots of good info here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/149417-harmonic-balancer-quit-spinning/?hl= harmonic balancer
  8. http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/moreinfo.php?pk=128253&cc=1269806 rock auto dot com subaru legacy 2.2 engine crankshaft seal 5th one down the above are the order of links to get to the crank/ oil pump felpro gasket set,, $5.12
  9. rockauto.com they have what u need. I just did my timing belt. I have 180k on the car. I took apart the oil pump and replaced the o ring and gaskets.. guess what. 3 of the screws inside the pump were backing out . A good ways out. Im glad I took it apart and found them before it failed. I got a felpro kit from rockauto for around 9 dollars.
  10. My opinion.. its cosmetic,, get a new pulley and bolt and chase the threads with a tap.
  11. So today I went to the local Junkyard. I found they have a 98 outback wagon. I have the 96 non outback version. The seat in it is 5 x better than mine is,, it was oozing support and plush lol They want 35 so I told them I would be back Monday to get it. Anyone think it will be a problem being too high or anything? It does have this extra manual seat height adjustment on the side of the seat. My 96 doesn't have that.
  12. I have a 96 legacy wagon, 2.2, Automatic. My drver seat is worn out,,, not very comfortable.. Can anyone tell me what years and models are compatable with my 96? Do impreza seats work? Im going to try to find some in a junk yard, would like to know before I go looking.
  13. I just did my timing belt,, I had at least 3 screws loose in that backing plate.
  14. If you do the timing belt,, Get an oil pump rebuild kit and do that too. Which might require a crank seal as well,, .
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