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Everything posted by mudduck

  1. I still haven't figured out what seaform yet:confused:
  2. Thats half the fun!! Depending where you are, you probly need a sprk arrester of some sort.
  3. mudduck

    Levelling a Brat

    Put a load on the back. When level, stop adding weight!
  4. You should pull the alt and have it tested. It sounds like its about toast.
  5. I was thinking, instead of running them out my hood, I could just run them out the front fenders, rust has already made some openings.
  6. That car might not be a 3at if he does what this dude has done with his
  7. That was great!! Patrol for the hole! Hahahaha! We like them fine women...the ones with most of their teeth!! Man, that was great:lol:
  8. Well, I've got my 91 Loyale that needs a clutch before it even leaves the driveway, and up until a week and a half ago I had a 87 Honda Accord LX-i which I totally dystroyed crashing head on into a hillside:rolleyes: Oh yah, and a little honda xr-80? dirt bike that needs to be put back together.
  9. The only reason I blew a head gasket in my old 88 toy was because I overheated the living crap out of it. The ones with 22r from the factory were stronger than the 3.0 trucks also. 3.0 got weak chain driven t-case and the tranny's weren't so hot either. 22r trucks got the gear driver t-cases and those gear driver units are about indistructable.
  10. If you don't fix it, the miles will stay down.
  11. I'm really starting to think that some stacks comming off the manifold and right up out the hood might be the ticket!
  12. Dang right my necks red!! Now hold my beer and watch this!
  13. I'v got my Cobra 25 mounted in the same location in my wagon. looks good!! That pc68 is the same as a 25. I run a Wilson 1000, and a little somthing behind the radio for some extra "kick". Lets just say the car needs to be running and reved up a bit when i key with all the goodies hooked up and running! I just need to get the dang thing back on the road.
  14. The rust hasn't set in yet. Good solid body panels.
  15. I'll have to check that out! Looks like a fun ride, and just a few hours away.(I'm in central NC) Good lookin loyale too.
  16. I'm thinking that i might just run straight pipe out the back of my wagon. Loud pipes save lives.
  17. Its alot easier to replace the axle than just the boot.
  18. Mine's parked with weeds growing around it and its full of useless crap right now. I don't think a pictue of that would fit, unfortunatly.
  19. I decided to delete my last post because i feel that it was a little out of line. I got a little hot headed. We are all on this forum because we all share a common interest in subarus. We all help each other keep these cars on the road(or in the dirt) and this forum has definatly helped me keep my old Loyale going(well, its not going now, clutch is toast). So, thats that, back to the topic at hand, getting ready for winter. Carrying a set of tire chains ain't a bad idea either for those in snow country(my old brat was about unstoppable) Heck, It don't even snow down here in the Carolina, but I carry chains in my wagon, as they really help in the thick mud and muck, just watch for rocks.
  20. This was a decent looking ea 82, Dystroyed for no reson but just for the hell of it. What a shame!
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