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Everything posted by bcapbcap@hotmail.com

  1. Hello all, Yes it is a "Genuine" stat 78 c,nice hefty coil springs and bulb. Had the car out tonight here in CT where it is about 3 f with windchill of -10 f. OCT monitor reads from a high of 76 c at idle to a drop to 57 c at speed. Have not had time to get other parts installed that were suggested,will check grounds at manifold as well. I did isolate the heater core by pinching off hose to engine which made the engine temp rise to almost normal .Guage appears to be a red herring since I checked the connection with an ohm meter and get poor readings as as per the change in temp in relation to the OCT monitor.When I stopped fiddling with the guage wires the guage atarted to read normal then dropped back down. Thanks for the help and pointers.I welcome all I can get !
  2. Hello all ! I'm new here. I have 4 Legacys.3 1990 5spds awd and one 1995 5spd awd. My main everyday 90 Legacy (mileage 131k +/-) has had a sudden drop in gas mileage from an average of 28-32mpg to 22-23. I assumed the ambient temp drop and the added o2 in the gas for the winter here in CT was a partial cause since I have experienced this before but not such a radical drop. I have an OCT handheld engine monitor from my days as a service manager at a Sub dealer. I hooked it up and found my engine temp to be after warm-up less than 80 c and at speed dropping to under 58 c.Very low indeed. Put in a new OEM therm stat no change.Have excellent cabin heat but poor engine temp.CAr runs like a champ otherwise. Temp guage BTW has always read only 1/4 up from the peg since I got the car. Any thoughts ?
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