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Everything posted by mudduck

  1. ...they any good? Picked up some oil today, and it was 2 bucks cheaper for the 5 quart jugs if I got the filters with the oil that without. Are these decent, or should I toss them in the junk box with the 3 or 4 fram filters I have gotten in similar deals?
  2. This is how I have removed stubbern axle nuts, exept I'm around 40 or 50 pounds heavier.
  3. Replaced one on a BRAT I had years ago with a straight pipe, didn't really effect the exhaust tone. I hollowed the one out thats on my loyale and got rid of the rattling.
  4. That is what I am thinking also. How old are the hoses?
  5. The last coulpe of things I got that were TRW was made in china. Tie rod ends for my Subaru and a pitman arm for a Blazer were from china. I just hope the quality hasn;t gone down.
  6. Your alt is bad. I have had the same symptoms a few times. Light faintly flow, voltage meter droping, rev up the moter to 4 or 5 grand and its good for a little bit. Yep. Alts shot.
  7. Working on a 92 Legacy. The gas gauge goes down to empty when the car is started, and after a minute or two goes back up to where ever it was before the car was started. I'm thinking its just a corroded wire on the sending unit. Am I going in the right direction?
  8. Just as the title says, on a ea82 car. Any tricks I should know before I tear into the tierod? I havn't replaced them on a Subaru, anything I need to be aware of? And to align the front end, do I just back off the jamnut on the outter tie rod and twist the tie rod? Or is there somthing that I am not seeing?
  9. You got a tire or two worn more than the others? If I put mine in 4wd on pavement it will bind and hop a little. I also have missmatched tires. Same size, different treads. No problem in the dirt. What happens when you use 4wd in the dirt?
  10. Sounds like things are binding up. Don't put it in 4wd on pavement.
  11. You should be able to see some cable atatched to the mechinism you need to pull to pop the hood.
  12. If this is an ea82 car you should be able to get to the hood release from under the car and hook it eith a piece of wire or somthing similar. Then when you get the hood open, use the hood release that came out in your hand and hook it to the release mechanism and fish it through the grill. If I had a camera, I would take a picture, but I don't.
  13. When I lived in Colorado, I was going down a slick snow and ice covered trail, in the dark. We took the wrong fork not realizing it until I hit the dead end. I started to back out and the car started sliding off to the right. Well, thats where it all went to hell, in a hurry. She kept sliding down until the pass. side rocker came to rest ofn a good sized rock. If it wasn't for that rock, I would.t be typing this as the car would have rolled a few hundred feet down into the trees. The thing was sitting at such an angle the drivers side tires were about compleatly unloaded. When I walked around the back of the car, I slid on some ice, and started sliding down the hill! I didn't stop until I hit a rock, with my head. From what my gf told me I was out for 5 or ten minutes. Any way, I came to, and wraped up my head itwith an old towel, and we hiked on out of there, where I caaled a friend to come get us, and take me to the hospital. 12 hours , a concution, and 25 stitches later we went to recover the car. We had a couple of straps and a 1/2 ton ford, which didn't even budge the car. After some more thinking and planning, we got my pickup, and another friends jeep, along with a come along and a few log chains and straps to recover the car. with the come along, I ancored the front og the car to a tree to prevent it from sliding any more. anf hooked a log chain to the rear, and ran it up and around a tree to get a pull at the right angle. We had all three trucks hooked in a train to pull the car up and out. I wish I had taken pictures of all this, but pictures were the last thing on my mind! I was more worried that someone might come along and do some heavy damage to the car, or worse, get it rolling over down the hill side. I still have this car, and its currently my dd, and has been for the last 5 years.
  14. Power lines, phone line, heck, even other vehicles will cause interference. There are places i town where I can't here some one a block away from the interference, other spots, clear and good.
  15. Toyota. They are bulletproof. I have had 3300 lbs in the back of the 88 4x4 shortbed I used to own many times. It was no rocket, but even with the 22re, it did just fine. Part of the reason I'm looking for another Toyota now. I need somthing that can haul a bit more of a load than my wagon, and somthing to get me where the wagon won,t quite get to.
  16. On your radio, the reason you might not be hearing channals real well could be from some interference with other electical wires under the dash or how you have your coax run. That is a clean install, looks good.
  17. To get the codes http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=49918 The ecu is behind the panel that is under the steering wheel, infront of your knees. When you turn the ingnition on, you will see the light on the ecu flash. Follow the link I posted.
  18. I am really doubting that it will fit in the ashtray. Those radios are a bit longer. You could do a little cutting and make it fit. And man, it really sucks when the ashtray falls out, especially if you use it for an ashtray.
  19. If you didn't get a subaru clutch cable. Most the part store cables aren't as good. It might just need to be adjusted a little. Any new cable is going to stretch a little.
  20. On the front a usually go with the mid priced pads. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. The drums I have always gone with cheaper shoes.
  21. Just the product I have been searching for!! I have lead paint all build up in my motor. How much for a case!!??
  22. 300,000 miles on my ea 82 running Quaker State 10w-30 for the last 150,000. This moter burns no oils and has been and still is driven HARD. If it was going to blow from lack of lubrication it would be from me not checking the oil and letting it run dry. It is a subaru ya know, they like to leak a little. It wouldn't be because of the oil I use. If that were the case, it wouldnt have never made it this far.
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