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Everything posted by mudduck

  1. I just read my post, What was I talkin about? That made no sense! The green anti-freeze won't cause corrotion if you DO change it evert year or two. And I'm back to the Coke. I was drinking way too much of that Mountain Dew
  2. The green stuff won't cause rust corrotion if you don't ever change it. And the green stuffs a hell of a lot cheaper than the red stuff.
  3. I don't care what the fenders look like. I'm kind of waiting for the day they rattle off running through the woods. I parked it cause it needed a clutch, and a few other things to be more road worthy, and had got a Honda for the 300 bucks, so I was going to save up some $$$ for a new tranny, lift, wheels and tires for the wagon and use it for a play thing. Don't care what the body really looks like(I need to get a recent picture up) seeing as I use this thing to drag logs out of the woods, among other things.
  4. Its just a guess, though. Check everything under the hood. A plug wire, or vacume line or somthing could have gotten knocked loose.
  5. If you want to bring a tube bender, and the car out to North Carolina, I might could do somthing for ya!
  6. That was the original plan when I took it off the road, but I wrecked my Daily Driver(87 Honda) so I had to just get it road worthy again. Most the rust is on the front fenders, no frame rot.
  7. Maybe in your neck of the woods! I have a hard enough time finding anything in a 13" around here, and no one around here even sells snow tires, well cause it don't snow much here. I have had the same troubl trying to find snow tires online also.
  8. It sounds like the timing might be off a bit. They might not have got everything lined up when they put the car back together.
  9. Woo Hoo:banana: Got the clutch in this thing, cleaned up the inside, and got the thing insured and re-registered! Gave it a much needed tune up today, and man, its one happy car now. Just need to replace the junk reman axles and I'll be ready for the dirt again. Just thought I'd share.
  10. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28367&highlight=150hp+ea81 Theres a link. It was Qman who built the 150 hp Brat. Hell, if you got the knowhow, why not build a ea81?
  11. Wasn't there someone on here a while back that had a 140 hp or 150 hp ea81 in a brat?
  12. What kind of alt are you trying to rebuild, or replace?
  13. MMMM, Fat Tire:slobber: I haven't had a Fat Tire in 3 years, when moved from CO.
  14. Ok they hook to the gutters. Are they adjustable, as in car they be moved foward or back?
  15. I thought this post was about roof racks. Anywas, What are the rails on the Yamica and the Surco racks made of? And do these bolt to the metal on the car or the gutter?
  16. I've been thinking about a after market rack also, not so much for cargo, but I need somthing to hard mount my cb antenna to. These roofs are real flimsy. What is the Yamika racks made from?
  17. With everything tuned right, and with a light foot, you should see 30+ mpg. I have noticed the biggest thing that effects the mpg in my wagon is flooring it to get up to speed. And 45 psi:eek: is way to much air in the tires! When they get hot going down the road, they might just let loose on you. Having a tire blow out from too much pressure running 40+mph ain't no fun!! 35 is the absolute max you should run in the tires on these cars.
  18. Cool, I was thinking it was after looking at where it went today. When I was pulling the motor, I moved the AC lines and pulled the sheathing out of the fire was a good amount. Guess I'll find out if I broke it tomarrow when I get everything hooked back up under the hood.
  19. On a ea82 car, if you are looking at the fire wall from the front of the car on the right hand side, just left of the throtle linkage. Is this the speedometor cable?
  20. Heck, I'd just drive it. I rarely used 5th in my 87 Accord. The things are geared fairly high.
  21. Steel ramps that are long enough for the front and rear wheels to set on would support the weight of the car. I would remove your tailgate though. Getting it up on the back of the truck might be tricky.
  22. The tailgate might break with the weight. Is the car street legal? You could put street tires on it. Or use a dolly.
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