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Everything posted by tailgatewagon

  1. not to hijack the post but if any of you knows somone with an ff1 i have a set of brake pads they can have. free.... btw all your cars make me want to redo mine.......
  2. I would love to get an r2 ss, please tell how you came by it here in the states. importers, ect. i think the r2 is the best subaru (style wise) ever, a close secound is the 22b. everything is after those imho..... thanks you for shareing the pix. next time im in LA i would love to come by and see your subys,,,,again thank you for posting the pix.
  3. Screw AWD, you have the sti for that and the brat for offroad. imho i think a high hp car RWD would be more fun then anything big nice power slides and the weight of the awd would not be a big + when its a lambo since i doubt you will be driving it in much more then 1in of snow... so i think your orignal set up rwd 5000 hp lambo will be sweet.. just to clarify this is a kit car not a real lambo right......
  4. Nope i get to keep the 72-78, paid 80 bucks for it but thought that i could live with that. im going to try and start scaning this week some time. i think ill do CD'd like Engine, trans and what not and brake it down that way. anyway if you have anything you need before i get it done let me know
  5. today i scored. (Subaru speaking that is) got a set of factory parts books for 1972-1978, now this is about 1000 pages or so. im thinking of making scanded copys of the major stuff on CD, also i got the use of(not to keep) a set of 360 parts books, for sedan, young s, van, and pickup. now these i will be scaning using the hires scaner so that there is a diggy copy of it avalible. not trying to make money this isnt a Buy ME type deal just want to provide a resorce for this part of the board. so what should i scan first on the 72-78 parts book....
  6. Ok so here is a new question. just wandering if anyone out there has done the( xt swap 87.5 spider turbo) belt swap so you can run the multi grove belts like they do. im thinking im going to be doing this along with the spider intake when i do them. i have a complete doner car that i just got my hands on so this should be fun. good by V belts.
  7. Qman, correct me if im wrong. i think i remeber that the 86 dr 5speed had a little differnt low range then the other five speeds? thats what you had on your red hatch right? seams like i rember it being somthing like 1.62 to 1 or somthing or my brain is playing tricks with me anyway just a thougth
  8. if your going to be looking for a new subaru. (new to you) and the 82 fit the bill but is now dead then spend some time and find another 82-84 wagon. if you go to 85-89 you will have a good car but its nothing in comparison (reliablity wise) to the 82-84, IMHO though. others may think differntly. , or get a legacy with a manual they will pull up a hill like mad in first.
  9. thermostat gaskets there awsome if youve seen one you know what the deal is.
  10. Ill get my wife to translate everythig for you if that will help we both were born in puno,
  11. my 88 turbo wagon with the 4speed auto (4eat) isnt even up in the powerband at 80mph. its pulling like 2500-2800rpm at 80mph you have to drive like 100mph to keep it in 4th gear which isnt relly feasable in the 88 turbo at least not on corners with the cruise on. its the only auto trany sept the svx setup that works awsome for road triping. wish the 5speed was like this. thanks for the info on your budys setup thats awsome...
  12. oh yea just so you dont think im trying to kill people. if you know the road from bigtimber to lewistown ive drive that road alot at night and never passed a ca for 80miles. on many trips from bozeman to lewistown i would only pass 3-5 cars on the whole 160 mile trip.
  13. hum 700 for an rx trany. thats crazy i can get one for 150 tops. 1only though and i think i will get it... as to why i want 2wd. ITS SAFER ON ICE, at slow speeds maybe not maybe awd is better but here in montana driving slow on ice only happens when your getting off the freeway or in town.. here are my impreshions and probably shouldt be duplicated by the stupid(or the smart), 87 wagon DR5 speed. crazy scary at 80 mph on packed snow or slushy ice on freeway. thats in 4x4. in 2wd its a white nuckle afair but not bad, i used to drive this wagon 160 miles home from school on the weekends and alot of the winter was conditions as state above my parents 91 legacy. always fells like it want to come around in corners when driving fast on the stuff as well (75-90ish). if you think im makeing it up well thats your deal. my first time braking 100mph was on snowpack on the 2lane from helena MT to threeforks mt it was -20 F and didnt feel to bad. also the trucks here do 70-75 tops in the winter. so 80 relly isnt that bad. the only time ive been off the road going fast was in my 1972 cady deville. maybe some of you think differntly or think i should slow down(probably) but i like 2wd for fast winter driving. (anything above 60mph)
  14. here is the reason i want this. i live in montana(going to move to alaska) lots of reasons, normal driving ice HI AWD no/difflock (cant have that with a normal DR5speed) deep snow HI Awd w/difflock long open auto x (like helena) awd no difflock(again no dr5speed) short auto x, LOW awd with difflock. (no dr5speed) performance driving on snow and ice LOW awd With difflock oh yea and i want all the power i can get to the wheels now im on a budget and while ill be doing Downpipe, intercooler and MAYBE 10lbs of boost i dont want to do things that will cause stuff like WJM was doing(very cool but i dont have the money for it if i did id try to) now the rx trany has some lowrange but the dr5speed is much better and the trany is cheep(rx and 5speed dr) if it would work i could do it for 200 bucks thats cheep for all the options it would present. LOL yea ive got more time then money....
