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Everything posted by tailgatewagon

  1. brian your thinking ... thats bad when it comes to subarus. just buy it and figure out where to park it later. that would be the responsible thing to do., on the seriouse side. its an ea81t GET IT NOW> later brian :D :D :D :D
  2. nice to see you billy no hard fealings. no bad feedback in there somewhere is a set of 1973 service manuals and i would kill for them so if they get shipped to somone and you find them please ill pay more then anyone on this board for them(as im the only one with a 73 ) anyway thanks brian tailgatewagon (subyguy on old board)
  3. here is a pix that should be in the broshurs section look at the funny luvers on thehood, kinda cool acualy. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3655758067&category=13565
  4. if your car dos have the 4spd auto these tranys are hard to come by and are worth a prity penny. mine is blown in my 88 gl-10 (over heats and spues fluid out the vent tube) but it drives find anyway i saw just at 2000 rpm at 80 mph or there abouts. so if you do take it out sell it on ebay or somthing.
  5. ok a cuple of intercooler questions first is there a formula for figureing optimum intercooler size. secound can you put to big an intercooler on. will performance drop if its to big or wil flow become a problem?? im thinkin of this set up. ea82T wrx turbo. new crossover and down pipe. bost contorler to run 12-15lbs intercooler fo course. spider intake. let me know what you think.
  6. guess what they still make the ea81 the legacys they make for the middle east are supose to have ea81s in them...... ill try and track down a source. for this.
  7. anyway got these wheels thought you might like to see them since i didnt see any like it on the wheels page. my buddy just gave them to me. in trade for some work. http://usmb.net/gallery/tailgatewagons?page=2
  8. sorry when i said JW, i ment JW4x4 i think was his name anyway a subaru guy(suposidly) that had lots of mods on his car he was from alaska or somthinganyway sorry JW i MENT the other JW4x4
  9. hi new brat owner. its cool to see one more 1st gen car on the board. oops TRUCK on the board. anyway yes on all first gen cars 1979 and before and 1981 for brat. the vin is on the firewall on the drivers side. it is also on the dash, and on the door or door sill. also it is in the body onunder the rear of the car. not shure where on that last one but i think it used to be in the pass side rear fenderwell on some models. anyway the A somthing is the vin number. later brian oh and on the legality of it. well ive never heard of a problem. if you want clean the firewall good where the vin is and if your ever asked about it just say well this is how i bought it and here is the vin. good luck shot us some pix when you have some time and post them in the galery
  10. front struts for MY 2000 OBS rh 20310FA860 lh 20310FA870 They list the same strut from 98 on up to 2000 poss beyond same strut for rs and outback sport. rear struts for MY 2000 OBS for some reason my book dosnt have the info for the rear obs? sorry front struts for MY 2000 Impreza rh 20310FA220 lh 20310FA230 lists the same for all yearss normal impreza sedan, wagon are differnt.
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6467&item=2452276558
  12. man has anyone seen this thing its like 16k on it and it looks brand new.
  13. well i have access to subaru oem partnumbers for most of the car, on these models brats 85+ hatches85+ loyal-gl- 1985-94 legacy-1990-2000 xts(xt4 and xt6) 85-91 imps 93-2000 svx 92-97 foresters whinever to 2000 so if you need a part number let me know and ill try and find it for you just tell me what your looking for model year 5sd or auto. thanks brian
  14. well i have access to subaru oem partnumbers for most of the car, on these models brats 85+ hatches85+ loyal-gl- 1985-94 legacy-1990-2000 xts(xt4 and xt6) 85-91 imps 93-2000 svx 92-97 foresters whinever to 2000 so if you need a part number let me know and ill try and find it for you just tell me what your looking for model year 5sd or auto. thanks brian
  15. hay i might be up that way in feb my parnts have a place near ovando we should meet ant talk suby trash. maybe go pullaprting or somthing. anyway brian in bozeman
  16. paul i have access to but cant steal parts books from 1972-1996 so once youve exhosted all other options shoot me any part numbers you wish the list can be long i dont mind and ill track them down and what they fit. (id relly only like to help with 70s stuff but hay what can i say) brian
  17. 1973 subaru 1400DL wagon, had one piston replaced and the cylinder re sleaved.(the 1400 has removable sleaves need huh NOT, well kinda) and new headgaskets at 200somthing k anyway running strong and getting 35 mpg at 60mph will 377,850 miles oh yea since the early cars have only !!,!!! digets i tracked down the 6 owners and verifed the milage to be what ive described,
  18. i saw a guy who had this problem (well somthing like it) and he didnt have the ditzy in right. also after all the work on his car (it was running when torn down) his coil had gone but there was still spark. so if you get it all together and have triple checked everything then try the coil. it took us two weeks to figure out what was wrong. anyway good luck there is alot of help to be had here on the board), brian oh and dont worry about being an FNG. were all on the same ladder for the most part and all climbing tword the stars(yea yea ill shut up now)......
  19. Boy oh boy, for the last four years ive been stuck in washington going to school and now im back home in montana the ski area 15min out side of town got 71in in the last 36 hours ive got 2 feet in my front yard and its snowing right now. just had to share. oh yea and the subaru part of this.. we went and hooked two ski lines up behind the car and went out on a gravil road and road down the ditches for almost 3 miles with 4+ feet of powder in them it was awsome. then we went to the mall parking lot and built a 6 foot high jump and were pulling into it with the car it was awsome and all possible because the subaru couldnt be stopped. when the pix get developed ill post some. chears and i hope you get some white stuff. brian
  20. so what did you get that is subaru related for christmas?? i got the go ahead from my wife for a convershion.(always helps to have themoney behind me lol) sohow about you???
  21. call me a dork but did you notice that the service ports are like little stars, and thers 6 of them hummmmmmm there just arranged wrong LOL:D
  22. here i am broke selling my prise posesions and i cant even spell the words im trying to right and you have a secret mobile (insert bad word),,,,,,, just joking come now tell us poorer souls what you have found. please please.. :D :D :D
  23. micky ea82/ea82t, 15066AA000 oil pump impeller(the round one that gos next next to micky 806945020 and the oil pump front main seal. 806718090 you need all three if your going to reseal the oil pump. while your in there front main seal motor 806738070 cam seals 806738040(from memory so check with dealer) ps i can beat the dealer prices with free shipping.
  24. check this out its cool. http://www.jetboat.com.au/jetboat/bits.asp copy and paste.
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