  15. ok just wondering if anyone has tryed this. take a dr5speed, take out the locked center diff portion or whatever and replace it with the center difflock. from a 5speed with diff lock. that way you would have a 5speed 2wd high, 5speed awd high 5speed awd low (now difflock) 5speed 4x4 high, low anyway i asume that the trany cases are differnt so you might need a fulltime dr 5speed for the center diff to work or put the gear set from a dr5speed into a fulltime dr 5speed. anyway i want a 2wd Awd 5speed with diff lock. going to try if i can fine the other tranys. i have the dr5speed so i need a 5speed with difflock or a fulltime 5speed dual range
  16. ok i know its been over and over. im going to get a set of delta cams for my 88 trubo wagon. thing is delta has changed there web page and now i dont know which one to get i know there are two grindes i want the mid cam are there any numbers i should know when i call them.. thanks there old sight was lots better now im lost
  17. wasnt lifted. but 87 carb wagon with 26in tires on it(yes lots of cutting and rear strut spacers anyway.. 75 mph but that was offroad on gravel.
  18. saw my first one today (2 acualy) they are a mini van, just like the honda mini van, ah 18mpg town 23 highway, h6, ish well now all the baja owners have something to trade in for...
  19. never mind i was in the wrong year range the 2 must have been the ea82t nice ones go for about 3-4 k here in bozeman, but its kindof a funny market, here in montana, ive seen 1991 loyal(gl eqivalent) go for as much as 4k,
  20. hum i beg to differ, in some ways (sorry here we go) anyway 74 was the first year for 4wd, i have personaly seen alot(4 or 5) 74 wagons that were 4wd, they use the same taillights as the 72 and 73 tailgate wagons. now they may have been called 1975 model years but they were perduced in 74 before june. now the yard in missula montana used to have a bunch of 74-76 wagons and sedans coupes also. but they were all crushed about 8 mounths ago. since then they have only gotten in one 75 wagon. as for the change here is why i know it was 74, (at least i think) anyone who knows the 72 73 split tail gate wagons, knows the floor sitts much lower then 4wd modles its a differnt platform if you want to think of it that way, after 73 the platform changed it used a higher floor like in the 4wd's but also in the 2wd,(just like a 80s wagon 2wd and 4wd use the same platform) anyway in 74+ they all use the 4wd platform in the wagons. other funny things is,, 72 73 wagons had drum front brakes, no parts are avalible from the dealer or other places brakeshoes, wheel cylinders exctra,
  21. um Rx2, sounds like your talking mazda. they had rx2, 3, 7, ect,,,, subaru made an R2SS but never here, please explaine more.
  22. paul. i dont know about 1400 and 1600 but i will stop by my engin stash there are both 1400 4 port, 1400 single dual port and 1600, ill measure them and let you know tomorrow.
  23. awsome............................ is that the ebay wagon?????????????????????????? its so nice to see another on the road....... what did you get for milage?????????? i got 34 with 800lbs of junk in it at wot.......
  24. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=5899&sort=1&cat=500&page=1
  25. sorry no pix at this time but here is a discription, 1986 GL brat, dark grey with matching low topper. very little rust, 56k miles the funny part, secound owner brat NO steps in the sides and no seats not even seat brakets tthat i could see or even evidence there had ever been any. no damage so the panels where the steps should be arnt replaced,,, so were steps an option in the last years of the brat or what?
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